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The Informed Dialogue:

Interacting with Literature

When we~ick up a book, we usually do so with the city will be happy because you helped us, kind,
the anticipation of pleasure. We hope that by en- Little Blue Engine."
tering the time and place of the novel and sharing In picture books, messages are often blatant
the thoughts and actions of the characters, we will and simple, the dialogue between the author and
find enjoyment. Unfortunately, this is often not the reader one-sided. Young children are concerned
case; we are disappointed. But we should ask, has with the end result of a book-the enjoyment
the author failed us, or have we failed the author? gained, the lesson learned-rather than with how
that result was obtained. As we grow older and read
We establish a dialogue with the author, the
further, however, we question more. We come to
book, and with ourselves when we read. Con-
expect that the world within the book will closely
sciously and unconsciously, we ask questions:
mirror the concerns of our world, and that the au-
"Why did the author write this book?" "Why did
thor will show these through the events, descrip-
the author choose that time, place, or character?"
tions, and conversations within the story, rather
"How did the author achieve that effect?" "Why
than telling of them. We are now expected to do
did the character act that way?" "Would I act in the
same way?" The answers we receive depend upon the interpreting, carry on our share of the dialogue
how much information about literature in general with the book and author, and glean not only the
and about that book specifically we ourselves bring author's message, but comprehend how that mes-
to our reading. sage and the overall affect of the book were
achieved. Sometimes, however, we need help to do
Young children have limited life and literary these things. Novels for Students provides that help.
experiences. Being young, children frequently do A novel is made up of many parts interacting
not know how to go about exploring a book, nor to create a coherent whole. In reading a novel, the
sometimes, even know the questions to ask of a more obvious features can be easily spotted-
book. The books they read help them answer ques- theme, characters, plot-but we may overlook the
tions, the author often coming right out and telling more subtle elements that greatly influence how the
young readers the things they are learning or are novel is perceived by the reader: viewpoint, mood
expected to learn. The perennial classic, The Little and tone, symbolism, or the use of humor. By fo-
Engine That Could, tells its readers that, among cusing on both the obvious and more subtle liter-
other things, it is good to help others and brings ary elements within a novel, Novels for Students
happiness: aids readers in both analyzing for message and in
"Hurray, hurray," cried the funny little clown and all determining how and why that message is com-
the dolls and toys. "The good little boys and girls in municated. In the discussion on Harper Lee's To

.. i i t Novels for Students


Kill a Mockingbird (Vol. 2), for example, the roeville, Alabama, and that her father was a lawyer.
mockingbird as a symbol of innocence is dealt with, Readers can now see why she chose the south as a
among other things, as is the importance of Lee's setting for her novel-it is the place with which she
use of humor which "enlivens a serious plot, adds was most familiar-and start to comprehend her
depth to the characterization, and creates a sense characters and their actions.
of familiarity and universality." The reader comes Novels for Students helps readers find the an-
to understand the internal elements of each novel swers they seek when they establish a dialogue
discussed-as well as the external influences that with a particular novel. It also aids in the posing
help shape it. of questions by providing the opinions and inter-
"The desire to write greatly," Harold Bloom pretations of various critics and reviewers, broad-
of Yale University says, "is the desire to be else- ening that dialogue. Some reviewers of To Kill A
where, in a time and place of one's own, in an orig- Mockingbird, for example, "faulted the novel's cli-
inality that must compound with inheritance, with max as melodramatic." This statement leads read-
an anxiety of influence." A writer seeks to create ers to ask, "Is it, indeed, melodramatic?" "If not,
a unique world within a story, but although it is why did some reviewers see it as such?" "If it is,
unique, it is not disconnected from our own world. why did Lee choose to make it melodramatic?" "Is
It speaks to us because of what the writer brings to melodrama ever justified?" By being spurred to ask
the writing from our world: how he or she was these questions, readers not only learn more about
raised and educated; his or her likes and dislikes; the book and its writer, but about the nature of writ-
the events occurring in the real world at the time ing itself.
of the writing, and while the author was growing The literature included for discussion in Nov-
up. When we know what an author has brought to els for Students has been chosen because it has
his or her work, we gain a greater insight into both something vital to say to us. Of Mice and Men,
the "originality" (the world of the book), and the Catch-22, The Joy Luck Club, My Antonia, A Sep-
things that "compound" it. This insight enables us arate Peace and the other novels here speak oflife
to question that created world and find answers and modem sensibility. In addition to their indi-
more readily. By informing ourselves, we are able vidual, specific messages of prejudice, power,
to establish a more effective dialogue with both love or hate, living and dying, however, they and
book and author. all great literature also share a common intent.
Novels for Students, in addition to providing a They force us to think-about life, literature, and
plot summary and descriptive list of characters- about others, not just about ourselves. They pry us
to remind readers of what they have read-also ex- from the narrow confines of our minds and thrust
plores the external influences that shaped each us outward to confront the world of books and the
book. Each entry includes a discussion of the au- larger, real world we all share. Novels for Students
thor's background, and the historical context in helps us in this confrontation by providing the
which the novel was written. It is vital to know, for means of enriching our conversation with litera-
instance, that when Ray Bradbury was writing ture and the world, by creating an informed dia-
Fahrenheit 451 (Vol. I), the threat of Nazi domi- logue, one that brings true pleasure to the personal
nation had recently ended in Europe, and the Mc- act of reading.
Carthy hearings were taking place in Washington,
D.C. This information goes far in answering the Sources
question, "Why did he write a story of oppressive Harold Bloom, The Western Canon, The Books and School
government control and book burning?" Similarly, of the Ages, Riverhead Books, 1994.
it is important to know that Harper Lee, author of Watty Piper, The Little Engine That Could. Platt & Munk,
To Kill a Mockingbird, was born and raised in Mon- 1930.

Anne Devereaux Jordan

Senior Editor, TAU
(Teaching and Learning Literature)

Volume i JC
Purpose of the Book ten to modern Western culture, a critical overview
essay, and excerpts from critical essays on the
The purpose of Novels for Students (NfS) is to
novel. A unique feature of NfS is a specially com-
provide readers with a guide to understanding, en-
missioned overview essay on each novel by an aca-
joying, and studying novels by giving them easy
demic expert, targeted toward the student reader.
access to information about the work. Part of Gale's
"For Students" Literature line, NfS is specifically To further aid the student in studying and en-
designed to meet the curricular needs of high school joying each novel, information on media adapta-
and undergraduate college students and their teach- tions is provided, as well as reading suggestions for
ers, as well as the interests of general readers and works of fiction and nonfiction on similar themes
researchers considering specific novels. While each and topics. Classroom aids include ideas for re-
volume contains entries on "classic" novels fre- search papers and lists of critical sources that pro-
quently studied in classrooms, there are also entries vide additional material on the novel.
containing hard-to-find information on contempo-
rary novels, including works by multicultural, in- Selection Criteria
ternational, and women novelists.
The titles for each volume of NfS were selected
The information covered in each entry includes by surveying numerous sources on teaching litera-
an introduction to the novel and the novel's author; ture and analyzing course curricula for various
a plot summary, to help readers unravel and under- school districts. Some of the sources surveyed in-
stand the events in a novel; descriptions of impor- cluded: literature anthologies; Reading Lists for
tant characters, including explanation of a given char- College-Bound Students: The Books Most Recom-
acter's role in the novel as well as discussion about mended by America's Top Colleges; textbooks on
that character's relationship to other characters in the teaching the novel; a College Board survey of nov-
novel; analysis of important themes in the novel; and els commonly studied in high schools; a National
an explanation of important literary techniques and Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) survey of
movements as they are demonstrated in the novel. novels commonly studied in high schools; the
10 addition to this material, which helps the NCTE's Teaching Literature in High School: The
Novel; and the Young Adult Library Services As-
readers analyze the novel itself, students are also
sociation (YALSA) list of best books for young
provided with important information on the liter-
adults of the past twenty-five years.
ary and historical background informing each
work. This includes a historical context essay, a Input was also solicited from our expert advi-
box comparing the time or place the novel was writ- sory board, as well as educators from various ar-

