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LGBT+ Language Panel: Derogatory and Inclusive language

I. Welcome
A. Disclaimer, Introduction of self and panelists
i. Name, pronouns, relationship to the LGBT community, relationship to
Loras if applicable.
II. Questions
A. The importance of inclusive language
i. How should this be used in classrooms
ii. How can professors and coaches correct offensive language
iii. How can we use inclusive language every day?
B. The impact of the F-word(f*ggot)
i. Talk about experience with it
ii. How did it affect you?
C. The term Queer
i. Offensive versus identity
ii. When can it be used?
iii. When can it never be used?
iv. Experiences with it
D. The impact of other offensive language. Any personal experiences?
i. Transvestite/Tranny
ii. Dyke
iii. Homo/homosexual
iv. Hermaphrodite
E. Phrases, comments, descriptors
i. “that’s so gay”
ii. “no homo”
iii. “did you just assume my gender”—offense sarcasm
iv. Bisexuality does not exist
v. Flaming
F. When we hear derogatory or not inclusive language, what do you suggest we do?
III. Open floor to Q&A for panelists
A. If quiet:
i. What do you believe is the most common reason for those using the
derogatory language?
ii. How can we stop ourselves/others from using this language?
iii. How can I make a difference in stopping the language on a college
iv. How can I ask someone about their identity without being offensive or
coming off as offensive when trying not to be? Particularly if they are
v. How can coaches and athletes use non-binary terms on teams labelled by a
“single gender”?
B. Additional comments by panelists if needed
IV. Conclusion and thank you
A. Please fill out survey!

By Krystyna Kaminski

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