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Poetic Devices

1. The constant subject of this poem is the author focusing attention on himself with
passages like: me me me-dia, where the lookatme … LOOKATME!, the real I me
myself, I’m what matters no one else. This gives off an obsession with being noticed, like
the writer believes that he is all that matters.
2. The poem gives off a sense of shame from the author due to some of words having
contradicting words come after them like: social antisocial, selfie selfish, YouTube me
tube. There’s also a sense of the author not enjoying social media with lines like: Face-
aces, twitter-sore, insta-groans.
3. There isn’t much in terms of imagery in this poem, though there are feelings that we can
relate to and picture like: Viral hysteria. Face-aches, twitter-sore, insta-groans.

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