x Novels for Students


eas. From these discussions, it was determined that • Themes: a thorough overview of how the major
each volume should have a mix of "classic" nov- topics, themes. and issues are addressed within
els (those works commonly taught in literature the novel. Each theme discussed appears in a
classes) and contemporary novels for which infor- separate subhead, and is easily accessed through
mation is often hard to find. Because of the inter- the boldface entries in the SubjectfTheme Index.
est in expanding the canon of literature, an em-
• Style: this section addresses important style el-
phasis was also placed on including works by
ements of the novel, such as setting, point of
international, multicultural, and women authors.
view, and narration; important literary devices
Our advisory board members-i-current high school
used, such as imagery, foreshadowing, symbol-
teachers-helped pare down the list for each vol-
ism; and, if applicable, genres to which the work
ume. If a work was not selected for the present vol-
might have belonged. such as Gothicism or Ro-
ume, it was often noted as a possibility for a future
manticism. Literary terms are explained within
volume. As always, the editor welcomes sugges-
the entry. but can also be found in the Glossary.
tions for titles to be included in future volumes.
• Historical and Cultural Context: This section
How Each Entry Is Organized outlines the social, political, and cultural climate
in which the author lived and the novel was cre-
Each entry, or chapter, in NfS focuses on one
ated. This section may include descriptions of
novel. Each entry heading lists the full name of the
related historical events, pertinent aspects of
novel. the author's name, and the date of the
daily life in the culture, and the artistic and lit-
novel's publication. The following elements are
erary sensibilities of the time in which the work
contained in each entry:
was written. If the novel is a historical work, in-
• Introduction: a brief overview of the novel formation regarding the time in which the novel
which provides information about its first ap- is set is also included. Each section is broken
pearance, its literary standing, any controversies down with helpful subheads.
surrounding the work, and major conflicts or
• Critical Overview: this section provides back-
themes within the work.
ground on the critical reputation of the novel,
• Author Biography: this section includes basic including bannings or any other public contro-
facts about the author's life, and focuses on versies surrounding the work. For older works,
events and times in the author's life that inspired this section includes a history of how novel was
the novel in question. first received and how perceptions of it may
• Plot Summary: a description of the major have changed over the years; for more recent
events in the novel, with interpretation of how novels, direct quotes from early reviews may
these events help articulate the novel's themes. also be included.
Lengthy summaries are broken down with sub- • Sources: an alphabetical list of critical material
heads. quoted in the entry, with full bibliographical in-
• Characters: an alphabetical listing of major formation.
characters in the novel. Each character name is
• For Further Study: an alphabetical list of other
followed by a brief to an extensive description critical sources which may prove useful for the
of the character's role in the novel, as well as student. Includes full bibliographical informa-
discussion of the character's actions, relation-
tion and a brief annotation.
ships, and possible motivation.
• Criticism: an essay commissioned by NfS
Characters are listed alphabetically by last name.
which specifically deals with the novel and is
If a character is unnamed-for instance, the nar-
written specifically for the student audience, as
rator in Invisible Man-the character is listed as
well as excerpts from previously published crit-
"The Narrator" and alphabetized as "Narrator."
icism on the work.
If a character's first name is the only one given,
the name will appear alphabetically by the name. In addition. each entry contains the following
Variant names are also included for each char- highlighted sections, set apart from the main text
acter. Thus, the full name "Jean Louise Finch" as sidebars:
would head the listing for the narrator of To Kill • Media Adaptations: a list of important film and
a Mockingbird. but listed in a separate cross-ref- television adaptations of the novel, including
erence would be the nickname "Scout Finch." source information. The list also includes stage

Volume x i

adaptations, audio recordings, musical adapta- Citing Novels for Students

tions, etc.
When writing papers, students who quote di-
• Compare and Contrast Box: an "at-a-glance" rectly from any volume of Novels for Students may
comparison of the cultural and historical differ- use the following general forms. These examples
ences between the author's time and culture and are based on MLA style; teachers may request that
late twentieth-century Western culture. This box students adhere to a different style, so the follow-
includes pertinent parallels between the major ing examples may be adapted as needed.
scientific, political, and cultural movements of When citing text from NfS that is not attrib-
the time or place the novel was written, the time
uted to a particular author (i.e., the Themes, Style,
or place the novel was set (if a historical work), Historical Context sections, etc.), the following for-
and modem Western culture. Works written af-:
mat should be used in the bibliography section:
ter the mid-1970s may not have this box.
"The Adventures of HuckIeberry Finn." Novels for
• What Do I Read Next?: a list of works that might Students. Ed. Diane Telgen. Vo!. 1. Detroit: Gale,
complement the featured novel or serve as a con- 1997.8-9.
trast to it. This includes works by the same au-
When quoting the specially commissioned es-
thor and others, works of fiction and nonfiction,
say from NfS (usually the first piece under the
and works from various genres, cultures, and eras.
"Criticism" subhead), the following format should
• Study Questions: a list of potential study ques- be used:
tions or research topics dealing with the novel.
James, Pearl. Essay on "The Adventures of HuckIe-
This section includes questions related to other berry Finn." Novels for Students. Ed. Diane Telgen.
disciplines the student may be studying, such as Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale, 1997. 8-9.
American history, world history, science, math,
When quoting a journal or newspaper essay
government, business, geography, economics,
that is reprinted in a volume of NfS, the following
psychology, etc.
form may be used:
Other Features Butler, Robert J. "The Quest for Pure Motion in
Richard Wright's Black Boy." MELUS 10, No. 3
NfS includes "The Informed Dialogue: Inter- (Fall, 1983),5-17; excerpted and reprinted in Nov-
acting with Literature," a foreword by Anne Dev- els for Students, Vol. I, ed. Diane Telgen (Detroit:
ereaux Jordan, Senior Editor for Teaching and Gale, 1997), pp. 61-64.
Learning Literature (TALL), and a founder of the When quoting material reprinted from a book
Children's Literature Association. This essay pro- that appears in a volume of NfS, the following form
vides an enlightening look at how readers interact may be used:
with literature and how Novels for Students can
Adams, Timothy Dow. "Richard Wright: 'Wearing
help teachers show students how to enrich their the Mask,'" in Telling Lies in Modem American Au-
own reading experiences. tobiography (University of North Carolina Press,
A Cumulative Authorffitle Index lists the au- 1990). 69-83; excerpted and reprinted in Novels for
Students, Vol. I, ed. Diane Telgen (Detroit: Gale,
thors and titles covered in each volume of the NfS
1997), pp. 59--61.
A Cumulative NationalitylEthnicity Index breaks We Welcome Your Suggestions
down the authors and titles covered in each volume
The editor of Novels for Students welcomes
of the NfS series by nationality and ethnicity.
your comments and ideas. Readers who wish to
A Subjectffheme Index, specific to each vol- suggest novels to appear in future volumes, or who
ume, provides easy reference for users who may be have other suggestions, are cordially invited to con-
studying a particular subject or theme rather than tact the editor. You may contact the editor via e-
a single work. Significant subjects from events to mail at: Or write to the editor
broad themes are included, and the entries point- at:
ing to the specific theme discussions in each entry
are indicated in boldface. Editor, Novels for Students
Each entry has several illustrations, including Gale Research
photos of the author, stills from film adaptations 835 Penobscot Bldg.
(when available), maps, and/or photos of key his- 645 Griswold St.
torical events. Detroit, MI 48226-4094

