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Coronavirus is significant human and creature virus that can cause a disease.

late 2019, a novel coronavirus was recognized as the cause of a bunch of pneumonia
cases in Wuhan, China. It spread very quickly, bringing about an epidemic all
through China, trailed by an expanding number of cases in different nations all
through the world. In February 2020, the WHO (World Health Organization) assigned
the infection COVID-19, which represents coronavirus disease 2019. Numerous
individuals have needed to self-isolate to secure their well-being or care for
their kids. Also, most seniors have constrained their exercises as they are at more
serious danger of complications if they contract the infection. Therefore, the
deliberate area has been understaffed. Most of the cultural, sports and educational
activities have been dropped because of the proximity of members in the conveyance
of the great or administration. This was likewise the situation for a few different
business activities (e.g., Restaurants, Cloth stores). Demand drops for items and
services considered unnecessary when most people stay at home. Provincial
governments decide if every industry is essential else not and promoted the
essential area and appreciated the employees who are working the essential
services. A few sectors of Canada's economy are comprised of a bigger portion of
small and medium-sized entrepreneurs (SMEs), which might not have the income to
counterbalance huge income misfortunes over prolong period. Mainly the non-
essential sectors are considered in this category of the economy sector and the
sectors that face the most negatively affected are hospitality, arts/recreation,
retail and personal services. According to a survey conducted by the Canadian
Federation of Independent Business (CFIB), half of small businesses reported a drop
in sales due to COVID-19. Some workplaces reduce hours for their staff and some
started the temporary layoffs. About half of the sectors will not be able to sale
their products if they are lacking of Face-to-Face contact with the customers,
according to the CFIB survey.
Men's Clothing Stores is the Identified business segment that is impacted by the
Covid-19 and in which the writer interested in.
Description: This industry involves foundations essentially occupied with retailing
a general line of new men's and boys' dresses that are ready-to-wear. These
foundations may also provide some basic alterations, for example, stitching, taking
in or letting out creases, or extending or shortening sleeves.
The NAICS code for this business segment is 44811.
Total Stores: There are 383 Employers for the men’s clothing store and 153 non-
employers/indeterminate in Ontario.
Number of Employees: There are 127 stores that have the employee range 1-4. These
stores are considered in the Micro Employment size category. There are 253 stores
that have the employee range 5-99. These stores are considered in the Small
Employment size category. There are 253 stores that have the employee range 100-
499. These stores are considered in the Medium Employment size category. There is
no large employment size category store in Ontario as there is no store that has
more than 500 employees working on it.
Revenue: Their average revenue in Canada is approximate $552.8 thousand with about
69.9% of profitable rate.
The main purpose of this business is to offer quality, name their brand in a
variety of sizes and styles to oblige all different body styles and shapes with
respect to the current trends and the future trends.
• The very first goal would be to identify the current consumer trends along
with the items they can want in the future.
• Always try to remain their business as a Profitable business.
• Branding is another important fashion goal.
• Investing in the broad showcasing and publicizing systems that can uncover
the business items.
• Have reliable distributors who can expose the business label in the market.
• Showcase an assorted range of items for your clients for various
circumstances and seasons.
Business Function:
• Visual Merchandising: Structuring and setting up business showcases to
support customers is a significant obligation in the retail clothing industry.
Window dressers and product displayers design eye-catching shows to pull in the
consideration of purchasers. Retailers who take an interest in exchange shows
likewise need to utilize visual merchandising to attract clients.
• Showcasing: People in the retail clothing industry frequently showcase their
items through print publicizing. Owners and managers might be engaged with settling
on promoting techniques and setting the showcasing financial plan. Print
publicizing as paper and magazine ads just as regular postal mail postcards to
announce deals and promotions are additionally utilized to market their products.
• Overseeing Staff: Store management plays a key role in the clothing
businesses. Retail location supervisors recruit and administer store work force.
Positions in a retail location can incorporate salesmen and clerks, IT specialists
and accountants. The supervisor/manager guarantees that people are trained for
their positions and that they play out their employments well.
• Stock Control: The retail apparel owner or manager might be responsible for
stock control. This implies there must be a system set up to uncover when more
merchandise should be requested. The manager's obligations incorporate ensuring
orders are in on schedule, paying for the request and monitoring what amount is
spent to make sure about more products available for sale.
• Client assistance: Retail clothing managers and owners give client support to
deal with complaints and issues as they arise. How the customer encounters client
assistance can mean the contrast between a fulfilled repeat client and an irate
client who takes the business somewhere else.

SWOT Analysis:
SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.
Strengths: the strengths for the men’s retail store can be the financial backing of
the retailers. Cheaper prices of the wholesale items, raw items or the cheaper
labor can also be another strengths. Also, if the company is selling something
unique as compare to its competitors present in the market can also be considered
as the strength of the company.
Weaknesses: By doing some statistical surveying, the retailer can check in the
event that it has a weak brand icon versus key contenders or absence of character
in the commercial center. For example, the store may sell both modest and costly
brands, so it comes up short on a characterized place in the client's mind.
Basically, the store offering to all market fragments may mean it has no upper hand
that separates it from different retailers.

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