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“GOD BECAME MAN” is a doctrine believed by the Roman Catholic

Church and by most Protestant denominations.

However, Jews and Muslims (whose religions descended from

Abraham) count it as a very perverse doctrine. They resist the idea that
“the Creator transformed into a creature” because it frontally contradicts
the teachings of the Mosaic Torah and of the Islamic Koran. The
implications were also considered blasphemous:

1) GOD has died.

2) GOD has changed.
3) GOD has limitations.
4) GOD has another identity.
5) GOD has a mother, a beginning.

But the theologians of the Roman Catholic and Protestant Churches

do not care about those dreadful implications of their theory. They were
joyriding on their concept that GOD has impressively launched what
seems to be an impossible and incredible mission of redemption.

They like the idea that because of GOD’s love for HIS creation HE has
defied the immutable character of HIS Being; that because of great
necessity HE took off the glory of HIS Divinity and mutated into a humble
form that has flesh and blood required to buy out HIS people from the
custody of the Devil. They enjoy the notion that GOD Himself suffered and

Nobody is questioning GOD’s love for HIS people or HIS way of

sacrificial offerings. The question is, “Can’t GOD save man by sending
SOMEONE who would do HIS will? Does the work of atonement require
the shattering of GOD’s divine integrity? Would you lose a king’s head for
a soldier’s life? Was it really needful for GOD to devolve HIMSELF and be
disgraced in order to frustrate the wiles of Satan? Have they not likened
GOD to hungry Esau or to an exasperated fool who plows his land with his
bare hands? Is not GOD a “wonderful counselor”? Yes, HE is; then, is it not
proper to believe that HE has prepared in advance a “MAN” of grace and
truth to do for HIM the great job of salvation? Yes, it has to be like that.
But the theologians of the Churches feel confident with their theory
because their references were also taken from the Bible. They think it’s a
mystery that GOD would despise HIS glory and appear in a humiliated
form. Such a sacrifice, if true, would be more painful than dying on the
cross a million times. So, let’s get curious of their basis for a theory that has
offended the Jews, the Muslims and the Christians who believe in an
unchanging, indivisible, invisible, intangible, immortal, eternal, glorious,
majestic, omniscient, omnipotent GOD.

The primary support of the “GOD made flesh” doctrine is found in

the New Testament. You have it in the Gospel according to John,
chapter 1: verses 1 and 14. In the King James Version, it says:

Verse 1: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was
with GOD, and the Word was GOD.”

Verse 14: “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,
and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of
the FATHER, full of grace and truth.”

The first verse introduced a controversial statement: “the Word was

GOD.” Add to it, “the Word was made flesh” and the revolutionary
conclusion swept people off their feet: “GOD was made flesh” in the
person of Christ, the Son. From this conclusion the following strange
doctrines were derived: GOD the Son, Mother of GOD and GOD has died!
There was nothing wrong with, “the Word was made flesh.” The
“Word” is understood as GOD’s Plan, Counsel, or Idea concerning Christ
as the Life-giver. “Was made flesh” should mean, the Plan has materialized
or the Idea was actualized. But the extra-biblical conclusion, “GOD was
made flesh” was fired with an artillery of questions because it violates the
very solid precept of the Bible that there is but one Spirit-GOD who will
not become something or someone else, much less a mortal and inferior
being. The Old Testament has put it straightly: “I am GOD and not man”
(Hosea 11:9). In the New Testament Christ described God as untouchable
and invisible: “GOD is Spirit.” (John 4:24) While Him: “Handle Me and see,
for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.” (Luke 24:39).

But, you see, “God was made flesh” is an inevitable conclusion, if it

was true that “the Word was GOD.” So the root of the problem is
somewhere here. For if the Word was really GOD, and that Word-GOD
was with GOD, then there were two GODs in the beginning! And that is a
very big foul.

A “word” is a concept or purpose belonging to the one who thinks
about it. When did one’s thoughts became himself? If GOD’s “word” is
GOD, then man’s “word” is man. So one could clone himself just by
conceiving an idea? Having two GODs together (GOD plus Word-GOD) is
terribly annoying and it desecrates the unity of God! The entire Bible
teaches monotheism. All from Adam to Moses to Abraham to David to
Christ to the Apostles teach one GOD. Therefore, this phrase, “the Word
was GOD” is highly objectionable. It should be re-examined thoroughly.

The Gospel of John was originally written in the Greek language.

What was the Greek term used by John for the English word “GOD”? He
used two related words, Theos and Theios. Note the difference of one
letter, “i”.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with
THEOS, and the Word was THEIOS.”

THEOS is “God” in English, and THEIOS is “Divine” (of GOD) or

“GODlike”. You see, the English translation of John 1:1 was actually
flawed! The great delusion that bugs Christianity for a long time should be
blamed on the faulty translation of John 1:1. It should be rendered: “In the
beginning was the Word, and the Word was with GOD, and the Word was
DIVINE.” Or, more simply:

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with GOD,
and the Word was GODlike.”

This way there is no confusion at all and everything is in order. We

only have, “Divine Word” or “Word of God” and none of the mistaken,
“GODWord.” The “Word of God” refers to GOD’s wonderful Design to
save His people from their sins and grant them Eternal Life through the

This was confirmed by John in his epistle (1 John 1:1).

“That which was from the beginning, which we have heard (i.e.,
prophesied), which we have seen with our eyes (i.e., born of
Mary), which we have looked upon (when He preached), and
our hands have handled (as He ministered), concerning the
Word of Life (i.e., the Christ). For the Life was manifested, and
we have seen it, and bear witness (i.e., the Gospel), and show
to you that Eternal Life which was with the Father, and was
manifested unto us.”