xii Novels for Students

Literary Chronology
1775: Jane Austen is born December 16, 1774, to 1835: Mark Twain is born Samuel Langhome
George and Cassandra Austen, in Steventon, Clemens on November 30, 1835, to John Mar-
Hampshire, England. shall and Jane Lampton Clemens, in Florida,
Missouri. He first uses the name "Mark Twain"
1797: Mary Shelley is born Mary Wollstonecraft
on February 2, 1863.
Godwin on August 30, 1797, to William and
Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, in London, Eng- 1850: Nathaniel Hawthome's The Scarlet Letter,
land. the story of a woman who must wear a scarlet
"A" because she committed adultery, is pub-
1804: Nathaniel Hawthome is born on July 4, 1804,
lished in 1850.
in Salem, Massachusetts.
1851: Mary Shelley dies of meningioma on Feb-
1813: "First Impressions" is the original version of
ruary I, 1851, in London, England.
Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice and is re-
jected by a London publisher in 1797. Austen 1864: Nathaniel Hawthome dies on May 19, 1864,
revised the story, and it is published as Pride at Plymouth, New Hampshire, and is buried on
and Prejudice in 1813. May 23, 1864, at Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, in
Concord, Massachusetts.
1814: After Percy Shelley threatens to commit sui-
cide, Mary Godwin elopes with him to France, 1884: Mark Twain establishes the Charles L. Web-
even though he is already married. They even- ster Publishing Co. in order to secure greater
tually marry and have four children, three of control over his books.
whom die in infancy. Percy Shelley drowns in 1884: Mark Twain begins The Adventures ofHuck-
1822. leberry Finn, Tom Sawyer's Comrade in the
1817: Jane Austen dies (probably of Addison's dis- summer of 1876 while he is at Quarry Farm,
ease) on July 18, 1817, in Winchester, Hamp- near Elmira, New York, and finishes it in the
shire, England. summer of 1883. The novel is published Febru-
ary 18, 1884.
1818: Mary Shelley begins Frankenstein; or, The
Modem Prometheus in July, 1816, while visit- 1899: Emest Hemingway is born on July 21. 1899,
ing Lord Byron at Lake Geneva in Switzerland in Oak Park, lllinois.
with her husband, poet Percy Bysshe Shelley; 1902: John Steinbeck is born on February 27. 1902,
Byron challenges each of his guests to write a in Salinas, California. His father, John Emst, Sr.,
ghost story. The novel is published in March, is a miller and treasurer and his mother is a for-
1818. mer school teacher.

Volume 1 xii i
Literary Chronology

1908: Richard Wright is born to Nathan and Ella 1945: Richard Wright publishes his autobiography,
Wright on September 4, 1908, on a farm near Black Boy, in 1945. The unused portions of his
Natchez, Mississippi. original manuscript are published in 1977 as
1910: Mark Twain dies of angina pectoris on April American Hunger.
21, 1910, in Redding, Connecticut. 1950: Sen. Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin first
1914-1918: World War I. Ernest Hemingway vol- makes the claim that there are over 200 known
unteers to be an ambulance driver for the Red Communists working in the federal government,
Cross in 1918. He is assigned to an Italian war setting off the "Red Scare" that leads to gov-
theater, and he receives serious wounds at Fos- ernment hearings and blacklisting of suspected
salta, Italy. He retumes from the war in 1919. Communists. This emphasis on conformity in-
Hemingway's main character in A Farewell to fluences several novels of the era, including Ray
Arms is also an ambulance driver during the war. Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 and J. D. Salinger's
The Catcher in the Rye.
1919: Jerome David Salinger is born January 1,
1919, to Sol and Miriam Jillich Salinger, in New 1951: J. D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye is
York City. published July 16, 1951, and Salinger avoids the
publicity by traveling to Europe.
1920: Ray Bradbury is born on August 22, 1920,
in Waukegan, Illinois. 1952: Amy Tan is born on February 19, 1952, to
John and Daisy Tu Ching Tan, in Oakland, Cal-
1923: Joseph Heller is born May 1, 1923, to Isaac
and Lena Heller in the Coney Island section of
Brooklyn, New York. 1953: Ray Bradbury wrote the 25,OOO-word
1928: Gabriel Garcia Marquez is born on March 6, novella, "The Fireman," which appeared in
1928, in Aracataca, Colombia. Galaxy in 1952. Fahrenheit 451, his first novel,
is the expanded version of that novella and is
1929: Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms, published in October, 1953.
the story of an American ambulance driver and
his desire for an English nurse during World 1954: Ernest Hemingway receives the Nobel Prize
War I, is published. in Literature.
1931: Toni Morrison is born Chloe Anthony Wof- 1960: Richard Wright dies of a heart attack on No-
ford on February 18, 1931, to George and vember 28, 1960, in Paris, France.
Ramah Willis Wofford, in Lorain, Ohio. 1961: Joseph HeUer began writing Catch-22 while
1932: Sylvia Plath is born October 27, 1932, to working in the New York advertising business.
Otto Emil and Aurelia Schober Plath, in Boston, The book is published in 1961.
Massachusetts. 1961: Ernest Hemingway commits suicide on July
1936: Judith Guest is born March 29, 1936, to 2, 1961, in Ketchum, Idaho.
Harry Reginald and Marion Aline Guest, in De-
1962: John Steinbeck receives the Nobel Prize for
troit, Michigan.
1937: John Steinbeck writes of the white male mi-
1963: Sylvia Plath publishes The Bell Jar in Janu-
grant workers who were becoming extinct from
ary, 1963, under the pseudonym Victoria Lucas.
American culture in Of Mice and Men.
1939: World War IT begins when Nazi Germany, 1963: Sylvia Plath commits suicide on February
led by Adolf Hitler, invades Poland and Eng- 11, 1963, in London, England.
land and France declare war in response. The 1968: John Steinbeck dies of a severe heart attack
repressive Nazi regime, with its thought control in New York City on December 20, 1968.
and book bumings, helps inspire the society in
1970: Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye, published
Ray Bradbury's novel Fahrenheit 451.
in 1970, is her first novel.
1944: During World War n, Joseph HeUer is sta-
1976: Judith Guest's first novel, Ordinary People,
tioned on the island of Corsica (located in the
is published. It is the first unsolicited manuscript
Mediterranean Sea, off the coasts of France and
accepted by its publisher in twenty years.
Italy), where he serves as a bombardier who flew
sixty combat missions. His novel Catch-22 will 1982: Gabriel Garcfa Marquez receives the Nobel
use a similar wartime setting. Prize in Literature.

xi" Novels for Students

Litr:rary Chronology

1985: Gabriel Garcfa Marquez's Love in the Time 1989: Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club is published.
of Cholera, published in 1985, is based in part 1993: Toni Morrison receives the Nobel Prize for
on his parents' marriage. Literature.

