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Bone Marrow, Oil, and Cytoplasm 

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Chapter 2: Dinner with a Killer Robot 
Papyrus felt e​ cstatic​. This was it, the day he would ​finally​ be able to prove 
to the underground just how great he was! And even better was that he would be 
able to do it with Mettaton right there with him! He was absolutely, positively 
100% certain that everything would be just as he imagined it would be! Just as 
Mettaton always said! There would be ​glitter!​ There would be ​glamour!​ There would 
be f​ abulousness!​ There would be ​STARS!  
And Papyrus just couldn’t wait! 
He knew he probably looked overly giddy as he went around helping all of the 
employes set up, but at the moment, he really couldn’t care less about anything 
they were thinking. After all, the GREAT PAPYRUS was ​finally​ getting to live out 
his dreams! He would get everything that he utterly deserved! Respect! 
Recognition! And maybe people would even ask to be his ‘friend?’ 
But showing all of Mettaton’s employes just how great the great Papyrus was 
would have to wait until later, for now he would just have to settle for showing 
them how good he was at cleaning and setting things up.  
He straightened up after helping to lay out a pink carpet, one of many that 
he believed were exquisitely expensive. He thought that they were overrated, in 
the end, why buy something that expensive if you were just going to walk on it. 
Taking a small break to stretch his back, Papyrus took a quick look around 
what was once recognizable as the living room. There were pink and black sequins 
and glitter all over the place to start, and along with the pink carpet he just 
finished unrolling, there was also a huge embellished dining set in place of their old 
one, but what caught most monsters eyes, or eye, was the big decorative sign that 
said Dinner With A Killer Robot in a big flowing font hanging on the back wall. Once 
again, Papyrus thought most of it was tacky. 
At the moment, the room was turning a bit hectic as some monsters in the 
kitchen were currently engaged in the challenging task of trying, and sadly failing 
if Papyrus was to be honest, to snatch a bottle of some of the wash-off adhesive 
sequins back from a small and annoying dog that Sans always insisted on keeping 
around. Huffing under his breath about how the dog always seemed to do stuff like 
that, he slowly made his way through all the other people to help the poor 
After a brief struggle they had finally managed to corner and get the bottle 
from the dog, when he saw a glimpse of Sans helping another moldsmal with some 
paperwork through the window. It looked like quite a lot of paperwork, but it 

seemed like they were going through it pretty fast. He was so very happy that 
Sans was okay with letting Mettaton film an episode of Dinner With A Killer Robot 
with him! But, well, maybe okay wasn’t exactly the right word… 
Papyrus had absolutely no idea why Sans didn’t like Mettaton, besides that 
fact that perhaps something might have happened maybe? He didn’t even know how 
Sans knew Mettaton in the first place, Sans kept too many secrets for him to even 
guess anyway. But regardless of how Sans always kept him guessing, he still trusted 
Papyrus wondered off upstairs into his room, knowing that no one would be 
up there. Closing the door behind him, he tried to distract himself from his 
thoughts before he started feeling too conflicted. He didn’t want to be distracted 
with them when Mettaton showed up after all! 
Piping up he tried to make up an excuse for both why, and how, Sans knew 
Mettaton. Maybe Sans had met Mettaton as he was trying to set up a surprise 
meeting for him! Or to trying to get backstage tickets! And Mettaton had said he 
couldn’t and THAT was why Sans didn’t like him! 
Just thinking about Sans trying to do something like that for him made him 
feel like he could conquer the underground with all of his happiness! 
Before he could think any further he was startled out of his thoughts when 
he heard the front door fly open. 
“Hello, my DARLINGS!” 
Head flying around to look at the clock on his wall he was shocked to find 
that it was already 4:00. Excitement swelling on his face he rushed down stairs as 
Mettaton walked in, presumably from after kicking open the door.  
Mettaton immediately started to order everyone around as he took a quick 
glance at everything, it seemed like there was no time to waste to the engaged 
“Burgerpants! That chair is a couple inches w
​ ay​ too far to the right!” He 
exclaimed dramatically, letting his voice ring.   
The cat monster, presumably named Burgerpants, mumbled something about 
how working on sets wasn’t his job, before proceeding to move the chair like 
Mettaton ordered. 
Squealing silently Papyrus rushed over to where the star stood. 
“I can’t believe I, the GREAT Papyrus, am meeting the FAMOUS Mettaton!” 
Papyrus said confidently, startling Mettaton mildly with his loud voice causing him 
to turn around. 
Recovering himself from the slight shock, Mettaton smiled, “Ah! Yes my 
darling!~ You must be the ever so important Papyrus I’ve heard about!” He greeted 

Stars appeared in his eye sockets as he heard what Mettaton had said, “You 
are correct as always!” Papyrus declared eagerly, striking a pose, “I just happen to 
be the one you’re looking for!” 
Mettaton laughed brightly, “Well well welly well! Looks like I have the 
perfect partner in crime for tonight! I can’t till later darling~ You’re so cute I 
could just eat you up!” 
“Nyeh heh heh,” Papyrus said softly blushing. 
Mettaton looked down at his watch on his wrist, and looked at the monsters 
surrounding him, clapping his hands to get everyone’s attention. 
“We have to get ready for recording soon! Finish up on the set so we can 
start!” he barked. 
The monsters rushed about making sure even all of the microscopic like 
details were in place, before they all withdrew to a safe distance so that the robot 
could inspect everything. 
Mettaton hummed, “I guess this will have to do, it’s not like you monsters 
have ever really meet my standards before, so I shouldn't have expected it now.”  
He stalked back to where Papyrus and the employees were standing, snapping 
his metal fingers twice for the dress and makeup designers to get to work on 
Papyrus, before his own personal one rushed over to him. 
“Oh, and Papy dear!~” He called out as he slowly strode away, “I happened to 
provide some clothes for you if you don’t mind. I am just about ​dieing, t​o see them 
on you!” 
Papyrus sputtered a little, have an internal struggle about the few words 
that Mettaton had just said. There was no way the Great Papyrus could change out 
of his battle body! That would leave him vulnerable and unprotected against 
surprise attacks! But at the same time, Mettaton had probably spent a lot of time 
picking out the clothes for him and he didn’t want to disappoint. 
“Sir, I’m sorry but I’m going to have to ask you to change out of, that, uh, 
thing, and into this,” one of the designers said as they waved some dress clothes in 
front of them. 
“What? Change out of my battle body! You must be joking!” He replied in 
disbelief. There was no way the Great Papyrus could change out of his battle body! 
That would leave him vulnerable and unprotected against surprise attacks! 
Papyrus suddenly jumped back to his feet rushing into the kitchen. “I, the 
GREAT Papyrus, shall make you the best spaghetti you have ever tasted!” 
Mettaton’s face was already scrunched up, and he wasn’t even able to taste 
things. “That sounds...great...darling.” 
Papyrus rushed into the kitchen, putting on his favorite apron. He threw 
some water in the pot, and starting to smash things, just like Undyne taught him. 

