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EOS: A revolution in blockchain?

Table of Contents

EOS: A Revolution in Blockchain 3

EOS.IO Overview

The Problems with Bitcoin 3

New Global Reserve Currency but not a Payment Mechanism

Along Came Ethereum 4

The Ethereum Protocol and its Technical Foundations

Enter the Dragon: The EOS Protocol 5

The Birth of EOS

Winning the Block Chain Development Race 6

dApps will Tell the Story

Summary 7

NOTICE: This is NOT investment advice. Cryptocurrency markets remain in their

infancy and are extremely volatile, high risk investments. Do your own research.

Founder & CIO Max Keiser

CEO Stacy Herbert
Head of Research Daniel Collins

Heisenberg Capital Research. 2 15OCT2018 Copyright @ HC Capital

A Revolution in Blockchain? In the meantime, however, EOS poses a real threat to
Ethereum’s dominance in the so-called smart contract
The blockchain revolution is in the process of writing sector. The current crop of incumbents are Ethereum,
the latest chapter in internet history. Blockchain is a EOS, Tron, Cardano, Stellar and NEO.
meta technology challenging the viability of existing
online software technologies. The phenomenal growth of EOS has been seen despite
a major collapse in cryptocurrencies in 2018. Is there a
Blockchain technology promises a new phase in the reason why EOS has gained such a foothold? In this
evolution of the internet. paper we will explain some of the technical
advantages that have seen EOS gain on Ethereum to
The promise is Web3.0: a more decentralized, become the plumbing behind the development and
permissionless and censorship-resistant internet roll-out of blockchain technology going into the
with more secure, frictionless and trustless future.
transactions. Blockchain applications are being
written today that will replace legacy web Before we get deep into EOS we must look at a little
applications. The incumbent businesses that cannot background on the consensus protocols against which
adapt to a more decentralized world built upon this EOS was built to compete, namely Bitcoin and
technology will risk becoming obsolete. Banking, Ethereum.
insurance, retail….no sector will be left unaffected.

In this paper, we will take a deep-dive into EOS, one of

The ‘problem’ with Bitcoin
the latest public blockchain projects to launch and
Bitcoin (BTC) has changed the world and has become
that has disrupted the smart contracts sector.
the foundational cryptocurrency. BTC is now
performing amazingly as a ‘Store of Value,’ acting as
Full disclosure: Heisenberg Capital is currently an
the Gold Standard of cryptocurrencies with all other
adviser to’s eosfishrocks, one of the 21 block
coins being priced in BTC. Although Bitcoin proved the
producers currently maintaining the EOS network.
first fully functional decentralized blockchain, it, along
with other cryptocurrencies, has faced scaling issues,
For more information and original research
such as high transaction fees and slow confirmations,
please visit us at
that have encouraged the proliferation of competitors,
such as EOS.
What is EOSIO?
Bitcoin was originally designed and developed,
according to the white paper published by Satoshi
EOSIO is a blockchain protocol powered by the Nakamoto in October of 2008, to become a peer-to-
cryptocurrency EOS. The EOS mainnet only went live peer cash system. Today, however, despite early
in June 2018 and yet the platform has already seen promise, it clearly has not yet seen mass adoption as a
explosive growth with a market cap of over $5 billion payment mechanism. In fact, several online retailers,
USD making it the #5th ranked cryptocurrency in only including Expedia, Stripe, Reddit and Microsoft, have
a matter of months. While market cap is not stopped accepting BTC as a payment option due to the
necessarily an indicator of the utility of a coin, limits of the network capacity, the sometimes high
liquidity and transaction volumes also suggest a fees for transactions and, most significantly, the
successful launch of the protocol. current lack of demand to pay with the cryptocurrency
due to the better ‘store of value’ properties of bitcoin:
At Heisenberg Capital, we are excited by the growing Why spend your bitcoin when you can ‘hodl’ for
competition in the ‘smart contract’ space, for it can moon?
only bring more needed innovation, talent and capital.
Indeed, the introduction of such smart contract
competition has, for example, spurred on the
race to deliver second layer technologies offering
similar capabilities to Bitcoin.