Volumr: 1 x v
The editors wish to thank the copyright holders of Critkal Inquiry, v. 10, March, 1984. Copy-
the excerpted criticism included in this volume and right © 1984 by The University of Chicago. Re-
the permissions managers of many book and maga- produced by permission.
zine publishing companies for assisting us in secur- Los Angeles Times Book Review, April 17,
ing reproduction rights. We are also grateful to the 1988. Copyright, 1988, Los Angeles Times. Re-
staffs of the Detroit Public Library, the Library of produced by permission. Los Angeles Times Book
Congress, the University of Detroit Mercy Library, Review, March 12, 1989. Copyright, 1989, Los An-
Wayne State University PurdylKresge Library Com- geles Times. Reproduced by permission.
plex, and the University of Michigan Libraries for
making their resources available to us. Following is MELUS, v. 10, Fall, 1983. Copyright,
a list of the copyright holders who have granted us MELUS, The Society for the Study of Multi-Eth-
permission to reproduce material in this volume of nic Literature of the United States, 1983. Repro-
NfS. Every effort has been made to trace copyright, duced by permission.
but if omissions have been made, please let us know. The Midwest Quarterly, v. XV, January, 1974.
COPYRIGHTED EXCERPTS IN NFS, VOL- Copyright, 1974, by The Midwest Quarterly, Pitts-
UME 1, WERE REPRODUCED FROM THE burg State University. Reproduced by permission.
FOLLOWING PERIODICALS: Modem Fiction Studies, v. XIV, Autumn,
Ball State Teachers College Forum, v. VI, 1968. Copyright © 1968 by Purdue Research Foun-
Winter, 1965. © 1965, renewed 1993 Ball State dation, West Lafayette, IN 47907. All rights re-
University. Reprinted by permission of the pub- served. Reproduced by permission of The Johns
lisher. Hopkins University Press.

The CEA Criuc, v. 36, November, 1973. Modem Language Quarterly, v. XXV, De-
Copyright © 1973 by the College English Associ- cember, 1964. © 1966, renewed 1994 University
ation, Inc. Reproduced by permission. of Washington. Reproduced by permission of Duke
University Press.
CIA Journal, v. XXII, June, 1979. Copyright,
1979 by The College Language Association. Re- The Nation, New York, v. 246, Apri123, 1988.
produced by permission of The College Language Copyright 1988 The Nation magazineflbe Nation
Association. CIA Journal, v. XXXVI, December, Company, Inc. Reproduced by permission.
1992. Copyright, 1992 by The College Language The New Republic, v. 164, May 8, 1971. ©
Association. Reproduced by permission of The 1971 The New Republic, Inc. Reproduced by per-
College Language Association. mission of The New Republic.

x V l Novels for Students


The New York Review of Books, June 10, mission of the Modem Language Association of
1976. Copyright © 1976 Nyrev Inc. Reproduced America.
with permission from The New York Review of Lee. Dorothy H. From "The Quest for Self:
Books. Triumph and Failure in the World of Toni Morri-
The New York Times Book Review, March 19, son," in Block Women Writers (1950-1980): A
1989. Copyright © 1989 by The New York Times Critical Evaluation. Edited by Mari Evans. Anchor
Company. Reproduced by permission. PresslDoubleday, 1984. Copyright © 1983 by Mari
Nineteenth-Century Fiction, v. 19, Septem- Evans. All rights reserved. Used by permission of
ber, 1964 for "Arthur Dimmesdale as Tragic Hero" Doubleday, a division of Bantam Doubleday Dell
by Bruce Ingham Granger. © 1964, renewed 1992 Publishing Group, Inc.
by The Regents of the University of California. Neuhaus, Ron. From "Threshold Literature: A
Reprinted by permission of the publisher and the Discussion of 'Ordinary People,''' in Censored
author. Books: Critical Viewpoints. Nicholas J. Karolides,
Notes and Queries, v. 190, June 15, 1946 for Lee Burress, John M. Kean, eds. The Scarecrow
"The Noble Savage in Mary Shelley's Franken- Press, Inc., 1993. Copyright © 1993 by Nicholas J.
stein" by Milton Millhauser. © Oxford University Karolides, Lee Burress, John M. Kean. Reproduced
Press. Reproduced by permission of the publisher by permission.
and the Literary Estate of Milton Millhauser. Scarseth, Thomas. From "A Teachable Good
Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Jour- Book: 'Of Mice and Men,''' in Censored Books:
nal, v. 12, February, 1986. © Gordon and Breach Critical Viewpoints. Nicholas J. KaroJides, Lee
Science Publishers. Reproduced by permission. Burress, John M. Kean, eds. The Scarecrow Press,
COPYRIGHTED EXCERPTS IN NFS, VOL- Inc., 1993. Copyright © 1993 by Nicholas J.
UME 1, WERE REPRODUCED FROM THE Karolides, Lee Burress, John M. Kean. Reproduced
FOLLOWING BOOKS: by permission.
Adams, Timothy Dow. From Telling lies in Sewall, Richard B. From The Vision of
Modern American Autobiography. The University Tragedy. Yale University Press, 1959. Copyright
of North Carolina Press, 1990. © 1990 The Uni- © 1959 by Yale University Press, Inc. Renewed
versity of North Carolina Press. All rights reserved. 1987 by Richard B. Sewall. All rights reserved. Re-
Reproduced by permission of the publisher and the produced by permission of the author.
author. Wood, Diane S. From "Bradbury and Atwood:
Baker, Carlos. From "Chapter 17," in The Exile as Rational Decision," in The Literature of
American Novel from Cooper to Faulkner. Edited Emigration and Exile. Edited by James Whitlark
by Wallace Stegner. Basic Books, 1965. © 1965 and Wendall Aycock. Texas Tech University Press,
by Basic Books, Inc., Publishers. Reproduced by 1992. Copyright 1992 Texas Tech University Press.
permission of Basic Books, a division of Harper- All rights reserved. Reproduced by permission of
CoIlins Publishers, Inc. the publisher.
Brown, Julia Prewitt. From "The 'Social His- PHOTOGRAPHS AND ILLUSTRATIONS
tory' of 'Pride and Prejudice' ," in Approaches to APPEARING IN NFS, VOLUME 1, WERE
Teaching Austen's Pride and Prejudice. Edited by RECEIVED FROM THE FOLLOWING
Marcia McClintock Folsom. Modem Language As- SOURCES:
sociation of America, 1993. Reproduced by per-
mission of the Modem Language Association of
uel (seated in a rocking chair), photograph.
APlWide World Photos. Reproduced by permis-
Johnson, Wayne L. From Ray Bradbury. Fred- sion. Guest, Judith (in striped sweater), 1976, pho-
erick Ungar Publishing Company, 1980. Copyright tograph. APlWide World Photos. Reproduced by
© 1980 by Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., Inc. permission. Helier, Joseph, photograph. APlWide
Reproduced by permission. World Photos. Reproduced by permission. Garcia
Kneedler, Susan. From "The New Romance Marquez, Gabriel, photograph. APlWide World
in 'Pride and Prejudice,''' in Approaches to Photos. Reproduced by permission. Morrison, Toni
Teaching Austen's Pride and Prejudice. Edited (bandanna on head), photograph. APlWide World
by Marcia McClintock Folsom. Modem Language Photos. Reproduced by permission. Morrison, Toni
Association of America, 1993. Reproduced by per- (accepting Nobel Prize), 1993, photograph.

