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NPM : 201943021
Institusion : STIKes Panti Rapih / Program Transfer

Western Insurance Co. Ltd

(Regional Office), 6 Tamansiswa St, Wirogunan, Yogyakarta 55267

Telephone : (0274) 373737

Ms Sarah Sasabela Our Ref : V/34/2020

56 Heaven St 23rd May 2020
Lebak Kramat
Jakarta 10055

Dear Madam,
Thank you very much for your letter of 15 May, in which you enquired about our
insurance cover.

I have enclosed leaflets explaining our fully-comprehensive personal policy which offers the
sort of cover you require, and I think that policy would probably suit you best as it offers
the widest protection at 75% with full indemnification.

If you wish, I could get one of our agents to call on you to discuss any details that might
not be clear or if you are satisfied with the terms please complete the enclosed proposal
form and return it to us with your payment receipt for Rp 10.000.000 and we will effect
insurance as from 1 June this year.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Jack Segum
District Manager

Encl proposal form

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