Heisenberg Capital Research. 3 15OCT2018 Copyright @ HC Capital

The ‘problem’ with Bitcoin…… At Heisenberg Capital, we expect Bitcoin will continue
to function as the core holding for investors, to operate
Furthermore, the on-chain processing transaction time as the reserve currency on crypto exchanges and to see
continued mainstream adoption in the traditional finance
of Bitcoin is a 10 minute block time which constrains
the network’s throughput. The transaction processing space. ETF’s as well as other financial investment products
capacity maximum for Bitcoin is estimated between 3.3 will continue to be written and launched around the
and 7 transactions per second. For comparison, the protocol. Finally, Bitcoin may one day fill the role of global
trade unit of account and so there is a strong incentive for
current standard payment mechanism in the U.S. is the
credit card system. The VisaNet, for example, is capable investors in this space to ‘hodl.’
of processing more than 56,000 transaction messages
per second. If second layer technologies like Lightning Along Came Ethereum
Network do not scale or catch on with the consumer,
then Bitcoin can only compete with VisaNet’s
transaction speed by significantly increasing the While Bitcoin has grabbed most of the headlines and
blocksize, which would radically reduce security while imagination in the Crypto space, an entirely different
enormously increasing the size of the blockchain. blockchain, Ethereum, has been delivering the transactions.
While Ethereum does not compete with Bitcoin as a store
Bitcoin has also had major issues with high transaction of value, it has certainly been powering over three times as
fees which, at one point, reached over $50 USD per many actual transactions per second as Bitcoin. On a per
transaction in June 2018. Many argue that these high second basis, Ethereum sees an average of 9.48 transactions
fees were the result of the internecine warfare in the versus 2.51 for Bitcoin. On value transacted, however,
bitcoin community which led to some hostile parties, Bitcoin is transmitting far larger values with the median
allegedly, spamming the bitcoin network. Since the transaction valued at $537.13 versus $0.369 for Ethereum.
launch of Bitcoin Cash, however, and the reduction in
tensions between developers, miners and some early Ethereum is an open-source, public blockchain based Turing-
bitcoin whales, bitcoin transaction fees have come complete distributed virtual computing platform which has
down to just pennies for even very large sums. This fee, popularized smart contracts. Smart contracts allow
however, still limits the majority of use-cases for Bitcoin applications to be built to digitally facilitate, verify, or
for micropayments and high velocity retail trade. enforce performance of a contract. Imagine a blockchain
built for the ‘Internet of Things’ where devices are
Bitcoin is also a Proof-of-Work system (PoW) which is communicating between themselves and contracts are
unbeatable for purposes of security and, thus, store of being filled automatically on the blockchain.
value but which may be replaced by Proof-of-Stake
(PoS) for purposes of commerce which we will discuss Whilst the Ethereum software platform was designed
later. to support such applications, in reality, nearly 90% of
transactions are coming from ICOs and payments.
In summary, the current Bitcoin consensus network The platform is merely being used to issue more tokens.
protocol has proven peer-to-peer blockchain technology Much of this money printing has gone up in smoke as
very few projects have ever got past the ‘when Lambo’
but it is not applicable today for a real-world payment
phase and onto actually building the product stage.
mechanism. Development teams in the Bitcoin
community are working on solutions to mitigate issues
with the Bitcoin protocol but at this stage we continue The Ethereum blockchain has its own cryptocurrency called
to see Bitcoin operating not as a POS, or Point-of-Sale, ‘Ether,’ which can be transferred between accounts or used
as compensation for the mining nodes in its Proof-of-Work
currency but instead operating as the Gold standard of
cryptocurrencies and functioning as hard money with system. There are currently just over 100 million tokens in
only 21 million Bitcoin to ever be produced, and with a circulation. Ethereum was first proposed in late 2013 by
significant percentage of that essentially ‘burned’ Vitalik Buterin, an early bitcoin adopter and co-founder of
Bitcoin Magazine.
through lost private keys.
In addition, to becoming the second largest platform, Ethereum
also supports decentralized exchanges which are gaining in
popularity with continuing improvements in performance.