Volume x vi;

APlWide World Photos, Inc. Reproduced by per- Samuel John Stump. Corbis-Bettmann. Repro-
mission. Plath, Sylvia, photograph. APlWide duced by permission. Street scene (buses, rick-
World Photos. Reproduced by permission. shaws, carriers in street), Chungking, China, 1944,
Salinger, J. D., photograph. APlWide World Pho- photograph. UPIICorbis-Bettmann. Reproduced by
tos. Reproduced by permission. Tan, Amy, photo- permission. Temple, Shirley (as a child, curtseying
graph. APlWide World Photos. Reproduced by per- in accordion-pleated dress), photograph. Corbis-
mission. Bettmann. Reproduced by permission. Troops of
ARCHIVE PHOTOS, INe.: Arkin, Alan, in the the 85th Division march through the Porta Mag-
film "Catch 22," photograph. Archive Photos. Re- giore, 1944, Rome, photograph. Corbis-Bettmann.
produced by permission. Bradbury, Ray, photo- Reproduced by permission. Two young men stand-
graph. Archive Photos, Inc. Reproduced by per- ing outside Swing Rendezvous club, 1955, Green-
mission. Hirsch, Judd, and Timothy Hutton in the wich Village, photograph. UPIICorbis-Bettmann.
movie "Ordinary People," photograph. Archivel Reproduced by permission. Wright, Richard
Paramount. Reproduced by permission. Steinbeck, (seated, typing next to window), photograph. Cor-
John, photograph. Archive Photos, Inc. Repro- bis-Bettmann, Reproduced by permission.
duced by permission. Wright, Richard, photograph. BLACK STAR: Hemingway, Emest (fringed
Archive Photos. Reproduced by permission. buckskin shirt), photograph. Hans MalmbergIBlack
THE BETTMANN ARCHIVElNEWSPHOTOS, Star. Reproduced by permission.
INe.: Cooper, Gary, and Helen Hayes, in film "A GALE RESEARCH INe. (Detroit): Map of
Farewell to Arms," photograph. UPIICorbis- Colombia, illustration. Gale Research Inc. Repro-
Bettmann. Reproduced by permission. English am- duced by permission.
bulance driver (standing next to truck), c. 1918,
Italy, photograph. UPIICorbis-Bettmann. Repro- THE KOBAL COLLECTION: Chin, Kieu
(with other cast members) in the film "The Joy
duced by permission. Field hands sitting on bagged
wheat, c. 1880, Moro, Oregon, photograph by W. Luck Club," photograph. The Kobal Collection.
Reproduced by permission. Christie, Julie, and Os-
A. Raymond. Corbis-Bettmann. Reproduced by
permission. Garcfa Marquez, Gabriel (being inter- kar Wemer in the movie "Fahrenheit 451," photo-
viewed, on couch), photograph. UPIICorbis- graph. The Kobal Collection. Reproduced by per-
mission. Garson, Greer and Laurence Olivier (in a
Bettmann. Reproduced by permission. Gish, Lil-
lian, and Lars Hanson in the film "The Scarlet scene from the 1940 motion picture "Pride and
Letter," 1926, photograph. Springer/Corbis-Bett- Prejudice"), photograph. The Kobal Collection.
mann. Reproduced by permission. Laborers weigh- Reproduced by permission. Hassett, Marilyn (sit-
ing cotton, horse and wagon, c. 1910, photograph. ting on floor), in the film "The Bell Jar" by Sylvia
Corbis-Bettmann. Reproduced by permission. Mis- Plath, photograph. The Kobal Collection. Repro-
sissippi riverboat loading logs, print by Currier and duced by permission. Hutton, Timothy and Dinah
Ives. Corbis-Bettmann, Reproduced by permission. Manoff (in a scene from the 1980 motion picture
Nazi youths burning books, 1933, Berlin, photo- "Ordinary People"), photograph. The Kobal Col-
graph. UPIICorbis-Bettmann. Reproduced by per- lection. Reproduced by permission. Karloff, Boris
mission. Nurse attending patient sleeping on floor, (walking in village), in movie "Frankenstein,"
photograph. UPIICorbis-Bettmann. Reproduced by 1935, photograph. The Kobal Collection. Repro-
permission. Office workers seated at desks, large duced by permission. Sinise, Gary, and John
windows along side, 1952, photograph. UPIICor- Malkovich, in film of "Of Mice and Men" by John
bis-Bettmann. Reproduced by permission. Puritan Steinbeck, photograph. The Kobal Collection. Re-
with musket standing in doorway, 1882, woodcut. produced by permission.
Corbis-Bettmann. Reproduced by permission. SOURCE UNKNOWN: Austen, Jane, water-
Rooney, Mickey, as Huck Finn in "The Adventures color drawing by Cassandra Austen. First illustra-
of Huckleberry Finn," photograph. Springer/Cor- tion of the Frankenstein Monster, by Mary Shelley.
bis-Bettmann. Reproduced by permission. Shelley, Hawthome, Nathaniel, photograph. Jane Austen's
Mary Wollstonecraft (daisy trim), painting by home at Chawton, photograph.

xviii Novels for Students

The Adventures of
Huckleberry Finn
Although probably no other work of American lit- 1\lark Twain
erature has been the source of so much controversy,
Mark Twain's The Adventures ofHuckleberry Finn 1884
is regarded by many as the greatest literary
achievement America has yet produced. Inspired
by many of the author's own experiences as a river-
boat pilot, the book tells of two runaways-a white
boy and a black man-and their journey down the
mighty Mississippi River. When the book first ap-
peared, it scandalized reviewers and parents who
thought it would corrupt young children with its
depiction of a hero who lies, steals, and uses coarse
language. In the last half of the twentieth century,
the condemnation of the book has continued on the
grounds that its portrayal of Jim and use of the word
"nigger" is racist. The novel continues to appear on
lists of books banned in schools across the coun-
Nevertheless, from the beginning The Adven-
tures of Huckleberry Finn was also recognized as
a book that would revolutionize American litera-
ture. The strong point of view, skillful depiction of
dialects, and confrontation of issues of race and
prejudice have inspired critics to dub it "the great
American novel." Nobel Prize-winning author
Ernest Hemingway claimed in The Green Hills of
Africa (1935), for example, that "All modem
American literature comes from one book by Mark
Twain called Huck Finn.... There was nothing be-
fore. There has been nothing as good since."

Volume 1
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

His second book, The Innocents Abroad

(1869), a collection of satirical travel letters the au-
thor wrote from Europe, was an outstanding suc-
cess, selling almost seventy thousand copies in its
first year. On the heels of this triumph, Clemens
married 01ivia Langdon and moved to the East,
where he lived for the rest of his life. In the East,
Clemens had to confront the attitudes of the east-
ern upper class, a group to which he felt he never
belonged. Nevertheless, he did win influential
friends, most significantly William Dean Howells,
editor of the Atlantic Monthly.
Clemens's first two novels, The Gilded Age
(1873), written with Charles Dudley Warner, and
The Adventures ofTom Sawyer (1876), a children's
book based on his boisterous childhood in Hanni-
bal, won Clemens widespread recognition. Shortly
afterwards, he began to compose a sequel to Tom's
story, an autobiography of Tom's friend, Huck
Finn. He worked sporadically on the book over the
next seven years, publishing more travel books and
novels in the meantime. When it was finally pub-
lished, The Adventures ofHuckleberry Finn was an
immediate success, although it was also con-
demned as inappropriate for children. The book
draws on Clemens's childhood in Hannibal, in-
Author Biography cluding his memories of the generosity of whites
who aided runaway slaves, in addition to the pun-
Best known as Mark Twain, Samuel Clemens ishments they endured when caught. In fact, in
was born 30 November 1835 and raised in Hanni- 1841, his father had served on the jury that con-
bal, Missouri. There he absorbed many of the in- victed three whites for aiding the escape of five
fluences that would inform his most lasting contri- slaves.
butions to American literature. During his youth, In the 1890s, Clemens's extensive financial
he delighted in the rowdy play of boys on the river speculations caught up with him, and he went bank-
and became exposed to the institution of slavery. rupt in the depression of 1893-94. With an eye to
He began to work as a typesetter for a number of paying back his many debts, he wrote a number of
Hannibal newspapers at the age of twelve. In the works, including continuing adventures of Tom
late 1850s, he became a steamboat pilot on the Mis- Sawyer and Huck Finn. He spent his final decade
sissippi River. This job taught him the dangers of dictating his autobiography, which appeared in
navigating the river at night and gave him a first- 1924. Clemens died on 21 April 1910.
hand understanding of the river's beauty and per-
ils. These would later be depicted in the books Life
on the Mississippi and The Adventures of Huckle-
berry Finn.
After a brief stint as a soldier in the Confed- rIot Summary
erate militia, C1emens went out west, where he
worked as a reporter for various newspapers. He Chapters 1-7: Huck's Escape
contributed both factual reportage and outlandish, Mark Twain begins The Adventures of Huck-
burlesque tales. This dual emphasis would charac- leberry Finn with a notice to the reader. He iden-
terize his entire career as a journalist. During this tifies Huckleberry Finn as "Tom Sawyer's Com-
phase of his career, in 1863, he adopted the pseu- rade," and reminds the reader that this novel
donym Mark Twain, taken from the riverboat slang resumes where The Adventures of Tom Sawyer left
that means water is at least two fathoms (twelve off: in St. Petersburg, Missouri, on the Mississippi
feet) deep and thus easily travelled. River, "forty to fifty years" before the novel was