Ten minutes later, as Papyrus somehow managed to get a steaming bowl of 
violently-crafted spaghetti, Papyrus heard Mettaton’s voice. 
“Hello, beauties and gentlebeauties! Welcome to this week’s episode of 
Dinner With Mettaton! In today’s episode, we are eating spaghetti with Papyrus!”  
Papyrus walked over with the spaghetti, non-existent beads of sweat running 
down his face. He placed the steaming bowl in front of Mettaton, and where his 
spot was going to be.  
Mettaton gave Papyrus a half smile, and looked back at the camera. “Meet 
Papyrus, from Snowdin Town! What do your hobbies include?” 
“Well, that’s a great question, Mettaton! (Not as great as me, of course.) I 
like to cook with Undyne, mostly spaghetti, and I like capturing humans (even 
though I never met one yet)!” 
“Oh, that’s nice,” Mettaton said like he was a robot. Oh wait, he is a robot. 
After an hour of random hints of smalltalk, Mettaton looked at the time. “Oh, it 
looks like the show is almost over! Thank you, my 11 viewers, for tuning in. Toodles!” 
Mettaton seemed like he was rushing to get out of the shoot. 
“I CAN’T BELIEVE I JUST MET METTATON!” screamed Papyrus. “Well, I’m 
going to work now, unlike my lazy bones brother who’s just going to nap all night! 
“It’s called sleep bro--” 
Sans looked at the bags under Papyrus’ eyes. “...You need sleep.” 
“I, the GREAT PAPYRUS, refuse to sleep!” 
Sans, growing tired of this, picked Papyrus up. 
“Too bad.” Sans lazily walked to Papyrus’ room and dropped him on his bed. 
“Night, Pap.” 
“You might have beaten me this time brother…” Papyrus started. “But can 
you at least read me a bedtime story?” 
“Sure, Pap.” 
The next day, Papyrus was quick to turn on the TV so he can watch the MTT 
“Welcome to the MTT show, my darlings! Today, there’s going to be a cooking 
segment!” Papyrus stared at the TV. ​Oooh! Cooking! I LOVE cooking! ​Papyrus 
thought. He loves MTT so much that he didn’t even see Sans walk into the room. 
“Why are you still watching Mettaton’s stupid little TV show when you could 
be doing so much more with your life? Be like me and do nothing!” Sans shook his 

