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I’m Deac Felix- sculptor, freelancer.

I graduated the University of Arts and Design Cluj and PhD in

Sculpture. My first projects were subordinated to a concept called “Artificial Life”.

They had vitality, they had life, they had all the aesthetic information needed to express that they were
alive. But, as we know, life cannot exist without the three principles: locomotion, nutrition and
reproduction. I have tried to create some pieces that can live through all the aesthetic information I gave
them, but they don’t have these three conditions to exist. Somehow a paradox of the life’s existence.
That’s how AL was born.

Practically, it is an entity that does not fulfill any of the life’s conditions and the logic of it. But, through
its presence, through its texture, hair, morphology, inner structure, it has great chances to believe it is
alive at the first visual impact.

The process itself is very technical, although in the beginning it simply starts with a clay modeling, a
commonplace clay, the most impersonal material possible, followed by a transposition process that is
very precise, very accurate, without the margin of error. In terms of the materials I work with, they are
recipes. I rely on recipes, on documentation.

Why did I choose exactly this type of sculpture, of all the branches that exist at the moment?! Because
at each step there are new challenges and I really like challenges. As I say, there are solutions as long
there are problems. That’s how I perceive things.

Why hyperrealism, why veins, skin and why this realistic nature of the human body?! The veins are a
symbol of functionality, morphofunctionality of the body. All that is defect, imperfection, asymmetry,
hematoma, gives a richer inner consistency. Without the living logic, basically, it is not a complete work.

For some people, beauty means maybe a bunny walking in a flower garden. For me, beauty is a ravaged
bull that slumped in the mud. Nature creates perfect things- we can’t, I can’t. I have to subordinate
myself to defects that I see. Perfection convinces me that it really does not exist in human terms, in
terms created by humanity. The imperfect is perfect for me. I am sure that over the next 10 years we
will also pay air tax as I see things go right now. Is the supreme charge that we will all pay.

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