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Go With The Flow

"A goal without a plan is just a wish"
If one is expecting to reach some goal than they ought to put some thought into developing a plan to
achieve said goal. The SMART method of goal setting provides an effective means of doing such. SMART
"If you don't know what you want you end up with a lot you don't" ~ Chuck Palanhiuk
Before you set out to achieve a goal it's important to clearly articulate what your goal is. What outcome are
you looking to bring about? What criteria need to be met to provide clear indication that your goal has
been achieved? How will you know these criteria have been met?
“True hope is cleareyed. It sees all the difficulties that exist and all the potential for failure, but through
that carves a realistic path to a better future.”
~ Jerome Groopman
Is your goal attainable/realistic? The steps towards your goals must be actionable to be effective. If one
doesn't have the means, the skills or the resources to put the steps towards their goals into action than one
ought to focus their efforts into developing those skills and acquiring those resources or focus on goals that
are in a more realistic range of possibilities.
Time Bound:
"Goals are dreams with deadlines."
Give yourself a deadline. For each step in your action plan set a specific time when you can reasonably
expect to have it completed. Hold yourself accountable to these deadlines, but if they become unrealistic
due to unforeseen circumstances than adjust them accordingly. As Lao Tzu famously said: "Nature does
hurry yet everything is accomplished".
GO WITH THE FLOW: Planning steps in the present that are specific, measurable, attainable/realistic and
timed can assist in achieving your goals for the future and reaching your fullest potential.

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