2 Novels for Students

Glossary ofLiterary Terms
A Anthropomorphism: The presentation of animals
or objects in human shape or with human charac-
Abstract: As an adjective applied to writing or lit- teristics. The term is derived from the Greek word
erary works, abstract refers to words or phrases that for "human form."
name things not knowable through the five senses.
Antihero: A central character in a work of liter-
Aestheticism: A literary and artistic movement of ature who lacks traditional heroic qualities such
the nineteenth century. Followers of the movement
as courage, physical prowess, and fortitude. Anti-
believed that art should not be mixed with social,
heroes typically distrust conventional values and
political, or moral teaching. The statement "art for are unable to commit themselves to any ideals.
art's sake" is a good summary of aestheticism. The They generally feel helpless in a world over which
movement had its roots in France, but it gained they have no control. Antiheroes usually accept,
widespread importance in England in the last half
and often celebrate, their positions as social out-
of the nineteenth century, where it helped change
the Victorian practice of including moral lessons in
literature. Apprenticeship Novel: See Bildungsroman
Allegory: A narrative technique in which charac- Archetype: The word archetype is commonly used
ters representing things or abstract ideas are used to describe an original pattern or model from which
to convey a message or teach a lesson. Allegory is all other things of the same kind are made. This
typically used to teach moral, ethical, or religious term was introduced to literary criticism from the
lessons but is sometimes used for satiric or politi- psychology of Carl lung. It expresses lung's the-
cal purposes. ory that behind every person's "unconscious," or
Allusion: A reference to a familiar literary or his- repressed memories of the past. lies the "collective
torical person or event, used to make an idea more unconscious" of the human race: memories of the
easily understood. countless typical experiences of our ancestors.
These memories are said to prompt illogical asso-
Analogy: A comparison of two things made to ex- ciations that trigger powerful emotions in the
plain something unfamiliar through its similarities reader. Often, the emotional process is primitive.
to something familiar, or to prove one point based even primordial. Archetypes are the literary images
on the acceptedness of another. Similes and that grow out of the "collective unconscious." They
metaphors are types of analogies. appear in literature as incidents and plots that re-
Antagonist: The major character in a narrative or peat basic patterns of life. They may also appear as
drama who works against the hero or protagonist. stereotyped characters.

Volume 329
Glossary of Literary Terms

Avant-garde: French term meaning "vanguard." It Burlesque: Any literary work that uses exaggera-
is used in literary criticism to describe new writing tion to make its subject appear ridiculous, either by
that rejects traditional approaches to literature in treating a trivial subject with profound seriousness
favor of innovations in style or content. or by treating a dignified subject frivolously. The
word "burlesque" may also be used as an adjective,
as in "burlesque show," to mean "striptease act."
Beat Movement: A period featuring a group of
American poets and novelists of the 1950s and
1960s-including Jack Kerouac, Alien Ginsberg, Character: Broadly speaking, a person in a liter-
Gregory Corso, William S. Burroughs, and Law- ary work. The actions of characters are what con-
rence Ferlinghetti-who rejected established social stitute the plot of a story, novel, or poem. There are
and literary values. Using such techniques as stream numerous types of characters, ranging from sim-
of consciousness writing and jazz-influenced free ple, stereotypical figures to intricate, multifaceted
verse and focusing on unusual or abnormal states ones. In the techniques of anthropomorphism and
of mind-generated by religious ecstasy or the use personification, animals-and even places or
of drugs-the Beat writers aimed to create works things-can assume aspects of character. "Charac-
that were unconventional in both form and subject terization" is the process by which an author cre-
matter. ates vivid, believable characters in a work of art.
This may be done in a variety of ways, including
Bildungsroman: A German word meaning "novel ( I) direct description of the character by the narra-
of development." The bildungsroman is a study of tor; (2) the direct presentation of the speech,
the maturation of a youthful character, typically thoughts, or actions of the character; and (3) the re-
brought about through a series of social or sexual sponses of other characters to the character. The
encounters that lead to self-awareness. Bildungs- term "character" also refers to a form originated by
roman is used interchangeably with erziehungsro- the ancient Greek writer Theophrastus that later be-
man, a novel of initiation and education. When a came popular in the seventeenth and eighteenth
bildungsroman is concerned with the development centuries. It is a short essay or sketch of a person
of an artist (as in James Joyce's A Portrait of the who prominently displays a specific attribute or
Artist as a Young Man), it is often termed a kun- quality, such as miserliness or ambition.
stlerroman. Also known as Apprenticeship Novel,
Coming of Age Novel, Erziehungsroman, or Kun- Climax: The turning point in a narrative, the mo-
stlerroman. ment when the conflict is at its most intense. Typ-
ically, the structure of stories, novels, and plays is
Black Aesthetic Movement: A period of artistic one of rising action, in which tension builds to the
and literary development among African Ameri- climax, followed by falling action, in which ten-
cans in the 1960s and early 1970s. This was the sion lessens as the story moves to its conclusion.
first major African-American artistic movement
since the Harlem Renaissance and was closely par- CoUoquialism: A word, phrase, or form of pro-
alleled by the civil rights and black power move- nunciation that is acceptable in casual conversation
ments. The black aesthetic writers attempted to pro- but not in formal, written communication. It is con-
duce works of art that would be meaningful to the sidered more acceptable than slang.
black masses. Key figures in black aesthetics in- Coming of Age Novel: See Bildungsroman
cluded one of its founders, poet and playwright
Amiri Baraka, formerly known as LeRoi Jones; Concrete: Concrete is the opposite of abstract, and
poet and essayist Haki R. Madhubuti, formerly Don refers to a thing that actually exists or a descrip-
L. Lee; poet and playwright Sonia Sanchez; and tion that allows the reader to experience an object
dramatist Ed Bullins. Also known as Black Arts or concept with the senses.
Movement. Connotation: The impression that a word gives be-
yond its defined meaning. Connotations may be
Black Humor: Writing that places grotesque ele-
universally understood or may be significant only
ments side by side with humorous ones in an at-
to a certain group.
tempt to shock the reader, forcing him or her to
laugh at the horrifying reality of a disordered world. Convention: Any widely accepted literary device,
Also known as Black Comedy. style, or form.

