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Frascari Symposium IV The Secret Lives of Architectural Drawings and

Models: From Translating to Archiving, Collecting, and
It is with gratitude that we acknowledge the selfless support of the peer reviewers of the
Frascari Symposium IV. The remarkable response to the call was met with the insightful
comments contributed by the peer reviewers. Together with their efforts, we trust, that the
broad participation and the guests who anticipate being present at the event will make for
a feast of discussions and debates on the sites of knowledge construction.

We are grateful for the response to the call, the early feedback of Paul Emmons on the
conference topic, and the speakers who will address the matter of architectural drawing,
where do they belong, and where they have been in the thereafter of a construction and
construing process, and how this has impacted seminality and continued knowledge
construction in architecture beyond the construction of buildings. While this may have gone
fairly unnoticed, their secret lives have been pervasive, and many stories will be unrolled,
unfolded and slid out of where they have been taking place—whether from archival shelves,
the walls or the cases of a museum or a school, where they have been connoting the
architecture, or the purposefully constructed rooms inside the buildings that they denote—
to reveal the significance of place and its impact on the construction of knowledge. Whether
from within a building that has come to contain them in a reverse process, or outside the
buildings that have been erected out of them having left in the afterlife of a construction
process—they offer reciprocal knowledge sustenance to each other and to us.
The Frascari Symposium IV has been acknowledged by the support of the Paul Mellon
Centre for Studies in British Art; whose advisory council awarded an Educational
Programme Grant in support of the event.

The Frascari Symposium IV has also received substantial support from the Kingston School
of Art Research Fund. In addition, without the enthusiasm, the support of all the faculty and
staff, as well as the organizational effort of REGISTER, this event would not be possible, and
we are grateful to each and every one of them. We anticipate new thoughtful lives will begin
in the new extension for the Department of Architecture and Landscape, whose drawings
will find a ‘house’ constructed by their students within the denoted building, which will be
presented at the symposium in celebration of the building’s inauguration.
We wholeheartedly thank our Invited speakers who immediately responded with
enthusiasm to the invitation to share in the Frascari Symposium IV their lifetime of
experience and commitment to the secret lives of architectural drawings.
A special acknowledgement goes to Drawing Matter, and its founder, Niall Hobhouse,
for inviting to Shatwell Farm and hosting us within the heart of his collections at the
Drawing Matter Archives.
To all the presenters and our moderators goes our debt of gratitude for opening up this
field of research in so many new directions.
Last but not least, we would like to mention that this event would not be possible without
the moral support and the participation of Paola Frascari. This event—its construction and
construing—are infused with the memories of a generous mentor, Marco Frascari.
The where and the how architectural drawings are archived, exhibited, kept or maintained
has a direct impact on the kinds of knowledge that still infuses their lives and makes us
consider and reconsider their role and significance, and so the stories unfold..
Mary Vaughan Johnson & Federica Goffi

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