1 Bitcoin vs. Ethereum: Stacking Up a Currency Against a Supercomputer;


Heisenberg Capital Research 4 15OCT2018 Copyright @ HC Capital

Why is ETH crashing?
Currently, transaction fees are higher on
Ethereum's currency, ETH, reached an all-time high market
capitalization of $137 billion and a price of $1,412 USD by Ethereum than they are on Bitcoin. While fees are
January 2018. At the time of this publication, however, still low at a median of $0.369 per transaction,
they are not ‘free’ as in EOS where inflation hides
Ethereum is now trading at $212 USD which is an 85%
the cost to the consumer. When Ethereum first
reduction in the currency. Aside from the general collapse
in prices for all cryptocurrencies in 2018, there are likely launched it was possible to verify a transaction at
four issues related specifically to ETH which may have less than one cent but as more people used the
network transaction costs climbed to over $4 USD.
contributed to the massive price correction.
These Ethereum transaction costs discourage
The first issue is that people are calling into question the consumer-grade retail deployment of applications
scalability of the Ethereum blockchain. Scalability refers to on the Ethereum network.
how well a network can handle many transactions at one
The third issue that may have caused ETH to crash
time. Ethereum has proven to be able to handle only 15-20
in 2018 is the planned movement to Casper proof-
transactions per second with a six minute transaction
finality. The Visa credit card system on the other hand can of-stake (PoS) from the current proof-of-work
handle upwards of 50,000 transactions per second. model (PoW).2 Bitcoin and Ethereum currencies
operate on PoW model where miners are
The new competitor to Ethereum, EOS, will theoretically
compensated for maintaining the blockchain.
be able handle 1 million or more transactions per second
when built out but at this time is only achieving closer to These companies in the case of Bitcoin use capital
3,000-6,000 transactions per second with sub-second intensive specialized ASIC miners that are
extremely energy intensive. ETH is mined on
GPU’s and are somewhat less energy intensive yet
still very capital intensive. Ethereum moving to a
It is important to remember that the most successful Proof-of-stake (PoS) is a very large change in
blockchain will be the one that can scale. the protocol. This could have Ethereum investors
The table below shows a quick comparison of ETH and EOS.
The fourth issue for ETH in 2018 is the mass-
selling out of China. It’s rumored a company in
China, acquired more than four million ETH tokens
back when they were trading near $1 USD per
token. As of January 2018, the company sold their
entire holdings. That sell-off alone would have
represented 4% of outstanding ETH tokens in the
market by one company alone. This sell-off begat
more sell-off because most token offerings had
been funded in ETH. These token issuers have
real-world software development costs and
Lambo payments to make and so panicked about
The second issue for Ethereum is transaction fees. The Ethereum their entire seed-funding evaporating and also ran
network requires users to burn ‘gas’ to transact on the network for the exits.
and the cost of this gas varies according to the price at which
miners demand.

2“Is Ethereum’s Casper Proof-of-Stake Decentralized?,”


