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NAT & USE THE POWER OF US AT EAA WELCOME TO THE 7-DAY NO COMPLAINING CHALLENGE! If you want to create real success, you need to believe you are at the steering wheel of your life and that you create your success, fanl-tel lel d AO ILO Remon ToL Rola soln ole NA Most people believe that “life happens to me” and choose to play the (ce) Molm aR Cet sea) tRoL a ermal (OES lL oot eo) aa LaLe they complain — about everything! [1h ol Nine en kod Mol RU Lad Re: 0 oLLe° an Re elma Me detrimental habits you can have. So here's an effective 7-Day No Complaining Challenge to help you use the power of positivity to show you how quickly your life can change if you get rid of the negatives and focus on only the positives. HOW IT WORKS Each day of the 7-Day No-Complaining Challenge you'll be given a new Focus and Declaration for the day. READY FOR THE CHALLENGE? ata Ea Avoid complaining, blaming and justifying when negative things happen to you or have happened to you in the past. It's important to notice if you have the tendency to play the role of a victim in your everyday life. Why? So you can leave that role behind (once and for all). Fully commit to taking charge of your life and creating it exactly how you want it to be! © SULT US a nT Ee 2”) aA Ul aa Observe the vocabulary of the people around you — your family, coworkers and friends. Do they complain a lot? Remember that you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. After today, fully commit to spending more time with positive people and those who help you grow! ©) __ OBSERVE OTHERS COMPLAIN. »)) UU SUT a 2 COO aE aS Wo UN Naas [toto ERMA thoughts that pop up throughout your day. Make a note of them. Are they true? Could you choose a more positive thought? Remember your thoughts lead to your feelings, your feelings lead to your actions, and your actions lead to your results! Fully commit to the realization that your thoughts create the outcomes of your life. © BECOME AWARE OF ANY NEGATIVE THOUGHTS CU UCU 2”) OS ETN CS ha {>t gem A La omen) late) A you complain, and how often you complain. Is there a pattern? Do you complain about the same things over and over again? Fully commit to the realization that how you react to life cleo aol ation Weak aol RTL happens to us, but we can choose how we react. © BECOME AWARE OF YOUR COMPLAINING a 2”) “MY RESPONSE CREATES MY OUTCOME.” Practice turning any negative total ale Rol Maal oleh Cool al ale om Tn anol as caren al Ra happening FOR you, not TO you. These so-called “negative” experiences make you stronger and help prepare you for future opportunities. Fully commit to focusing on what you want, not on what you don't want. © UES OS a aS ry) LE Ea a Focus on positivity ONLY by using positive words all day today. This alone will keep you in a positive state which will help you overcome obstacles and challenges quickly. Fully commit to Seay Modan ete lao <1) nT 4) (let ieCe le ted Lolel ee ad ol U R401 alae meole NEE © UNSC USD aL »)) “LAM OPTIMISTIC. | BELIEVE EVERYTHING & eS ORCS SU Tail RN Ta a Focus on appreciation — be sure to count your blessings as many times as possible. Living in a state of gratitude ST laae-lemailelg-m ores ie alae oll ie Fully commit to understanding that what you focus on expands, so stay focused on the positive! © OULU TEA assy Tih as 2”) EUS ha Did you complete the challenge? If so, you deserve a reward to celebrate following through on your commitment. Rewarding yourself helps build new habits and ingrains the feeling of celebrating in your life. Choose a reward you want to take when you complete the challenge. It can be big or small, just make sure you don't skip this step! A “TO YOUR FREEDOM" nts Oe a oa NETWORK HARVEKER.COM HARV EKER INTERNATIONAL ©2017

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