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Lesson Plan Template for Content-Based Instruction

Teacher’s Name: Jamie Hartford & Quincy Date: 6/10/-6/19

Grade/Class/Subject: 1st and 2nd: English Conversation
Time Period: 50 minutes
Unit/ Topic: Class Olympics Lesson Title: Class Olympics

Content Objectives​: By the end of the lesson, students will (know and do):
use q​ uick thinking in English while practicing speaking and spelling.
Increase knowledge on English sports terms

Language Objectives:
(grammatical term and/or example, eg. “Past Tense: ‘The
(in –ing form, eg. “Retelling a story” )
boy went to see his grandfather;’”)
1) Describing words Students using synonyms, compare things, do action,

2) Categorizing In the theme of “animal”, students had to use more than

three letter words.

Signal Words
New Vocabulary
Review Vocabulary (vocabulary that may need to be
(new vocabulary to be explicitly
(previously taught vocabulary that taught or emphasized that link
taught that is critical to an
students likely need review of) concepts in meaningful ways, such
understanding of the content)
as conjunctions and time markers)
● substitution ● Spectator n/a
● Angry ● Contestant
● Sportsmanship
● Defeat ● Substitute
● Innocent ● Victory
● Involvement ● Referee
● Opponent
● Skeleton
● Motivation
● Snowboarding
● Biathlon
● Figure Skating
● Skiing
● Ice Hockey

By the end of the lesson, students will (​do X function​ ​using Y form​ ​with Z vocabulary​):
Students will be able to describe Olympic related words in English
Students will be able to categorize complicated words according to a given theme
Special Cross-Cultural Considerations: ​Include here anything relevant to culture that you will either
incorporate as part of your lesson or that you need to be attuned to in terms of your students’ background to
ensure a lesson that is culturally responsive​.
We drew on student’s prior knowledge of the 2018 Olympic Games and figure skater Kim Yuna to help
introduce the lesson. If we had used a famous athlete from America the link from class to activity might have
been weaker. We also included pictures in our presentation powerpoint to help explain lesser known sports that
Korean students might not know.

Materials: ​Include here all the materials that you need, including textbook titles and the page numbers you will
refer to.

Country sheets, Number slips, A-Z sheet, Speedy Spelling sheet + Bonus words, Hot seat word lists

Lesson Sequence: ​This may be adjusted as necessary to accommodate unique lesson plan features​. ​For each
step, explain what the teacher will do, the expectation of what the students will do, and how long the stage
should take.

I. MOTIVATION: ​Describe how you will build content background and introduce ​the specific language
functions/forms​ that you will target.

TIME: ​5 minutes

The teacher will…(​specifically what the teacher The students will… (​specifically what the students
does​) should do ​in response to​ what the teacher does​)
1. Teachers ask students how are they doing. 1) The students pay attention
2. Depend on which part of day, we ask them how 2) Answer questions accordingly.
are their weekends, breakfast or lunch.

Formative Assessment (​How will you gauge whether or not students are connecting to the background the
teacher is providing?)​: Teachers checking student’s interest level and engagement in the premise of the lesson.

II. PRESENTATION: ​Describe the specific ​techniques​ you will use to make your presentation of new content
and linguistic material comprehensible to students, to provide opportunities for interaction through
appropriate questioning, to engage ​learner strategies​, and to ​assess ​whether or not students are “getting

TIME:​ 10 - 15 minutes

The teacher will…(​specifically what the teacher The students will… (​specifically what the students
does​) should do ​in response to​ what the teacher does​)
A: Introduce activity with a picture of the 2018 a: Students look at the slide
Olympic mascot

B: Show the picture of Yuna Kim, and ask who she b: Students answer who Yuna Kim, “She is gold
was. medalist.”

C: Show a presentation of new vocabulary in call c: Students would listen and repeat the words after us
and repeat style. We ask our students to repeat the and if they do know the words, they have to define it.
words first, and then ask them if they know the
word. If they don’t, we explain to them and if yes,
we ask them how would you define it.
Formative Assessment (​How will you gauge whether or not students are comprehending/using the targeted
language forms as presented?)​: Teachers are listening for correct answers and positive feedback from the class.
Teachers make sure students understand the material and if not, he would give more explanation on the material.

III. PRACTICE/APPLICATION: ​Describe the ​activities ​you will use to allow for meaningful practice
targeting the lesson’s objectives, the ​learner strategies​ you will engage, and the ​formative assessment​ you
will provide to gauge whether or not students’ practice is moving them along closer to the target)

TIME:​ ​30 minutes

The teacher will…(​specifically what the teacher The students will… (​specifically what the students
does​) should do ​in response to​ what the teacher does​)
A:Introduce and carry out Speedy Spelling activity a: Students take turns spelling out previously presented
The teacher will provide markers for the students, words on whiteboards
calling out words for each group member to spell on
their whiteboard c: Groups are given sheets of paper with the alphabet on
them and a theme, and are given 3 minutes to fill out the
C: A-Z in 123 alphabet with words corresponding to that theme
The teacher provides sheets of paper with the
alphabet on it to all groups, and give the class a 1) . Students add up their scores and report it to the
theme for them to fill the alphabet with teacher.

1. At the end of these two games, teacher asked

students to add their score
2. Co-teacher would write the score on the
Formative Assessment (​How you will gauge whether or not students’ practice is moving them closer toward
achieving the objective in a meaningful way?) ​The teachers walk around the classroom, listening for
discrepancies and make sure the students don’t use Korean at all times.

EXTENSION​: ​Describe the student-centered ​activities​ you will use for students to further apply language skills
toward greater mastery of the targeted content and language objectives, either independently or with a group.
This should be an opportunity for developing higher-order thinking skills and using language in communicative

TIME:​5 minutes
The teacher will…(​specifically what the teacher The students will… (​specifically what the students
does​) should do ​in response to​ what the teacher does​)
1. Hot Seat a: Student watch the video.
a. The teacher showed the prepared b: Students listen.
video. c: Students respond with yes or no.
b. The teacher gave extra information on d: Students starts with their game
the game. e: Students add up their scores and report it to the
c. Teachers ask students if they teacher.
understand it.
i. When the time is up, teacher
ask students to add up their
ii. Teacher write the score on the

Summative Assessment ​(Describe the ways in which you plan to determine whether or not students achieved the
content and language objectives for the lesson. Be specific in terms of not only what the students will do to
demonstrate their knowledge and skills, but how you will evaluate what they produce.)​: Our lesson did not
incorporate a final summative assessment, but rather incorporated many formative assessments to gauge
student’s understanding of the material, such as intermittent spelling and definition checks.

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