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(Software Quality Assurance: SEN-460)

Take Home Assignment

Class: BS (CS) – 8A (Morning)

Student name: Daniyal Shah Enrollment number: 02-134162-021 Submission Deadline: 31-May-2020
Max Marks: 20

Note: Provide detailed description as necessary required. Q1 – Q6 carry 02 Marks each. Q7 carry 06 Marks.

Question No.1: How the testing process is different in Extreme programming in comparison to
other classical testing techniques? In your opinion, why extreme programming is considered to
be a lightweight process, as we perform testing in this technique to an extreme level?


First we urge to know about Extreme Programming. Extreme programming is an item

progression reasoning proposed to improve the idea of programming and its ability to properly
available to the changing needs of the customer or client. Like other Agile Methods of
headway, Extreme Programming hopes to give iterative and progressive little releases all
through the endeavor, allowing the two associates and customers to investigate and overview
the endeavor's progression all through the entire SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle).
Extreme Programming depends on short one to two week arrivals of working programming.
These short discharges permit the client to give constantly feedback as the product is released.
With the short iterations and constantly feedback.

Question No.2: Perform analysis/survey and explain in your own words i.e. why quality
assurance is important? Also, how can we achieve the highest quality of a software product?


Note: (Analysis perform over the fleet management system of Atlas Honda Limited)
Quality Assurance is the core responsibility for the program of a good quality. Program in good
quality in one condition when it covers the all rules and condition define in quality assurance
and the team is responsible for the testing whether it gives extraordinary results or may be
faulty in future. It gone through the faces of lifecycle which is in Quality assurance techniques.
Many test cases drawn to check all the possible outcomes from the system. So, concern with
the system of fleet management we analyze how the system work and validate with the fields
in it for the validation many test cases drawn such as: Route field, truck field, truck id etc. As
per many, to achieved the extraordinary software product which is ready to serve in market

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Question No.3: What could be the conditions in software testing where test automation is not
preferable? Give at least four reasons.


 When bugs keep coming in the program.

 Developers are not able to make alteration in system.
 Team are very slow to add features and modify the system.
 Developers are scare to make modules of the system.

Question No.4: Is Defect Prevention Process (DPP) itself a software development process
model? What are the key steps of DPP?


 Analysis of the errors or defects to reach the depth of the causes.

 Propose the prevention techniques to overcome the error root cause.
 Apply those techniques of prevention.
 Dynamic monitoring of organization ambitions and best practices.

Question No.5: How RMMM can play an important role to counter software risks? What are
the dimensions of the Risks?


RMMM (Risk Mitigation, Monitoring, Management)

Mitigation---how can we prevent risk?
Monitoring---what factors can we track that the upcoming risk is more or less?
Management---What plans we have if the risk turns into reality?
1st Dimension: Assessment of risk are extract from qualitative or quantitative analysis that
informs the organization of the threats to achieving its goal.
2nd Dimension: Process of defining the actions to take or avoid rely on the first phase.
Professionals call it risk mitigation and some come up with sophisticated ideas to decrease the
impact of risk event occur on their organization.
3rd Dimension: Risk requires the small amount of investment and has the ability to obvious
achieve a back on investment.

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Question No. 6: Design at least five Functional Test Cases for Login page.


Test Case Test Test Steps Expected Actual Status

Scenario Result Result
L-01 Username Enter Not anyNo any field Pass
field of Username field alert alert for
login page error
L-02 Password Enter Character in Field appear Pass
field of password hide form in hide form
login page
L-03 Login On-click Successfully Successfully Pass
button in on button login login
login page
L-04 Login with By clicking Move to Move to Pass
google on google google login google login
account account page page
L-05 Login with Click on Successfully Direct Pass
Enter enter login with towards the
button button to enter button home page
login of account

Question No. 7: CASE STUDY. (Ref. Lecture 03)

There are two kinds of software quality process Assessments and Standards:
 Maturity Models

Explore the internet and find a case study/research on any one of the above mentioned software
quality assessments. Answer the following:

1. Explain in your own words, the complete scenario and need/ requirement to perform
quality test in the case study.

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CMMI (Capability Mature Modeling Integration): Bank of Montreal - BMO Financial Group
The Bank of Montreal is known for advancement and consistently creates and incorporates new
software arrangements, to keep up a serious position and offer upgraded types of assistance to
its clients. For the improvement of productivity it adopt the CMMI (capability mature
modeling integration) approach in which the believe that it can enhance the effectiveness,
decision-making process. Numerous partnerships have been compelled to reconsider their IT
activities and look for the upside of lower work costs gave by seaward advancement centers. Ki
Leung, Senior Vice President at BMO, led the guiding of the CMM and set up for exercises,
for example, the arrangement of CMM preparing, formal and casual CMM evaluations and
driving out activity plans at standard intervals.

2. Why you think the intended assessment technique is best for performing quality
assurance for the scenario under consideration.


BMO confronted a significant number of the issues distinguished by the Software Engineering
Institute in sub-improvement of internal programming advancement. CMMI Process relies
upon the explanation that the idea of a system is particularly influenced by the idea of the
strategy used to make sure about, make, and care for it. This explanation implies on procedures
similarly as on things and is a since quite a while prior settled Total Quality Management
(TQM) premise in collecting. CMMI was developed to combine multiple business maturity
models into one framework. CMMI provide a structure view of procedures which is improved
in organizations. CMMI help in
 combine traditionally unrelated companies
 set procedures enhancement goals and priorities
 provide direction for quality procedures
 provide a yardstick for evaluate current practices

3. If any other technique could be used to replace the technique already implemented, then
what could be that assessment technique? And why?

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I prefer the CMM while getting feedback on it. CMM got popular as it permitted
software organizations accomplish process consistency, consistency, and unwavering
quality. CMM measures the development level of an association by deciding whether
an association finishes the particular exercises recorded in the Key Performance Areas
(KPA), negligent of whether the fulfillment of such action prompts the ideal outcome.
CMMI overrides CMM in programming advancement forms, yet CMM is as yet
important and fitting for successive, action based administration worldview.

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