Heisenberg Capital Research. 5 15OCT2018 Copyright @ HC Capital

The native token, EOS, is a utility token that provides
bandwidth and storage on the blockchain in
proportion to holdings of the tokens. The EOS tokens
also allow owners to participate in the governance of
the EOS blockchain. EOS operates a new governance
model with EOS token holders voting for Block
Producers. The top 21 block producers generate and
validate blocks within a 5 ms block time. The 21 Block
Producers are voted on by the community of EOS
token holders and are compensated in EOS tokens for
maintaining the EOS network. This compensation is
Enter the Dragon, the EOSIO not paid for by fees, as with Ethereum, but by inflation
of 1% per year in the EOS supply.
This new delegated proof-of-stake (DPoS) model
As mentioned previously, the EOSIO protocol was swaps some centralization in exchange for the
created to compete directly with Ethereum as an scalability of the fastest, most efficient and most
operating system for decentralized applications. flexible consensus mechanism currently available. managed to raise over $4b in an ICO DPoS leverages the power of stakeholder governance
after which it then released the open source EOSIO to resolve consensus issues in a transparent and
software code for the community to launch the democratic way. All network parameters, from fee
mainnet. schedules to block intervals and transactions sizes,
can be modified via elected delegates.
The EOS protocol promises a powerful set of tools
with no transaction fees to end users, millions of Regarding this token model, Andrew Macdonald 3
transactions per second, sub-second transaction described it well when he wrote in CryptoBriefing:
finality and a ‘green model’ in terms of proof-of- “With EOS, tokens are a representation of network
stake as well as a a radical new type of open, ownership and access to network resources. A user
transparent governance model with its Block that owns 1% of token supply is entitled to 1% of
Producer and governance model which we will network ram, compute, bandwidth and storage. This
cover more in detail later. is ownership of digital, fungible real estate because it
is a scarce resource with governance and ownership
rights … Economically, demand for the token should
So what are the main technical grow linearly with network adoption.”

features of EOS? At Heisenberg, we believe that, this ownership and

governance model provides a solid foundation for
The EOS.IO website describes EOS as “a software growth in the user base. This is especially true if a
that introduces a blockchain architecture designed wider distribution of tokens is eventually achieved
to enable vertical and horizontal scaling of through successful deployment of dApps, but we
decentralized applications. consider one of the biggest potential opportunities for
EOS comes from the speed of transaction finality:
The software provides accounts, authentication,
databases, asynchronous communication and “Sub-second finality also opens up the door for cross-
scheduling of applications across multiple CPU chain communication, where chains can communicate
cores and/or clusters.” The result is a blockchain with each other horizontally. One chain could
architecture that has the potential to scale to reference another chain in real time (e.g. the age of
millions of transactions per second, eliminate someone in an identity blockchain) so that the main
user fees, and that allows for quick and easy chain doesn’t need to be slowed down with extraneous
deployment of decentralized applications. block details.” 4

The EOSIO protocol operates as a smart contract This sort of capability opens the door for more
platform and decentralized operating system. sophisticated financial services.

3 “EOS Vs Ethereum: Predicting The Winner Of The Smart Contract War”
4 “EOS Vs Ethereum: Predicting The Winner Of The Smart Contract War”

Heisenberg Capital Research. 6 15OCT2018 Copyright @ HC Capital

Secure Infrastructure Proposal
for Block Producers

Heisenberg Capital Research. 7 15OCT2018 Copyright @ HC Capital

The Risks and Challenges Sidechains are also now deployable on Bitcoin
to EOS through Liquid, developed by Blockstream. No
blockchain comes near to Bitcoin for security and
Vitalik Buterin had warned it would happen, but these second layer technologies could rapidly
collusion between block producers has already attract more of the institutional money and
become an issue after, as yet unsubstantiated, attention.
allegations against Huobi suggested they were
trading votes for income. Huobi denies the Perhaps the greatest immediate risk is a hack on
allegations. 5 the scale of the DAO bug which caused Ethereum
to fork to recover millions in ‘stolen’ funds.6 Smart
EOS sources have told us, “This is mostly a red contracts open up an attack vector and the more
herring. While there are probably small clumps surface area a hacker has to attack, the more likely
of related BPs, they are not a large group, and it is to happen. In fact, EOSBet recently had funds
are largely not in the top 21. Further, any siphoned but the EOS community was able to
misbehavior is immediately and permanently freeze those stolen assets. This highlights another
recorded on the chain, and will be called out. It is primary advantage or disadvantage depending on
a wildly different type of decentralization from what one is looking for in a blockchain: EOS is not
the POW which people are accustomed to, but immutable. While transactions and actions are
still well distributed, and can change within 2-5 recorded on the blockchain for eternity, some of
minutes (via the continuous voting mechanism) these actions can be undone if BPs and the
when/should anything serious happens.” community want it. One must, therefore, trust
that this same community will not one day treat
Further to such governance concerns relating to your actions as hostile or unwanted on their
concentration of power, there are many in the blockchain.
EOS community agitating in Telegram groups to
expand the number of Block Producers beyond
21. This idea has not yet gained traction with Winning the Smart Contract
Block Producers, however, and any change in
the constitution would require a 15/21 vote and Blockchain development
from those same BPs. Whether or not adding
more BPs would help or hinder the network, our
source familiar with the design of EOSIO says,
“More BPs make the network messier, in that all
new transaction requests are flooded via some As mentioned previously, the public blockchains of
p2p protocol to all producers. To scale well, this the future will be those that can scale. These
is an empirically determined compromise blockchains will attract the best developers
achieving good distribution and good building private blockchains and new decentralized
performance.” applications on Web3.0. Just as Web 2.0 exploded
in popularity because of the success of applications
Competition is also a risk to the success of EOS. like Gmail, Facebook and Twitter, it is the quality of
Competitors in the smart contract space have these dApps in blockchain that will determine
attracted some of the brightest minds in the whether or not a wider audience will ever find
business and that could be a threat to EOS in the this new market.
long run. One of the eight original co-founders
of Ethereum, Charles Hoskinson is, for example, To reiterate, the key ingredient required to
presently building out Cardano (ADA) featuring compete with these legacy applications is
innovative new technologies undergoing robust scalability.
peer review.