head. “Look. You know I don’t really like Mettaton too much. Please. You won’t 
Papyrus didn’t know what Sans was talking about. He never saw his brother 
be so serious. Maybe he should stop watching Mettaton’s show, but he couldn’t bear 
doing it. He loved his brother to death though, even though he doesn’t get anything 
Chapter 3: Glamburgers and Flowers  
“Are you ready for your performance?” one of the MTT crew asked.  
“I guess--” Mettaton started. He was interrupted by Alphys.   
“Wait! You need this extra battery!” Alphys seemed panicked. “Listen! This is 
an emergency! Your battery might not last the whole hour you’re on! 
“It’s still at 50%!” Mettaton looked at his wristlet. “It’s time! LIGHTS! 
LEGS! SOUNDTRACK! ACTION! Did I mention legs?” 
Mettaton walked to where the camera can see him. The crew scurried 
around behind the cameras. Froggit started fiddling around with the lights. The 
telltale MTT theme started playing. He was given the OK by the crew. 
“IT’S SHOWTIME, MY DARLINGS!” Mettaton stood, staring at the camera. 
“We all know what today is! It’s the season premiere! That means that in only ten 
minutes, I’m going to jump into a 12-foot deep pool of MTT Brand Glamburgers!” 
Five minutes later, after a short quiz-type game, Mettaton looked to the live 
“Five minutes left until I jump into a pool of MTT Brand Glamburgers!” 
Mettaton stepped to the far side of the stage. A large trap-door opened at the 
bottom of the stage. “Meanwhile, do you see that beautiful number on those MTT 
Brand Glamburger coupons? Throw them into the pool when I give the word. I will 
grab one in the pool and the winner will get 10 years worth of MTT Brand 
glamburgers, AND a lifetime of backstage passes! Oh! It’s time!” 
Mettaton walked over to the diving board. He climbed up the ladder and 
when he finally got up there, he looked down. 
“Glamburger time! Wait, I almost forgot to say that they are MTT Brand!” 
Glamburgers poured from the ceiling into the abyss of the pool. The audience 
hurled their tickets into the pool for the chance to finally meet their one and only 
idol. “Marvelous, my darlings! Ok! Here I go!” 
He jumped from the diving board into the Glamburgers. He then emerged 
with a ticket in hand.  
“The winner of the ten years of MTT Brand Glamburgers and the backstage 
pass is…” There was a long pause. “Na--Papyrus! You can come up here!” 
Papyrus strolled up to the stage, acting really confused.  
“THANKS, I GUESS?” Papyrus took the ticket and went back to the seat. 
“Well, that’s all the time I have!” Mettaton said, like he was rushing. The 
stage lights turned off, and he rushed backstage. He stared at the pink flower bed 
next to him. He felt a sudden rush of energy. As he looked down, he noticed that 
one of the flowers suddenly turned yellow when he wasn’t looking. He shrugged it 
off and got up.  
“Howdy!” he heard a strangely familiar voice behind him. “I’m Flowey!” 
“Umm hi--” Mettaton started. 
“So...who won the Glamburger contest?” he asked. 
“How di--” 
“Papyrus?” Mettaton said as if it was a question. 
“Oh, good.” Just then, Jackson, the director of MTT, stomped in. 
“That was HORRIBLE! You were rushing through the whole thing and you 
were a disgrace to the fans!” He had bags under his eyes and he was slouched over 
like a willow tree. “Look. I just really need some coffee. Can I please be recognized 
as an important person for once? What needs to be done for me to get some 
coffee around here?” 
With that, he was out the door. Mettaton looked down again at the bed of 
flowers at his side. They were all pink again. What just happened? 
Chapter 4: Friends, Family, and...Flowers? 
Sans got really bored at his guard post all of the time. And when he got 
bored, he went to Grillby’s. Today was one of those days. He liked his shortcuts, 
but he has to go through the walk of shame by Papyrus’ station, first. He slowly 
walked to the tree he hides by to wait until Papyrus wasn’t looking. He crept over 
to by the tree. 
“Howdy!” He suddenly heard. It can’t be! “I’m Flowey! Flowey the flower…” 
“HELLO, TALKING FLOWER!” Papyrus said, completely normal. 
“I have a question for you.” 
“O​k​...what are your opinions on Mettaton?” He had a rushed tone in his voice. 
“UMM…” Flowey gazed deeply into his eyes, seemingly brainwashing him. 
“HE--” Before he could say anything, Sans ran over to Papyrus. As he was 
doing so, Flowey disappeared into the ground.  
“WHAT WAS THAT FOR?” Papyrus seemed annoyed. “YOU JUST SCARED 
“Don’t trust him. He just wants to hurt you.” 
“Please. I couldn’t bear to lose you.” 
“NO! YOU ONLY CARE ABOUT YOURSELF!” Sans looked down at the snowy 
“Look. I know you are friends with Flowey and Mettaton, but I just want to 
help you!” 
“All I said was to not trust Flowey…” 
toward Snowdin. 
Sans sighed. Papyrus didn’t remember. He doesn’t understand. He’s 
completely oblivious to what happened. Sans trudged over to Snowdin and 
completely bypassed Grillby’s. He went straight to his house. He walked up to 
Papyrus’ room and put his ear to the door. All he could hear was the quiet weeping 
of Papyrus. Sans opened the door a crack to see Papyrus laying on his bed, crying. 
“I just made a huge mistake...Sans is mad at me…” Sans opened the door a 
little more. He stepped in very slowly. He knew Papyrus was very sensitive. 
“Brother! You came crawling back!” 
“Yes I’m worried about you…” Sans walked over to Papyrus’ bed. “Here. I got 
you a Nice Cream.” 
Papyrus took it and hid under the covers. Sans sighed and walked out of the 
room and headed to Grillby’s.   
When he was done with his daily ten bottles of ketchup, he walked back as 
slow as he can so he didn’t have to do anything. Just then, a guy with sunglasses ran 
past. Sans looked up and saw him going into a cafe. 
“Ugh! I have to go all the way to Snowdin just to get some coffee!?” Sans 
walked over there, because he was bored. Jackson came out of the building 
chugging coffee. 
“Hey, you! Deliver this to Alphys!” He threw the letter at Sans and ran away. 
Sans looked down and didn’t think much of it. And then he remembered Mettaton. 
He walked back to his house in Snowdin and knocked on Papyrus’ door. 
“What do you want now?” Asked Papyrus. 
“Hey, bro, can you deliver this to Alphys?” 
“Oh I know why you want ME to do it. You’re too lazy. Or you’re scared of 
Mettaton!” Papyrus was trying to act like he was still mad. 

