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Independent Assurance Report

To the Executive Committee of Zurich Insurance Group AG, Zur- Independence and quality controls
ich (‘ZIG’). We have complied with the independence and other ethical re-
quirements of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants
We have been engaged to perform assurance procedures to pro- issued by the International Ethics Standards Board for Account-
vide limited assurance on the consolidated 2015 environmental ants, which is founded on fundamental principles of integrity,
data reporting of ZIG and its consolidated subsidiaries. objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality
Scope and subject matter and professional behavior.
Our limited assurance engagement focused on selected environ- Our firm applies International Standard on Quality Control 1 and
mental data as disclosed in the environmental key performance accordingly maintains a comprehensive system of quality control
reporting section on ZIG’s web-site for the financial year ended including documented policies and procedures regarding compli-
December 31, 2015: ance with ethical requirements, professional standards and appli-
a) The consolidated 2015 environmental key performance indica- cable legal and regulatory requirements.
tors (energy consumption and related carbon emissions (scope
1,2 and 3: business travel), water consumption, waste generat- Summary of the work performed
ed and disposed, paper consumption); and Our limited assurance procedures included, among others, the
b) The management and reporting processes to collect and ag- following work:
gregate the environmental data as well as the control envi-  Review of the application at affiliates
ronment in relation to the data aggregation. Reviewing the application of the ZIG internal environmental
data reporting guidelines using a sample of affiliates in Swit-
Criteria zerland, UK, USA and Germany.
The reporting criteria used by ZIG are described in the internal  Interviews and management inquiry
reporting guidelines and define those procedures, by which the Interviewing selected key contacts responsible for internal en-
environmental data are internally gathered, collated and aggre- vironmental data reporting and data collection at the sample
gated. The internal reporting guidelines are based on the Green- of affiliates and at the ZIG Group level to determine the un-
house Gas Protocol Initiative of the World Resources Institute derstanding and application of ZIG internal environmental
(WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Develop- data reporting guidelines.
ment (WBCSD) and on the ‘G4 Sustainability Reporting Guide-  Assessment of the key figures
lines’ published by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Performing tests on a sample basis of evidence supporting the
environmental key performance indicators as described in the
The accuracy and completeness of environmental data are subject
scope and subject matter section concerning completeness,
to inherent limitations given their nature and methods for deter-
mining, calculating and estimating such data. Further, the carbon accuracy, adequacy and consistency.
emissions quantification is subject to inherent uncertainty be-  Review of the documentation
cause of incomplete scientific knowledge used to determine emis- Reviewing the relevant documentation on a sample basis, in-
sions factors and the values needed to combine emissions of dif- cluding ZIG Group environmental data policies, management
ferent gases. Our assurance report should be read in connection of reporting structures and documentation.
with ZIG’s internal guidelines, definitions and procedures on the  Assessment of the processes and data consolidation
reporting of its environmental data. Reviewing the appropriateness of the management and re-
porting processes for environmental data reporting; and as-
Responsibilities and Methodology sessing the consolidation process of data at ZIG Group level.
The ZIG Executive Committee is responsible for both the subject
matter and the criteria as well as for selection, preparation and We have not carried out any work in respect of projections and
presentation of the information in accordance with the criteria. targets nor such outside of the agreed scope and therefore restrict
Our responsibility is to form an independent conclusion, based on our conclusion to the 2015 environmental data reporting of ZIG as
our limited assurance procedures, on whether anything has come defined in the scope and subject matter section. We believe that
to our attention to indicate that the sustainability indicators are the evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to
not stated, in all material respects, in accordance with the report- provide a basis for our assurance conclusions.
ing criteria. Limited Assurance Conclusions
We planned and performed our procedures in accordance with Based on the procedures we performed, nothing has come to our
the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) attention that causes us to believe that
3000 (revised) ‘Assurance engagements other than audits or a) The consolidated 2015 environmental key performance indica-
reviews of historical financial information’ and with ISAE 3410 tors of ZIG as described in the scope and subject matter sec-
‘Assurance Engagements on Greenhouse Gas Statements’. These tion are not prepared and disclosed, in all material respects in
standards require that we plan and perform the assurance en- accordance with ZIG’s internal reporting guidelines and the
gagement to obtain limited assurance on the selected environ- underlying GRI G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines and
mental data. WRI/WBCSD Greenhouse Gas Protocol; and
b) The management and reporting processes to collect and ag-
A limited assurance engagement is substantially less in scope than gregate the environmental data as well as the control envi-
a reasonable assurance engagement in relation to both the risk ronment in relation to the data aggregation are not function-
assessment procedures, including an understanding of internal ing as designed.
control, and the procedures performed in response to the assessed
risks. Consequently, the nature, timing and extent of procedures Zürich, June 6, 2016
for gathering sufficient appropriate evidence are deliberately
limited relative to a reasonable assurance engagement and there- PricewaterhouseCoopers AG
fore less assurance is obtained with a limited assurance engage-
ment than for a reasonable assurance engagement.

Peter Eberli Raphael Rutishauser

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