330 Novels for Students

Glossary of Literary Terms

D DoubleEntendre: A corruption of a French phrase

meaning "double meaning." The term is used to in-
Denotation: The definition of a word, apart from dicate a word or phrase that is deliberately am-
the impressions or feelings it creates (connotations) biguous, especially when one of the meanings is
in the reader. risque or improper.
Denouement: A French word meaning "the un- Dramatic Irony: Occurs when the audience of a
knotting." In literary criticism, it denotes the reso- play or the reader of a work of literature knows
lution of conflict in fiction or drama. The denoue- something that a character in the work itself does
ment follows the climax and provides an outcome not know. The irony is in the contrast between the
to the primary plot situation as well as an expla- intended meaning of the statements or actions of a
nation of secondary plot complications. The de- character and the additional information under-
nouement often involves a character's recognition stood by the audience.
of his or her state of mind or moral condition. Also
known as Falling Action. Dystopia: An imaginary place in a work of fiction
where the characters lead dehumanized, fearful
Description: Descriptive writing is intended to al- lives.
Iowa reader to picture the scene or setting in which
the action of a story takes place. The form this de-
scription takes often evokes an intended emotional E
response-a dark, spooky graveyard will evoke
Edwardian: Describes cultural conventions iden-
fear, and a peaceful, sunny meadow will evoke
tified with the period of the reign of Edward VII
of England (1901-1910). Writers of the Edwardian
Dialogue: In its widest sense, dialogue is simply Age typically displayed a strong reaction against
conversation between people in a literary work; in the propriety and conservatism of the Victorian
its most restricted sense, it refers specifically to the Age. Their work often exhibits distrust of author-
speech of characters in a drama. As a specific lit- ity in religion, politics, and art and expresses strong
erary genre, a "dialogue" is a composition in which doubts about the soundness of conventional values.
characters debate an issue or idea.
Empathy: A sense of shared experience, including
Diction: The selection and arrangement of words emotional and physical feelings, with someone or
in a literary work. Either or both may vary de- something other than oneself. Empathy is often
pending on the desired effect. There are four gen- used to describe the response of a reader to a liter-
eral types of diction: "formal," used in scholarly or ary character.
lofty writing; "informal," used in relaxed but edu-
Enlightenment, The: An eighteenth-century
cated conversation; "colloquial," used in everyday
philosophical movement. It began in France but had
speech; and "slang," containing newly coined words
a wide impact throughout Europe and America.
and other terms not accepted in formal usage.
Thinkers of the Enlightenment valued reason and
Didactic: A term used to describe works of litera- believed that both the individual and society could
ture that aim to teach some moral, religious, polit- achieve a state of perfection. Corresponding to this
ical, or practical lesson. Although didactic elements essentially humanist vision was a tesistance to re-
are often found in artistically pleasing works, the ligious authority.
term "didactic" usually refers to literature in which
Epigram: A saying that makes the speaker's point
the message is more important than the form. The
quickly and concisely. Often used to preface a
term may also be used to criticize a work that the
criti~ finds "overly didactic," that is, heavy-handed
in its delivery of a lesson. Epilogue: A concluding statement or section of a
literary work. In dramas, particularly those of the
Doppelganger: A literary technique by which a seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the epilogue
character is duplicated (usually in the form of an
is a closing speech, often in verse, delivered by an
alter ego, though sometimes as a ghostly counter- actor at the end of a play and spoken directly to the
part) or divided into two distinct, usually opposite
personalities. The use of this character device is
widespread in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Epiphany: A sudden revelation of truth inspired
literature, and indicates a growing awareness by a seemingly trivial incident.
among authors that the "self' is really a composite Episode: An incident that forms part of a story and
of many "selves." Also known as The Double. is significantly related to it. Episodes may be ei-

Volume 331
Glossary of Literary Terms

ther self-contained narratives or events that depend FaUing Action: See Denouement
on a larger context for their sense and importance. Fantasy: A literary form related to mythology and
Epistolary Novel: A novel in the form of letters. folklore. Fantasy literature is typically set in non-
The form was particularly popular in the eighteenth existent realms and features supernatural beings.
century. Farce: A type of comedy characterized by broad
Epithet: A word or phrase, often disparaging or humor, outlandish incidents, and often vulgar sub-
abusive, that expresses a character trait of someone ject matter.
or something. Femme fatale: A French phrase with the literal
Existentialism: A predominantly twentieth- translation "fatal woman." A femme fatale is a sen-
century philosophy concerned with the nature and suous, alluring woman who often leads men into
perception of human existence. There are two ma- danger or trouble.
jor strains of existentialist thought: atheistic and Fiction: Any story that is the product of imagina-
Christian. Followers of atheistic existentialism be- tion rather than a documentation of fact. Charac-
lieve that the individual is alone in a godless uni- ters and events in such narratives may be based in
verse and that the basic human condition is one of real life but their ultimate form and configuration
suffering and loneliness. Nevertheless, because is a creation of the author.
there are no fixed values, individuals can create
Figurative Language: A technique in writing in
their own characters-indeed, they can shape them-
which the author temporarily interrupts the order,
selves-through the exercise of free will. The athe-
construction, or meaning of the writing for a par-
istic strain culminates in and is popularly associ-
ticular effect. This interruption takes the form of one
ated with the works of Jean-Paul Sartre. The
or more figures of speech such as hyperbole, irony,
Christian existentialists, on the other hand, believe
or simile. Figurative language is the opposite of lit-
that only in God may people find freedom from
eral language, in which every word is truthful, ac-
life's anguish. The two strains hold certain beliefs
curate, and free of exaggeration or embellishment.
in common: that existence cannot be fully under-
stood or described through empirical effort; that an- Figures of Speech: Writing that differs from cus-
guish is a universal element of life; that individu- tomary conventions for construction, meaning, or-
als must bear responsibility for their actions; and der, or significance for the purpose of a special
that there is no common standard of behavior or meaning or effect. There are two major types of
perception for religious and ethical matters. figures of speech: rhetorical figures, which do not
make changes in the meaning of the words, and
Expatriates: See Expatriatism
tropes, which do.
Expatriatism: The practice ofleaving one's coun-
Fin de siecle: A French term meaning "end of the
try to live for an extended period in another coun-
century." The term is used to denote the last decade
of the nineteenth century, a transition period when
Exposition: Writing intended to explain the nature writers and other artists abandoned old conventions
of an idea, thing, or theme. Expository writing is and looked for new techniques and objectives.
often combined with description, narration, or ar-
First Person: See Point of View
gument. In dramatic writing, the exposition is the
introductory material which presents the characters, Flashback: A device used in literature to present
setting, and tone of the play. action that occurred before the beginning of the
story. Flashbacks are often introduced as the
Expressionism: An indistinct literary term, origi-
dreams or recollections of one or more characters.
nally used to describe an early twentieth-century
school of German painting. The term applies to al- Foil: A character in a work of literature whose
most any mode of unconventional, highly subjec- physical or psychological qualities contrast
tive writing that distorts reality in some way. strongly with, and therefore highlight, the corre-
sponding qualities of another character.
Folklore: Traditions and myths preserved in a cul-
F ture or group of people. Typically, these are passed
Fable: A prose or verse narrative intended to con- on by word of mouth in various forms-such as
vey a moral. Animals or inanimate objects with legends, songs, and proverbs-or preserved in cus-
human characteristics often serve as characters in toms and ceremonies. This term was first used by
fables. W. J. Thoms in 1846.

332 Novels for Students

Glossary of Literary Terms

Folktale: A story originating in oral tradition. Folk- Neale Hurston. Also known as Negro Renaissance
tales fall into a variety of categories, including leg- and New Negro Movement.
ends, ghost stories, fairy tales, fables, and anec-
HerolHeroine: The principal sympathetic charac-
dotes based on historical figures and events.
ter (male or female) in a literary work. Heroes and
Foreshadowing: A device used in literature to cre- heroines typically exhibit admirable traits: ideal-
ate expectation or to set up an explanation of later ism, courage, and integrity, for example.
Holocaust Literature: Literature influenced by or
Form: The pattern or construction of a work which written about the Holocaust of World Warn. Such
identifies its genre and distinguishes it from other literature includes true stories of survival in con-
genres. centration camps, escape, and life after the war, as
well as fictional works and poetry.