Sans shrugged. “Fine. I’ll do it.”  
He walked over the shortcut he uses to get to Hotland. When he got to the 
lab, he knocked on the door. Alphys opened the door and there was no Mettaton to 
be seen. He sighed with relief. But then Mettaton showed up behind Alphys. Sans 
looked to the side, and Mettaton finally saw who it was. He gave him a look of 
disgust and walked to the other side of the lab. Sans hated when Mettaton was 
anywhere NEAR him. 
Chapter 5: Manipulations 
Flowey sprang up into the patch of flowers that he always occupies when he 
doesn’t have anywhere to be. It’s like a home that he never had. At least, not as 
Flowey. But that wasn’t important. And then, he heard something. 
HERE, BUT DO IT ANYWAY!” Flowey looked around and saw that is was only an 
echo flower. But it was what another echo flower said that excited him. “Hey, bro, 
don’t trust that flower!”  
Flowey tended to think about terrible things that he could do to enemies 
when they say or do things to him. This was one of those times. ​I could outsmart 
him, and force him to do things, but he knows me. I could somehow get the souls 
from the kingdom and kill him in several brutal ways, but it’s very risky, and plus he 
is the most powerful thing in the underground. ​A random thought popped into his 
head. ​Maybe he could get Mettaton and Papyrus together and manipulate them to 
turn on Sans! T
​ hat was a brilliant idea. All of a sudden, he heard footsteps. 
“Bro, do I really have to recalibrate this puzzles? It’s not like anyone goes 
here.” Flowey knew very well that Sans knew about this place. As the footsteps 
grew closer, he shoved himself into the ground. He must relocate if Sans was going 
to be here. He plunged down as far as he possibly go until he couldn’t see anything. 
He must find a different place. He can’t stay under the underground for this long 
or he could burn. He decided he was just going to go in a certain direction for a 
while and go to a random flower bed or a field. When he finally popped up in a 
random place, he looked around. This place looked strangely familiar. Almost too 
familiar. He saw a creature that he couldn’t quite see trying to water the flowers. 
All of a sudden, his memories came flooding back. He must leave. He couldn’t stand 
to be here. He plunged back down to find where he could go.  
Papyrus is very gullible, h
​ e thought. M
​ aybe I should start with him first. 
There are plenty of opportunities to see him without his brother being there.​ He 
then came up into a bed of flowers in Snowdin, conveniently by Papyrus’ house. He 
chose this one particularly because all of the flowers were yellow. 
After a while, he saw Sans walking past the flower bed and kept looking at it 
suspiciously. Flowey sank into the ground below without thinking and popped up 
behind Sans, so he could eavesdrop. He was complaining to his brother about having 
to put his socks away or something. Why couldn’t he actually say anything? 
“Go back to your post, Sans!” he heard Papyrus shout. Sans slowly turned 
around, and Flowey plunged into the ground. Did he see him? 
Chapter 6: A Betrayal 
Papyrus walked to his post with boredom in his eyes. ​What is the point of me 
even doing this if there isn’t going to be a human anywhere? P ​ apyrus looked up. 
Because I, the Gr-r-r-r-reat Papyrus, will be the leader of the Royal Guard! ​All of 
his thoughts evaporated when he heard a very familiar voice.  
“Howdy!” Flowey popped out of the ground. 
“It’s Flowey.” 
“Oh. Yeah.” Papyrus looked down. 
“So...are you going to Mettaton’s live show tonight?” 
“No. My brother wouldn’t let me go.” Papyrus tried to do the best Sans 
impression. “Hey, brother, don’t trust that Mettaton, nyeh heh heh...Sorry 
whenever I do impressions it sounds like myself!” 
“That’s Ok...Why aren’t you going though?” 
“I just told you why.” 
“Well, yeah, but you’re an adult. You can do whatever you want!” 
“No. I can’t make my brother mad at me.” 
“It’s not like he’ll do anything to you.” 
“I still can’t!” Flowey looked like he was getting very angry. 
“IN THIS WO--” Flowey looked down. “Do it for me. Your friends. Me and 
“You are my friends bu--” He stopped when he felt a cold stare resting on 
his eyes. “W-whats wrong?” 
Flowey stared into Papyrus’ eye sockets.  
“Why not?” he said. Papyrus felt his energy suddenly vanish. 
“There is no reason.” 
“Are you going to Mettaton’s live show? Are you going to show your brother 
you can do whatever you want?” 
“Yes. I will. I will go see Mettaton. I will disobey my brother.” 
“Good...that’s just what I wanted to hear.” Papyrus blinked and Flowey was 
gone. Papyrus felt a sudden rush of energy. 
“Wow! I better get moving...don’t want to miss Mettaton’s show!” He happily 
marched east of Snowdin, stopping after hearing his brother. 
“Hey, bro, where ya going?” Sans lazily said. 
“Um...Undyne’s cooking lesson!” Papyrus said. “Why? Are you scared that 
Mettaton’s going to show up and murder me or something?” 
“No! And why are you going to a cooking lesson at three in the morning?” 
“Because...Undyne can’t do it at our normally scheduled time she 
told me to come at three.” 
“Okay…?” Sans gave Papyrus a suspicious look. “Have fun, I guess.” Sans 
slowly walked away. Success! Papyrus continued out of Snowdin. When he got to 
Waterfall, he looked at Undyne’s house. He looked forward again, determined to 
get to Hotland. The studio was relatively close to Alphys’ lab, so he pretty much 
knew where to go. When he got pretty close, he saw an average-height figure 
running around pointing at things. As he got closer, he saw that it was Jackson. He 
never talked to him before, but he knew he was the director of the show. Jackson 
ran up to him and groaned. 
“I see you have a backstage can go now...” And then he stomped 
off. After a very exciting MTT live show full of Glamburgers, he went backstage. 
For some reason, nobody decided to buy backstage passes. The only person in the 
room was Mettaton himself. 
“Why, hello, Papyrus!” Mettaton seemed more cheerier today than usual. 
“H-hello, Mettaton?” Papyrus was very nervous. “H-how are you doing today?” 
“H-hey, nobody’s in here…” 
“That’s because nobody paid for a backstage pass.” 
“Oh--Hey, can I tell you something?” 
Mettaton became quite serious. “Oh...what is it?” 
“Umm...Mettaton, I can’t describe how I feel about you...umm...when I look at 
“Say no more…” Mettaton looked Papyrus directly into the eyes. “Papyrus, I 
understand. I love you too.” 
Papyrus felt like he was going to faint. “Not to make this even more 
awkward, want to go on a date with me?” 
Mettaton was still looking straight into Papyrus’ eyes. “Of course I would!” 
Chapter 7: Shaken 
“So...Papyrus...Let’s go to the resort I own…” Mettaton was looking down at 
his feet. 
“Wouldn’t people see us? I mean, you have so many fans there that adore 
“It doesn’t matter. I enter in through the back door so my fans don’t 
trample me.” They slipped through the back door, sneaking behind the gargantuan 
Mettaton fountain. Mettaton opened the door as quietly as he could, and they went 
inside. “This is my VIP room, specifically for me. I come here all the time because 
of annoying people *cough* Jackson *cough*”  
Mettaton sat on a large pink loveseat. He patted the seat next to him and 
Papyrus nervously sat down next to him. 
“So...have you ever heard of ‘talking flowers’?” Papyrus’ tone sounded like 
something was bothering him. 
“Yes--but not the type you’d expect...Once I was doing a show, and I was 
staring at a pink flower bed. I looked away, and then all of a sudden there was a 
yellow flower. It said things, but I don’t quite remember what. Than, I got 
distracted and looked down and saw a pink flower bed again.” 
“Flowey…” Papyrus looked up. 
“That’s his name!” 
“Oh. He came to me, too. My brother told me not to trust him, but at that 
point I didn’t care.” 
“Oh--” At that moment, there was a knock on the door. Mettaton walked 
over to the door and looked through the spyhole thing. Jackson was standing with 
his back facing the door, like he was blocking it. Mettaton’s gaze then wandered 
over to the large group of fans crowding the door. “We have to get out of here!” 
Papyrus looked from Mettaton to the door to the window. 
“Out the window!” Papyrus ran to the window and tried to open it. It was 
sealed shut. 
“Break it.” 
“Why? You don’t want your window broken, do you?” 
“The staff will fix it.” ​Of course. The staff. P
​ apyrus picked up a lamp and 
slammed into it with as much force as he possibly could. The window broke and they 
jumped out. They made a run for it. After a while they ended up at Waterfall. 
Papyrus looked and saw some bloodthirsty fans and hid behind a tree. When they 
finally left, Papyrus snuck back to Mettaton. 
The next day, they agreed to go to a hidden place in Waterfall that Papyrus 
discovered recently. It was a large clearing that nobody went to for some reason. 
It was surrounded by bright blue talking flowers.  
Papyrus handed Mettaton a large bouquet filled with pink flowers. 
“You shouldn’t have!” Mettaton looked down. Pink flowers. The last time he 
saw pink flowers, Flowey showed up. He had to see if it would happen again. He 