5 “EOS voter collusion – Huobi denies receiving payments”

6 “Hackers target EOS gaming dApp once again, $338k believed stolen”

Heisenberg Capital Research. 8 15OCT2018 Copyright @ HC Capital

Winning the Smart Contract and dApps will tell the story….
Blockchain development race…..
This competitive edge presently goes to EOS. Part of the The table below references the top 5 dApps
reason, beyond what is outlined above, that it is more for both Ethereum and EOS at the time of this
scalable than Ethereum is in transaction finality and publication. As you can see from the user base
throughput which has been achieved through ‘parallel in the table below, we are at early days for
processing technology.’ This is described by Jorn van dApps. Penetration is nowhere near that for
Zwanenburg as such: “The cornerstone of EOS’s legacy systems.
scalability solution is its parallel processing technology.
This design enables dapps to operate and transactions to The best known dApp built on the Ethereum
be processed simultaneously without doubling the load platform is a blockchain based game called
on the network. This is made possible by vertical scaling CryptoKitties. The game is referenced as the
(adding processing power) and horizontal scaling (adding most successful early attempt at deploying
machines to the resource pool).” 7 blockchain technology for entertainment
purposes. The game allows players to trade
While EOS is, indeed, currently more scalable than distinct cats as collectibles and keep them
Ethereum, more real world usage is needed to test the recorded on the blockchain.
actual robustness of the network. As the Daily Average
User numbers are currently not compatible to legacy On the downside, however, as the game
systems they seek to replace, it is difficult to gauge how gained popularity, it slowed down the
ready any of these networks are for retail deployment on Ethereum network significantly during peak
a global consumer scale. usage. This network slowdown occurred with
only 2,000 active users at one-time.
The EOS network did recently, for example, come to a
‘screeching halt’ 8 when 100% of CPU got used up during
a promotion by EOSBet, a gambling dApp, that saw
100,000 bets placed in three hours. This transaction
volume not only caused CPU to hit 100% capacity, but it
critically impacted other dApps and saw CPU Emergency
relief funds released

7 “Solving Blockchain’s Biggest Problem: 5 Projects 8 EOSBet-Run Promo Substantially Slows Down EOS
Working On Scalability” Network;
blockchain-scalability-problem/ promo-substantially-slows-down-eos-network

Heisenberg Capital Research 9 15OCT2018 Copyright @ HC Capital

dApps will tell the story…. EOS Price Forecasting

Well known dApps for EOS include: The EOS token was originally launched on the
EOS Knights is the first mobile role-playing Ethereum network as a ERC-20 token and, as
game (RPG) built on the EOS blockchain. mentioned previously, was launched in the middle
of a crypto-winter as the mainnet went live in June
EOSBet is a decentralized application for 2018. Despite this the EOS token quickly reached a
tokenized gambling which moved to the EOS price of over $20 USD with a market cap of over
blockchain after Ethereum proved too slow for $16 billion USD.
them. EOSBet promises to be “100% provably
fair” with payouts transparency on the blockchain At the time of this publication, EOS as with all other
and EOSBet has also built a commercial scale crypto currencies have declined. The price of EOS is
smart casino which has paid out its first dividend. in a tight trading range around $5 USD which gives
The success of EOSBet has already spawned EOS a market cap of about $4.5 billion USD.
9 a legion of clones.

