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They offer different options for those who wish to spend the night and enjoy
Chicaque to the fullest extent.
With their two camp sites, mountain hostal, cabins and treehouses, you're sure to
find an option that fits your needs.
The mountain hostal are more bigger than cabins and tree houses.
In Chicaque you can to find over 20 kms (12.5 miles) of hiking trails. These trails
take you to different points of interest within the park.
In the Map you can look the different trails, as well as the different points of
The trails are very long. There are many trails.
The trail Water fall is more bigger than the rest of trails. Is very extensive and very
beautiful because there is a lot of vegetation.
There are the creeks. The creek “la playa” is the largest.
There is an amazing experience
The park has plans for differents budgets. The prices that can be found in these
One day has the Price of 14.900 pesos (fourteen thousand nine hundred)

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