looked behind him, and looked back down. Sure enough, there was a single yellow 
flower sitting right in the middle. 
“Flowery?” Papyrus looked truly shocked. “Is that really you?” 
“Howdy…” Flowey looked very suspicious for some reason. “I see that you’re 
on a date…” 
“How did you know that?” Mettaton asked. Right after he finished the 
sentence, Flowey disappeared into the ground. All of the flowers were pink again. 
“What just happened?” Mettaton looked truly shocked.  
“Well, I guess I’ll see you later, then.” Papyrus slowly walked away looking back at 
Mettaton. He had to talk to somebody.  
Chapter 8: Open Secret 
Papyrus ran toward Undyne’s house. Undyne was the only person he could 
trust, so he had to talk to her specifically. He ran up to Undyne’s house, which he 
thought was weird because it was a huge fish, and knocked on the door. 
“You want another cooking lesson already?” she asked. 
“No. I just need to talk about something.” 
“What is it?” He had to tell her about Mettaton to tell her about Flowey. 
“Umm...I’ve been dating somebody…”  
“REALLY? Who!?!?!?” 
“This might sound weird…” 
“Oh God!” 
“Wait! Why are you so calm about this!?” Papyrus looked to the side. “Have 
you ever heard of talking flowers?” 
“Yes. Those blue flowers that echo the last thing they heard.” 
“No, but this is different. A flower is actually TALKING to me.” Papyrus 
must be going insane. First he’s dating Mettaton of all people and now he’s hearing 
things? Undyne must know more. 
“A flower? Talking to you? What is it saying to you!?” 
“It’s been saying things to me like ‘You don’t have to listen to your brother.’ 
and ‘You can hang out with whoever you want!’ Shortly after I met him, I started 
having feelings for Mettaton.” 

“Ok. Just remember that I’m always on your side.” Papyrus then left the 
house in silence. ​He’s never that quiet when he leaves. ​Undyne thought. ​He needs 
some help.  
Papyrus walked home to Snowdin, not wanting to deal with his brother. He 
snuck into the house, and saw his brother passed out in the couch. ​He must have 
drank too much ketchup. ​Papyrus then went to his room and sat on his bed. He was 
in no mood to go to work, so he went to sleep for once.  
The next day, Sans woke up with a start. As his eyes finally focused, he saw 
the door slam shut. It must be Papyrus. Ugh. W ​ hy is he always with Undyne lately? 
He better not be with Mettaton! S ​ ans snuck behind Papyrus as he walked. As he 
completely bypassed Undyne’s house, he knew exactly what was happening. Papyrus 
walked to a little clearing with a field of flowers. Flowers. Flowey… Sans hid behind 
a tree, and saw the ugly face that he never wanted to see again. Mettaton. Ugh. 
After a very long date, Mettaton finally left, leaving Papyrus alone in a field of 
flowers. Without thinking, Sans ran out from behind the tree, confronting Papyrus.  
“I knew it! I KNEW you weren’t going to Undyne’s house! Why? Why 
Mettaton of all people!?” Papyrus knew that Sans was mad.  
“Why Mettaton? Because I can! And I don’t need YOU controlling my life!” 
“You really think that I’m CONTROLLING your life? You have NO idea why I 
even hate Mettaton in the first place!” 
“Why? Why do you hate him?’ 
“You won’t understand. You’ll NEVER understand.” 
“You always say that!” Papyrus yelled. “I’ll ask this again. Why. Do. You. Hate. 
“You have to tell me why you are dating Mettaton first.” 
“Because I love him! And I don’t need YOU to always ruin my life like this! 
Don’t plan on seeing me ever again, because I’m moving out!” Papyrus stomped away. 
Chapter 9: Sans Brutally Murdered Flowey, Cytoplasm Oozing 
About a week later, Sans was standing in Papyrus’ room, looking at the bare 
walls. All of the wall decorations were gone. He looked down at the carpet, and all 
of the action figures he got him were scattered around, heads snapped off. Sans 
felt very depressed as he looked around the empty room. He had to apologize. He 
couldn’t take this anymore. He walked out of the room, and then out of the house. 

He made his way over to Hotland, because they had to be there somewhere. As he 
got to Alphys’ lab, he rose a hand to the door and knocked on it. Alphys opened the 
door a little crack. 
“I need to see Papyrus.” 
“Oh y-yes he and Mettaton should be in that room to the right.” Sans 
literally ran over to the room she was talking about. It looked very new, as if it was 
an extension to the building. 
“Howdy!” He heard an all too familiar voice from inside the room. He leaned 
on the wall next to the door and looked through the crack in the door. 
“Flowey...Why are you here?” Papyrus was squinting down at him. 
“Because I can. I have to. Because you two are in ‘love’!” Mettaton looked like 
he was catching on to him. 
“You seem VERY suspicious lately.” 
“What? Me? Suspicious?” Flowey changed his tone. “Wow. You two really ARE 
idiots! Both of you! I have been manipulating you both into loving each other! Do you 
want to know why? Because of your stupid brother!” 
Before Flowey disappeared into the ground, he looked into both of their 
eyes, putting them in a sort of trance. He was gone almost as fast as he appears. 
Papyrus and Mettaton appeared completely oblivious to what just happened. Sans 
marched out of the lab, right over to the field of flowers where Flowey resides. 
“Flowey! I know you’re here!” Sans looked down and saw the one yellow flower 
in the field. “I know what you did.” 
“I didn’t do anything!” Flowey said suspiciously.   
“I know you did. I’m not an idiot.” 
“Fine. Then I will have to kill you myself.” 
“Fine. I don’t care if i’m killed by a FLOWER.” 
“Ok! You get it. In this world, it’s KILL OR BE KILLED!” Then, Flowey 
transformed into the creature that Sans knew all too well. “Looks like you’re going 
to die today, because you certainly won’t kill me!” 
Sans lunged over to Flowey, a Gaster Blaster behind him. He got a single hit 
on him before he was smacked by a huge vine. Sans ran behind Flowey, because he 
knew he was very slow. All of a sudden, a huge Venus Flytrap swung around and took 
one of his finger-bones off. Sans jumped to the side and prepared an attack. He 
fired a couple of Gaster Blasters straight into Flowey’s face, but it was no use. 
Both of his legs got restrained to the ground with vines. 
“You know what you said earlier about you not being an idiot?” Flowey asked 
mischievously. “You were WRONG! You ARE an idiot. A fat, lazy idiot.” 

