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Elements of Plot: Short Story Lesson Plan

Subject: English/Language Arts/Reading Grade: Middle School

Goals/Objectives/Common Core Standards: RL.6.3 - Describe how a particular story's or drama's plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as
how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.

Opener Read the story together as a class. Check understanding of the story, as you read.

After reading the story, discuss the various forms of conflict:

Person vs. person
Person vs. self
Person vs. nature
Person vs. supernatural
Person vs. society

Ask students what they think is the major conflict in this story.
Activity Once students have agreed on the conflict in the story, together as a class fill out the first box with setting and major characters.
Model how to do this in front of the class.

Next, tell students that it is helpful to determine the climax before moving on. Determining the most suspenseful part of the story
will help students then see the events leading up to and following the climax. Explain to the students that the climax will be the
part of the story that is the most suspenseful; where the reader is still wondering what will happen next. It is also the most
decisive event for the main character. There is going to be some debate on which event is the climax. Make sure students back up
their claim with evidence.

Next, have students work in pairs to determine the events that make up the rising action. Tell the students that this is going to be
where the problem or conflict is escalating. Look for student work that is accurate and detailed, and then share those examples
with the rest of the class.
Closing Explain to students that they will be finishing the plot diagram on their own. They should now look for events that show how the
conflict is resolving. They also should look for a lesson or message that the author might be trying to communicate. This could
later lead to discussions about theme.

Homework Finish the falling action, resolution, and lesson on the plot diagram. Answer the critical thinking questions, using the plot diagram
as a guide.

“Eleven” – Plot Analysis Name: ___________________________________________Per: _____

Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text.

1. Summarize the central idea of the story, “Eleven” in one to three sentences. Use your plot outline as a guide.




Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (e.g., how setting shapes the characters or plot).

2. How does the main character feel about the setting, and/or how does the setting affect the character?




3. How does the main character change from the beginning to the end of the story? Give evidence to support your claim.




Climax - The Decisive, Most Intense Moment

__________________________________________________________ Plot Diagram by Middle
__________________________________________________________ School Minds 2018


Solving the Problem - (Falling Action)


__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________


__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

The Problem/Conflict - (Rising Action) __________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________ Title:_____________________________ __________________________________________________________

Author:___________________________ __________________________________________________________

The Beginning – Setting and Characters - The Ending & Lesson - (Resolution)

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