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Grade 3

Pronouns – Subjective, Objective

Homework Worksheet

1. Fill in the blank with the correct objective pronoun.

Mrs. Puri gave me an A+ on __________ (the test).

A. it
B. her
C. him
D. they

2. Fill in the blank with the correct subjective pronoun.

(Mom and I) __________ made breakfast this morning.

A. I
B. We
C. He
D. She

3. Identify the objective pronoun in the sentence.

Emily’s glass bowl was broken, so mother bought her a new one.

A. glass
B. was
C. her
D. a

4. Identify the subjective pronoun in the sentence.

Dan carried a bottle of milk. It was heavy for him.

A. It
B. him
C. Dan
D. a

5. Which sentence uses the objective pronoun correctly?

A. When the dog barked, my brother gave it a bone.
B. When the dog barked, my brother gave them a bone.
C. When the dog barked, my brother gave you a bone.
D. When the dog barked, my brother gave they a bone.

6. Which sentence uses the subjective pronoun correctly?

A. Uncle let Gump stir it.
B. My friends broke a glass and cleaned it up well.
C. I think that we are ready for the game.
D. Please take them to the park.

7. Which objective pronoun replaces the underlined words correctly?

The old woman smiled when he served the old woman a cup of coffee.

A. him
B. he
C. her
D. it

8. Which subjective pronoun replaces the underlined word correctly?

My mother makes tasty pancakes; pancakes are my favourite.

A. you
B. he
C. it
D. they

9. Fill in the blank with the correct objective pronoun:

The plumber fixed the tap for _________.

A. I
B. me
C. he
D. she

10. Fill in the blank with the correct subjective pronoun:

_________ gave it to them yesterday when they returned from school.

A. Him
B. Her
C. Me
D. We

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