Sans didn’t say anything. He formed a ring around him of Gaster Blasters. 
Flowey did the same, but with every single weapon he can possibly have. They were 
hit at the exact same time. Sans was blown about twenty feet back, and all he 
could see was smoke. He felt very dizzy. The last thing he saw was a dead flower. 
Everything went black.  
Chapter 10: Comas and Anime 
All of a sudden, Papyrus heard a loud booming sound and felt a wave of 
“What was that?” he asked. Mettaton looked at him strangely. 
“I don’t know…?” Papyrus sensed danger. 
“Well, I guess I, the GREAT PAPYRUS need to go to investigate.” He ran out 
of the building and saw smoke rising from a forest in Waterfall. He sprinted over 
there as quickly as he could. He saw a clearing. The same one that he and Mettaton 
liked to go to. He walked in and stood there. All he saw was a large, black cloud of 
smoke. His gaze then wandered over to a pile of bones laying twenty feet away. 
Papyrus rushed over to him, all of a sudden feeling a rush of guilt. He looked 
down at him, realizing that he was alive, but very injured. Thank God. He picked up 
Sans’ body and rushed back over to Alphys’ lab. 
“Help! Sans is very injured! We need to get him to a hospital!” Alphys and 
Mettaton both rushed over to the door.  
“T-there’s a hospital d-down that way!” Alphys pointed further down the 
fiery path in Hotland. All of them ran down to the hospital, Papyrus clutching Sans. 
He has to save him! Papyrus kicked open the glass doors. He threw the body onto a 
hospital bed. 
“Doctor! You have to help him!” A doctor rushed in. He looked down at Sans. 
“I’m sorry I have to tell you this, but he’s in a coma. I don’t know when he’ll 
wake up again, but he might not.” 
“Oh god…” All three exclaimed. 
Papyrus sat down on a nearby sofa, not believing or understanding what had 
just happened. What had hurt his brother so much? He buried his face into his 
hands and sobbed. Metatton slowly walked over and sat next to Papyrus, and put his 
arm around him and patted his back. 
“M-Mettaton, why does my brother hate you so m-much?” 
“I don’t know...I don’t understand…” 
“I hope he’s ok!” Papyrus looked down. 
“He’ll be ok. Everything will be ok. Don’t worry.” 
“Of course I’m worrying! My brother might have hated all of my friends, but 
I still love him! He’s my brother!” Papyrus sighed. “I’m sorry... I know he’ll be 
Papyrus laid his head on Mettaton’s shoulder. Just then, Undyne bursted 
through the door, Alphys following. 
“I heard Sans got hurt! Is he OK!?” 
“W-well--” Papyrus started. Undyne slammed a spear into a nearby table.  
“Tell me. NOW!” 
“H-he’s in a coma...They don’t know if he’ll ever wake up…” 
“He WHAT!?” Undyne frantically looked around the room. “Who found him?” 
Papyrus raised a shaking hand. “I did…” 
“WHERE!?” Undyne screamed. Papyrus explained where he found him with a 
shaky voice. Before he could say anything else, she was gone. 
“Must. Find. Out. What. HAPPENED!” She screamed at nobody in particular. 
Spear in her right hand, she sprinted to the field of flowers Papyrus described. 
She stood in the middle of the field, not seeing any evidence that something so 
huge happened in this clearing. She looked down and saw a single wilting flower. 
That’s weird. It’s kind of early for flowers to be wilting down here. She shrugged it 
off and went to Alphys’ lab. Pounding on the door. Alphys cracked the door open as 
small as she could. Her face turned bright red at the sight of Undyne.  
“Undyne…! I m-mean what brings you here, Undyne?” 
“I just want to talk.” 
“Ok, c-come in!”Alphys stuttered. Undyne came in and flopped onto the 
“W-what do you want to t-talk about Undyne?” 
“Well, I couldn’t find ANYTHING about the cause of Sans’ injuries!” 
“Oh...that’s b-bad.” Alphys picked up a TV remote. “D-do you mind if I put 
some anime on?” 
“Of course! That’s the other reason I came over here!” Undyne threw an arm 
around Alphys as she screamed the Mew Mew Kissy Cutie theme song. 
CATS AND ANIMEEEE!” Alphys shifted around on the couch. “I’m s-sorry...I j-just 
love that song...I don’t even know if those are the right lyrics--am I even that good 
at singing?” 
“S-sorry…” Undyne remembered how sensitive Alphys is.  

“It’s OK.” Undyne needed to talk more. “I just can’t believe that I can’t even 
find out what happened for a single monster!”  
“It’s OK...I love you just--I meant--” 
“I love you too! You know that!” 
“Oh…I know you can do it, Undyne! I know you can!” 
“Thanks...I’m not head of the Royal Guard for nothing!” 
Chapter 11: Haunted Field 
Papyrus still sat by his brother’s bed. He has been there for two days now. 
What could have happened? Sans was still in a coma. He probably would be out of it 
by now if Papyrus and wasn’t such a bad brother. Papyrus sighed. Why couldn’t he 
be a better brother? He wonders if people dream in comas. If they did, Sans was 
probably dreaming about Papyrus and Mettaton. Should he still be dating 
Mettaton? Should he have in the first place? Papyrus felt really guilty. But still, 
what happened? Papyrus looked down at Sans, who was only looking slightly better. 
“I will find out what did this to you, brother. I promise.” He looked up at 
Mettaton, who was still sitting there. “Mettaton, stay here with my brother. I 
know he hates you, but he won’t be up soon enough.” 
Papyrus calmly walked out of the hospital and slowly made his way to the 
field of flowers. Where he and Mettaton had dates very often. Where he saw his 
brother that time as he went into a coma. When he saw Flowey for the last time. 
What ever happened to Flowey? Papyrus wondered. He walked into the clearing 
that he knew very well. He looked forward to see a single wilted flower. All of a 
sudden, all of the grass around it caught on fire and burned, probably to show 
Papyrus that he needs to see it. He walked over there and looked down. It looked 
like Flowey. Upon further inspection, Papyrus found that it was, in fact, Flowey. 
Papyrus knelt down and picked up the dead flower. All of a sudden, the rest of the 
flowers caught on fire and burnt to the ground. Papyrus looked behind him and 
looked back. All of the burnt flowers were replaced with brand new yellow ones. 
Papyrus heard a very high pitch and very loud laugh. He saw one thousand Flowey’s 
sitting in the field.  
RIGHT THIS MINUTE!” Papyrus was truly shocked. 
“Wha-” Papyrus looked down and saw that every single flower was purple, and 
blank faced. Papyrus stood there in shock. He quietly turned around and ran. He 

