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1) Run "Install.bat" as Administrator to add the needed registry keys, this only
needs to be done once.

2) Launch game using Start.exe, if you run into an issue launch the game through
Start.bat (Only launch from Start.bat if the game refuses to work!!)

3) Map your keys using Config.exe, the resolution options in Config.exe are
experimental and will never be fully supported, use at your own risk!!
Make sure the "DX Resolution Width/Height" are set to 1280 and 768 respectively
as that's the proper resolution of the game. THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!
Set "Window Width/Height" to the desired window resolution you want for the
game, just make sure it's a 5:3 resolution (for example 1280x768 or 1600x960)
If you want to play in Full Screen just uncheck the "DX Window Mode".
Gamepad support is also in beta, use a program like Joy2Key if your gamepad
isn't functional yet.
By default the game already has preconfigured optimal resolution.
Also controls are mapped to F5 for Test Menu, ESC for Exit, F1 for
Coin(Service), Enter for Player 1 Start and A/S/D/Z/X/C for Buttons 1/2/3/4/5/6
F2 is mapped to regular Coin button but it doesn't seem to be used in P4U2 and
you throw in coins with the Coin(Service) button.

4) If you want to change language, run LanguageSwitcher.bat - by default the game

is set to English, running the file will change it to Japanese.
Running it again would change it back to English.

NOTE: If your windows username has special characters or symbols such as dashes it
may break the automatic key injection, make sure your windows username only
consists of letters and numbers.

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