That is very clear. Now, here is another scripture which helped create
the “GOD became flesh” doctrine -- 1 Timothy 3:16. In the King James
Version it states:

“Without controversy great is he mystery of godliness: GOD

was manifest in the flesh…”

“Manifest” means, “obvious or evident.” GOD could indeed be

observed and understood in His creation, especially in His Son. But,
“manifest in the flesh” was again distorted to mean, “became” (manifested)
or “turned into” flesh, which is a different story. Lately, however, Bible
scholars have discovered from the most reliable manuscripts that Paul did
not say, “GOD was manifest;” instead, he wrote, “He was manifest.” And
“He” refers to Christ, not to GOD. Here are the renditions of the New
International Version and the New World Translation, respectively:

“Beyond all question, the mystery of godliness is great: He

appeared in a body…”

“Indeed, the sacred secret of this godly devotion is admittedly

great: He was made manifest in flesh…”

So, it is plain that Christ, the Message of Salvation, the Word of
Eternal Life, was the one who appeared physically -- not GOD; exactly as
John wrote: Every spirit that confesses that “Christ is come in the flesh is of
GOD.” But those who say that it was GOD Himself who became flesh “is
not of GOD; and this is that spirit of antichrist.” (1 John 4:3)

This is a very serious matter. It appears that “GOD became flesh” is a

demon’s doctrine. Nonetheless, Catholic and Protestant catechists are quick
to amend that GOD’s transformation to a human form was temporary; that
after a short period of 33 years the “GOD-Christ” TRANSFORMED BACK
into His original state as “Father-GOD.”

They would liken Him to a Bank Manager who on a weekend

would go to his farm with a lowly suit, but on office days he again puts
on his formal attire. And they don’t lack a scripture to back up this
RE-TRANSFORMATION idea. They would even cite John 20:17 where
Christ told Mary:

“Touch Me not; for I am not yet ascended to My Father. But go

to My brethren, and say to them, I ascend to My Father and
your Father, and to My GOD and your GOD.”

You see, after His resurrection the Lord still acknow-ledged His GOD
and FATHER in heaven. And, in fact, He truly ascended to heaven from
Mt. Olivet at the sight of His Disciples. But Divine Transformationists
have interpreted Christ’s word very differently. They gave “ascend” a
totally impractical and super-spiritual meaning, such as: “get promoted” as
FTHER or “transform again” into a majestic GOD. They claim that after His
humiliating job as redeemer, Christ got promoted or He revolved into His
former glorious GODhood in heaven.

Granted that Christ has RE-TRANSFORMED, if indeed He has become the
FATHER again then, of course, He would not be seen or heard anymore in
heaven as Someone distinct from the FATHER. But that is not so; for
Stephen saw heaven opened and the Son of Man standing in the right hand
of GOD. Paul also heard Christ talk to Him from heaven when he fell from
his horse on his way to Damascus. But, Divine Transformation
philosophers would dismiss those realities saying: those were merely
voices and visions which are some sort of drama similar to what John the
Baptist heard and saw after baptizing Christ. No, they don’t believe that
GOD was really speaking from heaven when Christ was on earth; and they
don’t believe that Christ was really talking from heaven when He has

Now, therefore, let us see if Christ, the Son of GOD returned, as they
alleged, to a “GOD-the-FATHER” state after His ascension or, to be sure,
after the end of everything. In 1 Cor. 15:24-28 Apostle Paul was talking
about Christ.

“Then comes the end, when He hands over the Kingdom to GOD,
even the FATHER, when He puts an end to all rule and all authority
and power. For He must reign, till HE (GOD) has put all enemies
under His feet. The last enemy that will be destroyed is death. For
„HE (GOD) has put all things under His (Christ‟s) feet‟ (Psalms 8:6).
But when it says, „All things are put under Him‟, it is evident that
HE who puts all things under Him is excepted. Now when all things
are made subject to HIM, then the Son Himself will also be subject
to HIM who put all things under Him, that GOD may be all in all.”

So, you see, until the end Christ never “re-transformed” into
Almighty GOD, because in the first place, GOD never

“transformed” into a lowly man. Hence, Divine Transformation is a false
theory. GOD did not become man who later became GOD again. The
FATHER did not become the Son who later became the FATHER again.
The SPIRIT did not become flesh who later became SPIRIT again. The
Christ is not “GOD the Son”; that could not be found in the Bible. He is “the
Christ, the Son of the living GOD.” (Matthew 16:16) GOD has no mother;
Mary was the worthy mother of Christ’s flesh, as it is written,

“Therefore, when Christ came into the world, He said: „Sacrifice

and offering YOU did not desire, but a body YOU prepared for
Me; with burnt offerings and sin offerings YOU were not
pleased. Then I said, „Here I am – it is written about Me in the
Scroll – I have come to do YOUR will, O GOD.‟” (Hebrews

Now, if He was not GOD himself who came in a human form then,
who is Christ? Well, He was the SAVIOR conceived by GOD in the
beginning -- the seed of the Woman, the seed of Abraham, the seed of King
David -- prepared for many generations. He was the One sent by GOD to
redeem the world; the Son of Man tested in the wilderness and proven
perfect to be GOD’s Servant; the wise and strong One who saved GOD’s
chosen. He uttered the words of Eternal Life. He has the SPIRIT of Life. He
himself was the Way, the Truth, the Life. He was the Light that once
conquered the world but was rejected by the people; the One raised by
GOD from the dead; the big Brother of Saints; the teacher and exemplar of
faith and righteousness. The greatest of prophets was He, the holiest of
priests, and the most valiant of kings. He was the reason for the creation of
all things. He was the representative of GOD on earth and the
representative of Man in heaven. Full of excellence and majesty is the
Beloved Son of GOD. Hosanna in the highest!

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