found it impossible to lift his feet right by the entrance of the building. He must 
have hallucinated that whole thing. 
“Bye. Hope your stupid idiot brother burns in Hell too...VERY SOON!” 
Papyrus turned around and saw a foggy image of a small yellow flower. It 
disappeared into the sky.  
“HE did it...FLOWEY HURT MY BROTHER!” Papyrus had no words to say. He 
rushed to Undyne’s house and pounded on the door. 
“What!? Did you find anything!? TELL ME WHAT YOU FOUND!” 
“Yes. This might be weird, but here is your evidence.” Papyrus handed the 
dead flower to Undyne. 
“A FLOWER!? You’re telling me that the creature of incredible power, the 
one that almost killed your brother, is a FLOWER!?” Something caught Undyne’s 
eye. She knows this flower. “I know this flower. It’s name is Flowey. I tripped on a 
rock on my way to the crime scene, and he sat behind me, laughing. He called me an 
idiot. He said I had no power. And then he disappeared into the ground. But it 
wasn’t actually a flower. It was...ghost like. No. It WAS a ghost.” 
“Hmm...I’m not the only one who saw Flowey’s ghost. At least we know what 
did it. It’s strange to see that a flower has such great power.” Papyrus looked 
behind him. “I’m going to go visit Sans...see you later.” 
Papyrus walked away into the humid environment ahead. 
Chapter 12: The Truth 
Ame’s writing this chapter until Sans wakes up 
Sans awoke with a start. As his vision came back into focus, he saw blurry 
figures standing over him. 
“Sans?” he heard one say. All of a sudden, he saw a figure run into the room 
and grab him in the shoulders. 
“WAKE UP RIGHT NOW!” he heard a familiar voice say. Undyne? “TELL ME 
“Um--I…” Sans stared down at the floor. He felt a rushing feeling. “I..can’t…” 
“Tell me.” Undyne was still insisting. 
“Um, I don’t think he really wants to talk about that right now…” Papyrus 
said. “I think there’s something wrong.” 
“I feel like--I...don’t…” Sans felt like he was going to explode with either 
anger or tears. Papyrus put a hand on his shoulder.  
“It’s OK, Sans. You d-don’t have to tell us anything you don’t want. The 
GREAT PAPYRUS shall take care of you.” Papyrus was looking at Sans, but 
something was clearly wrong. He was staring at the floor, hands shaking.  

“I--I’m OK, bro. I am just--I just am having a minor panic attack. Only a 
minor one--”  
“I know it’s not minor.” Papyrus looked into Sans’ eye sockets. “I’m worried 
about you!” 
All of a sudden, Sans burst into tears. 
“All I want is t-to b-be a better brother. I k-know you’re worried about me. 
I isolate so much from you, and it’s injuring you more then s-saving you. And you 
told me that I don’t have to tell you things, but I think it’s about t-time.” 
Undyne tapped her foot impatiently. When he calmed down, he started 
telling the story. 
“It all started with a human named Frisk. They fell down one day, making 
them the seventh human to come. Well, except for the human that we don’t talk 
about. But anyway, they made their journey through the underground, meeting 
many monsters. They didn’t kill monsters, though. Instead, they spared them. You 
might think that this isn’t bad. Except for the fact that they could reset 
everything. Reset the whole timeline. Nobody would remember, except for two 
monsters. Me, and another.” 
“Who was the other monster?” 
“Yes. So anyway, Frisk could reset at any time they wanted to. They weren’t 
restrained to a certain action, either. Sometimes, they would show mercy. Other 
times, they would, you know, kill their way back to the surface. I did not like that 
option. I had to fight the human hundreds of times, and eventually, they would kill 
“Did they kill me?” 
“...Yes. And Undyne. Toriel. Asgore. Mettaton. Everyone.” 
“Anyway, there’s more. The human can decide to kill only certain monsters. 
Then, Flowey transforms. He gets the power to even kill me. That’s what almost did 
it. So after so many resets between killing and sparing, the human decided to do 
something different. It murdered almost everyone. Undyne. Toriel. Asgore. You. It 
only spared few. They spared me.”  
“That’s it?” 
“No. And...Mettaton. This is why I hate him. The human spared both of us, 
and Mettaton ruled the underground. Everyone. He was the worst dictator you 
could imagine. We were all forced to eat MTT Brand food. We were basically slaves 
to the famous almighty Mettaton.” 
“Oh. Well, if I knew that, I wouldn’t have been dating Mettaton.” 