Everipedia is the world's first Encyclopedia on

the blockchain that “allows anyone to become a
stakeholder in the system and earn rank, rewards
& tokens for curating content.”

Chintai is a p2p token-leasing marketplace and is

the first major EOS infrastructure dApp to go live
(a similar REX model had been proposed but not
yet built by Dan Larimer). The marketplace was
launched by EOS42 and “allows users to lease
out their token capacity to other users who’d
like access to their resources.”
In this paper, we have compared both Ethereum
More applications are expected on EOS sister and EOS in technical capacities. When one
chains as well. compares the market capitalizations of both
currencies we can see that despite the massive
As mentioned, we are at very early stages of correction in 2018, Ethereum still has a market cap
dApps being built on the blockchain. If the history of almost $30 billion USD which means it has a
of the internet is precedent, however, the market cap almost six times that of EOS.
numbers of applications are sure to explode in the
coming months and years once the standards of At Heisenberg, we expect the market cap of
the underlying protocols have grown more robust Ethereum and EOS to converge in the future. As
and uniform and the engineering and creative other competitors emerge, however, both will have
entrepreneurial talent has built the applications. to continue to innovate or die.

In the meantime, the world is still waiting for the

killer dApp to be built. You will know it is here
when it draws users to the blockchain in the same
manner that the killer apps of Twitter, Facebook
and Google have drawn eyeballs to the internet.

9 Aurora EOS Weekly Update, Issue #6,


Heisenberg Capital Research 10 15OCT2018 Copyright @ HC Capital

The world is in the first innings of the
blockchain/crypto revolution. Blockchains
are part development platform, part
network enabler, exchange medium, a
secure network, and a host of other
decentralized capabilities. Blockchains will
come in many variations and will overlay
on top of the Internet.

The blockchains that win in the future are

the ones that can not only scale but

In this paper we provided a short overview

of both Bitcoin and Ethereum, the
protocols against which EOS was built to
compete. We looked at just some of the
many promises and only a few of the risks
and shortcomings of EOS. There are many
others we did not have time to explore in
this paper. The aim of the EOSIO protocol
is to provide a decentralized application
hosting with smart contract capability.
EOS has the capability to scale in a manner
and at a speed at which both Bitcoin and
Ethereum have so far had trouble doing.
Going forward one must continue to not
only monitor the price action of these
important protocols but also focus on the
applications being built on them. May the
best blockchain win.

By building, the developer community will

choose the blockchains that survive the

NOTICE: This is NOT investment advice. Cryptocurrency markets remain in their infancy and are
extremely volatile, high risk investments. Do your own research.

Heisenberg Capital Research. 11 15OCT2018 Copyright @ HC Capital

This document does not contain or purport to be, financial promotion(s) of any kind.
This document does not contain reference to any of the investment products or
services offered
by members of Heisenberg Capital. Digital assets and related technologies can be
extremely complicated. The purpose of this document is to provide objective,
educational and interesting commentary and analysis in connection with the
cryptocurrency market. This material is solely for informational purposes and shall not
constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation to buy securities.

It should not be assumed that the methods, techniques, or indicators presented in

these pages will be profitable or that they will not result in losses. Examples presented
on these pages are for educational purposes only. The authors, the publisher, and all
affiliates assume no responsibility for your trading results. There is a high degree of
risk in trading.

This document is subject to copyright with all rights reserved. Use and reproduction of
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Heisenberg Capital Research. 12 15OCT2018 Copyright @ HC Capital

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