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How Tung Desem Interprets Pancasila Values in Pandemic Times

 Jun 1 2020

JAKARTA - Everyone has a way to interpret the values in Pancasila, especially in the midst of the COVID-
19 pandemic. This is how a motivator and marketing expert Tung Desem Waringin interpreted it.

Tung Desem who was also a survivor of COVID-19 conveyed other religions as a beauty. The beauty is
not only in the religion that is followed but also in other religions. According to him, there are many
beautiful lessons from religions that are also soothing.

"So we believe that the Almighty God who has the rights of each of us respects," Tung Desem said
through digital space today, Monday (1/6).

The Just and Civilized Precepts of Humanity are meant to help other humans. According to him, people
who focus on themselves quickly die, while focusing on others and helping others will live longer.

"Humanly speaking, we help other human beings make us more energized and healthier," he said.

In the next precepts, Tung advised not to take the opportunity in the middle of a pandemic by upsetting
Indonesia. He believes it must unite to fight COVID-19.

"We must unite to fight Covid. We understand that there are people who are forced to go out to work,
no need to be criticized. But what comes out please be careful. But those who can at home, please stay
at home. So we must unite, we don't need to criticize others, but how we understand, "he continued.

Tung Desem hopes that we have wisdom and wisdom. This wisdom or wisdom is needed by the
community when facing a situation like now. With wisdom, people can understand the situation and
deal with it.

"Unbelievable wisdom, wisdom is extraordinary so we can see the perspective of others and can
understand, can tolerate," he said.
Finally, he interpreted the 5th precept, Social Justice for All Indonesian People, by assisting the
government in resolving a pandemic.

"We help each other. Focusing on helping others makes us far more energized and healthier, "Tung
Desem repeated.

He said by taking the time to help others, it makes us much happier,

"Even though we help him in small ways, this makes us happier," he said.

Tung Desem advised that the Pancasila is a pillar for Indonesia. The pillars that made the Indonesian
people strong, especially in the face of the current pandemic.

National Task Force Public Communications Team

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