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A young man’s Flashback version of strange ghostly
events that happened to his family in the year 2066 B.S
near Trishuli Hydro Electric dam.

(Bibash is telling his friends during a barbeque about
events he remembers back From 2066 B.S.)
Bibash and his family lived near the hydro-electrical dam
in Trishuli, Bibash was a small boy (11 Years old) and his
brother Bibek was a teenage boy (16 Years old).One day
while returning back and forth from a party transporting
his family one after another in his father’s motorcycle
which he just learned, Bibek feels a white figure passing
him just as he reaches Trishuli Dam side road. A few days
pass and a strange event starts occurring, it was late at
night, everyone was home except Bibash who went to a
nearby café to play PlayStation but at home Bibash’s dad
hears a loud bang and finds out a door had been shut,
Everyone thinks it’s Bibash as usual trying to mess
around hiding but he was not. After breaking down the
door and searching, everyone is puzzled by the event,
once Bibash came he was shouted at by his parents but
no one could explain what happened. After that Bibek
started showing unusual behaviors like: - Grinding his
teeth, Spacing out while leaving the gas stove on,
Unexplainable act of aggression towards his parents, loss
of weight etc. After that Bibash’s Parents hire a Buddhist
Spiritual Cleanser telling him about the events which
occurred at their home , Bibek also tells the Buddhist
about his unusual encounter at the dam, After
inspections of his own the Buddhist tells them that Bibek
was under bad influence of a ghostly spirit, This Spirit
was the accumulation of crimes and negative human
emotions of the past that haunted the Dam, He was put
on some kind of spell which makes him act unusually
.Bibash’s parents believe in what he says and accepts to
perform a spiritual ritual near the banks of Trishuli. After
the ritual Bibek’s behavior improves and the family
decide to move to another place, after that Bibek returns
to normal, His weight returns back to normal.

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