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Target= Oct 11 2020

Title When Started When Finished Summary

1. The Curious Oct 11 Nov 5 Christopher is an

Incident of the auistic boy who one
Dog in the night finds
nighttime mrs.shears dog dead
on their lawn and
makes it his goal to
find the murderer but
during the process he
finds some secrets
about his family.

2. Minecraft The Oct 11 Oct 15 The main character

Island wakes up to an
unknown world which
to us is the minecraft
world. Read his tale
of how he survived
and overcame great
challenges such as
fighting zombies to
finding out his new
abilities in this world.

3. 39 clues Oct 12 Oct 12 After the “death” of

Book 4, beyond the their uncle Alsister
grave Oh, Dan and Amy are
headed for egypt
hoping to find their
next clue and meet
Grace’s old friend,
but what they don’t
know is that Grace’s
lost friend was an

4. Warriors, Oct 12 Oct 13 Lionblaze and

Omen of the jayfeather start to
stars, the first realise that the
apprentice prophecy isn’t over
( Book 1 and that their new
season 4) cousin is actually a
part of the prophecy.
A drought terrorizes
that 4 clans and the
evil forces of the dark
forest are gaining
more power and are
starting to gain
physical forms.

5. Timmy failure Oct 16 Oct 21 Timmy failure is a kid

(Book 1) who runs an
"Detective agency"
with his pet polar
bear Total. He is at
elementary school
and he sucks at
school cause he
doesn't try. His best
friend rollo is
normally pulled in his
shenanigans such as
coming up with a last
minute play or
stealing back his
mom's segway.

6. Warriors, Oct 16
Omen of the
stars, Fading
Echoes (book

7. 39 clues, the Oct 21


8. Timmy failure Oct 21

(book 2)

9. Charlie Joe Oct29 Oct 31 Charlie Joe is an 8th

Jackson's who totally despises
guide to not reading and does
reading(Audio anything not to read
book) and for the past
couple of years
asked his best friend
to read for him for the
simple price of an ice
cream sandwich but
this deal eventually
takes a wrong turn
and both of them face
the consequences.

10. Diary of a Oct 28 Nov 4 Greg is a middle

wimpy kid school student who is
forced to write a diary
about his. You get to
learn about his
struggles funny
moments in his life.

11. How they Nov 5


Title Date started Date finished summary

1 The Curious Oct 11

Incident of the Dog
in the night time

2 the immortal Oct 11

secrets of nicholas
flamel book 2: the

3 diary of an 8-bit Oct 12 Oct 19 The book

warrior book 1 introduces the main
character: runt a
villager from the
video game
minecraft it shows
the readers his life

4 diary of an 8-bit Oct 12 Oct 19 The world of

warrior book 2 minecraft has
become real and
humans are
becoming stuck in it

5 diary of an 8-bit Oct 12 Oct 19

warrior book 3

6 diary of an 8-bit Oct 12 Oct 19

warrior book 4

7 diary of an 8-bit Oct 12 Oct 19

warrior book 5

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