“No. You would have. It’s Flowey’s fault.” Papyrus looked back to every time 
Flowey talked to him. He did seem to convince him of a lot of things. All of a 
sudden, the doctor walked in. 
“Well, it looks like you’re making a quick recovery.” The doctor said as he 
signed something on his clipboard. “I’ll discharge you.” 
Chapter 13:  
“Umm...Mettaton?” Papyrus said. 
“Yes, darling?” 
“What’s wrong?” 
“I don’t really think we should be together anymore...I feel bad because of 
something that my brother told me, and I don’t want him having any more panic 
attacks.” ​He probably won’t understand. P​ apyrus thought. 
“I understand.” 
“Yes. I know you care deeply about your brother and wouldn’t want anything 
to happen to him.” 
“Ok...thanks…” Papyrus took his already packed bag. “I guess I have to go 
back to Snowdin and take care of my brother.” 
“Bye…” Both of them seemed really sad, even though they were doing what’s 
right. Papyrus walked out of the door and didn’t look back. He walked back to the 
very familiar Snowdin, staring down at his feet. He opened the door to see a weak 
Sans laying on the couch. It reeked of socks.  
“Bro, is that you?” 
“Yes, brother! I’m moving back in!” 
“What ever happened to Mettaton?” 
“We broke up...I thought it would make you happier!” 
“You didn’t have to do that…” 
“Yes, I did.” Papyrus walked into his room and carefully put down all of his 
belongings in the exact place that he did before.  
As the weeks went on, Sans started to notice that Papyrus seemed really 
quiet. He was staring down at his hands as he cooked spaghetti. 
“Hey, bro, what’s wrong?” Sans said as he walked into kitchen. 
“Nothing. I just am mad because of the umm--dog under our sink.” 

“I know something’s wrong. You would be incredibly pissed if there was 
nothing wrong with you.” 
“What does ‘pissed’ mean?” 
“Nothing.” Sans changed the subject. “Do you...miss Mettaton?” 
“NO--yes.” Papyrus looked down. “I didn’t want to make you mad or sad or 
“If something makes YOU happy, i’ll be fine with it.” Sans lit up. “You know 
what? Come with me, right now!” 
“But you’re still rec--”  
“I don’t care about me. I care about you.” Sans grabbed Papyrus by the wrist 
and ran out the door. 
“This is the most I’ve ever seen YOU move! Wait, you play the tromBONE! 
Get it?” 
“That’s the worst pun I’ve ever heard.” He ran all the way to Alphy’s lab. As 
they stopped, Sans was gasping for air. 
“NYEH HEH HEH! The GREAT PAPYRUS doesn’t need air!” 
“That’s because I was dragging you. Good effort, though.” Sans knocked on 
the door, handed Papyrus pink flowers, and ran away. ​Please don’t be Alphys, that 
would be awkward. T ​ he door swung open, and it was Mettaton. 
“Papyrus? Why are you here?” 
“Because...I was talking to my brother...and…” 
“What happened?” Mettaton looked very serious. 
“He said...he...just wants me to be happy...and then he handed me these 
flowers and threw me at the door.” 
“So did you...miss me?” 
“Yes...I thought you would be mad at me…” 
“Oh darling, you know I only get mad at my managers! And Alphys, 
sometimes. But mostly Jackson. But, just know, you’re fabulous just the way you 
are...and I love that.” 
“Where IS Alphys?” Papyrus asked. 
“On a date. At Undyne’s house.” 
“Oh…” Papyrus said. “I’ll do anything with you, just as long as I don’t go into 
that flower field again.” 
“We have to do something with these pink flowers, though.” Mettaton said as 
he yanked away the flowers. They ran to the field of flowers that they have always 
met. They dug a small hole where Flowey was last seen and threw the pink flowers 
in there. Papyrus looked up and saw Flowey’s ghost a final time. It transformed into 
a figure that resembled a small child. It only stayed there for a second. It then 

completely evaporated. As they covered the hole with dirt, all of the yellow 
flowers turned back to pink. 
“He will never bother us again…” Papyrus said. 
3 months later, everything was peaceful. There was no sign of Flowey, and no 
“Brother, today is our lucky day!” Papyrus exclaimed. “Today is the day that 
we will capture a human!” 
“Yeah, you do that bro.” Sans looked up. “Y’know? You might actually be 
“NYEH HEH HEH!” Just then, Mettaton walked over. 
“Hello, my darlings!” Mettaton sat next to Papyrus.  
“Hey, Pap.” Sans said. “You should go prepare for capturing humans!” 
“Ok! You know I’ll do it!” Papyrus ran off. 
“Hey, Metta. I know we hate each other, but can we be friends? For Papyrus’ 
“Of course I can! I can’t be the fabulous robot I am without being a decent 
“Ok, thanks.” At that exact time, Papyrus ran in with his “human capturing” 
outfit on.  
“Well, I have to be on set for my show now.” Mettaton said. 
“Bye, Mettaton!” Papyrus said with energy, because he needed it if he was 
going to capture a human. “Sans, I need to be at my post, and you need to be by 
that mysterious door over there!” 
“Ok, bro, see ya.” Sans wandered lazily over to the setting he knew all too 
well, and stood behind a tree. The atmosphere became warm and friendly instead 
of the cold and harsh feeling he has been anticipating. A figure slowly and 
cautiously wandered to the poorly built gate. They stood there, like something was 
about to happen. Sans approached them as they slowly turned around, expecting 
what was about to happen. 
“Hey, don’t ya know how to greet a new pal?” Sans asked like clockwork. 
“Turn around. And shake my hand.” 

(Use later) 
Reset number 1,053: Aleifa Deerling, 23 years old, Mettaton’s onsite stage 
manager, overworked and underpaid. Sans sighed, Alefia was like an old friend to 
him, she had comforted him and healed broken bones, bruises, and all sorts of the 
like when ​IT,​ had decided that he wasn’t working hard enough and had ​apparently 
needed to be beaten up because of that. He felt like he could feel the harsh clash 
of metal against bone just remembering all of the abuse. 
Stunned Sans didn’t do anything and let himself be lead forward. 
Shell shocked Sans didn’t do anything and let himself be lead forward. 
Sarcastic Sir Cactus 
Sans stopped to take a deep breath, he had to get his nerves under control, it 
would be no use if he had a panic attack right now.  
Paps had been feeling a bit down lately and there was no way he could say no to 
that face. 
He looked over the busy employes, when he had learned that he would get to help 
work alongside them he was thrilled. 
Was no way you could miss... 
Evaporating Papyrus’ thoughts. In walked Mettaton, legs and all. 
Instructions on how to die: 
The FitnessGram™ ​Pacer Test​ is a multistage aerobic capacity ​test​ that progressively
gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter ​pacer test​ will begin in 30 seconds.
Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after
you hear this signal. *BEEP!

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