G Humanism: A philosophy that places faith in the

dignity of humankind and rejects the medieval per-
Genre: A category of literary work. In critical the-
ception of the individual as a weak, fallen creature.
ory, genre may refer to both the content of a given
"Humanists" typically believe in the perfectibility
work-tragedy, comedy, pastoral-and to its form,
of human nature and view reason and education as
such as poetry, novel, or drama.
the means to that end.
Gilded Age: A period in American history during
Hyperbole: In literary criticism, deliberate exag-
the 1870s characterized by political corruption and
geration used to achieve an effect.
materialism. A number of important novels of so-
cial and political criticism were written during this
Gothicism: In literary criticism, works character-
ized by a taste for the medieval or morbidly at- Idiom: A word construction or verbal expression
tractive. A gothic novel prominently features ele- closely associated with a given language.
ments of horror, the supernatural, gloom, and Image: A concrete representation of an object or
violence: clanking chains, terror, charnel houses, sensory experience. Typically, such a representa-
ghosts, medieval castles, and mysteriously slam- tion helps evoke the feelings associated with the
ming doors. The term "gothic novel" is also ap- object or experience itself. Images are either "lit-
plied to novels that lack elements of the traditional eral" or "figurative." Literal images are especially
Gothic setting but that create a similar atmosphere concrete and involve little or no extension of the
of terror or dread. obvious meaning of the words used to express
Grotesque: In literary criticism, the subject matter them. Figurative images do not follow the literal
of a work or a style of expression characterized by meaning of the words exactly. Images in literature
exaggeration, deformity, freakishness, and disor- are usually visual, but the term "image" can also
der. The grotesque often includes an element of refer to the representation of any sensory experi-
comic absurdity. ence.
Imagery: The array of images in a literary work.
Also, figurative language.
In medias res: A Latin term meaning "in the mid-
Harlem Renaissance: The Harlem Renaissance of
dle of things." It refers to the technique of begin-
the 1920s is generally considered the first signifi-
ning a story at its midpoint and then using various
cant movement of black writers and artists in the
flashback devices to reveal previous action.
United States. During this period, new and estab-
lished black writers published more fiction and po- Interior Monologue: A narrative technique in
etry than ever before, the first influential black lit- which characters' thoughts are revealed in a way
erary journals were established, and black authors that appears to be uncontrolled by the author. The
and artists received their first widespread recogni- interior monologue typically aims to reveal the in-
tion and serious critical appraisal. Among the ma- ner self of a character. Itportrays emotional expe-
jor writers associated with this period are Claude riences as they occur at both a conscious and un-
McKay, Jean Toomer, Countee Cullen, Langston conscious level. Images are often used to represent
Hughes, Arna Bontemps, Nella Larsen, and Zora sensations or emotions.

Volume 333
Glossary of Literary Terms

Irony: In literary criticism, the effect of language Motif: A theme, character type, image, metaphor,
in which the intended meaning is the opposite of or other verbal element that recurs throughout a sin-
what is stated. gle work of literature or occurs in a number of dif-
ferent works over a period of time. Also known as
Motiv or Leitmotiv.
J Myth: An anonymous tale emerging from the tra-
Jargon: Language that is used or understood only ditional beliefs of a culture or social unit. Myths
by a select group of people. Jargon may refer to use supernatural explanations for natural phenom-
terminology used in a certain profession, such as ena. They may also explain cosmic issues like cre-
computer jargon, or it may refer to any nonsensi- ation and death. Collections of myths, known as
cal language that is not understood by most peo- mythologies, are common to all cultures and na-
ple. tions, but the best-known myths belong to the
Norse, Roman, and Greek mythologies.

Leitmotiv: See Motif N
Narration: The telling of a series of events, real
Literal Language: An author uses literal language
or invented. A narration may be either a simple nar-
when he or she writes without exaggerating er em-
rative, in which the events are recounted chrono-
bellishing the subject matter and without any tools
logically, or a narrative with a plot, in which the
of figurative language.
account is given in a style reflecting the author's
Lost Generation: A term first used by Gertrude artistic concept of the story. Narration is sometimes
Stein to describe the post-World War I generation used as a synonym for "storyline."
of American writers: men and women haunted by
Narrative: A verse or prose accounting of an event
a sense of betrayal and emptiness brought about by
or sequence of events, real or invented. The term
the destructiveness of the war. is also used as an adjective in the sense "method
of narration." For example, in literary criticism, the
expression "narrative technique" usually refers to
M the way the author structures and presents his or
Mannerism: Exaggerated, artificial adherence to a her story.
literary manner or style. Also, a popular style of
Narrator: The teller of a story. The narrator may
the visual arts of late sixteenth-century Europe that
be the author or a character in the story through
was marked by elongation of the human form and
whom the author speaks.
by intentional spatial distortion. Literary works that
are self-consciously high-toned and artistic are of- Naturalism: A literary movement of the late nine-
ten said to be "mannered." teenth and early twentieth centuries. The move-
ment's major theorist, French novelist Emile Zola,
Metaphor: A figure of speech that expresses an envisioned a type of fiction that would examine hu-
idea through the image of another object. man life with the objectivity of scientific inquiry.
Metaphors suggest the essence of the first object
The Naturalists typically viewed human beings as
by identifying it with certain qualities of the sec- either the products of "biological determinism,"
ond object. ruled by hereditary instincts and engaged in an end-
Modernism: Modern literary practices. Also, the less struggle for survival, or as the products of "so-
principles of a literary school that lasted from cioeconomic determinism," ruled by social and
roughly the beginning of the twentieth century un- economic forces beyond their control. In their
til the end of World War 11. Modernism is defined works, the Naturalists generally ignored the high-
by its rejection of the literary conventions of the est levels of society and focused on degradation:
nineteenth century and by its opposition to con- poverty, alcoholism, prostitution, insanity, and dis-
ventional morality, taste, traditions, and economic ease.
values. Noble Savage: The idea that primitive man is no-
Mood: The prevailing emotions of a work or of the ble and good but becomes evil and corrupted as he
author in his or her creation of the work. The mood becomes civilized. The concept of the noble sav-
of a work is not always what might be expected age originated in the Renaissance period but is
based on its subject matter. more closely identified with such later writers as

334 Novels for Students

Glossary of Literary Terms

Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Aphra Behn. See also Parallelism: A method of comparison of two ideas
Primitivism. in which each is developed in the same grammat-
Novel of Ideas: A novel in which the examination ical structure.
of intellectual issues and concepts takes precedence Parody: In literary criticism, this term refers to an
over characterization or a traditional storyline. imitation of a serious literary work or the signature
Novel of Manners: A novel that examines the cus- style of a particular author in a ridiculous manner.
toms and mores of a cultural group. A typical parody adopts the style of the original
and applies it to an inappropriate subject for hu-
Novel: A long fictional narrative written in prose,
morous effect. Parody is a form of satire and could
which developed from the novella and other early
be considered the literary equivalent of a caricature
forms of narrative. A novel is usually organized un-
or cartoon.
der a plot or theme with a focus on character de-
velopment and action. Pastoral: A term derived from the Latin word "pas-
Novella: An Italian term meaning "story." This tor," meaning shepherd. A pastoral is a literary
term has been especially used to describe four- composition on a rural theme. The conventions of
teenth-century Italian tales, but it also refers to the pastoral were originated by the third-century
Greek poet Theocritus, who wrote about the expe-
modern short novels.
riences, love affairs, and pastimes of Sicilian shep-
herds. In a pastoral, characters and language of a
o courtly nature are often placed in a simple setting.
The term pastoral is also used to classify dramas,
Objective Correlative: An outward set of objects,
elegies, and lyrics that exhibit the use of country
a situation, or a chain of events corresponding to
settings and shepherd characters.
an inward experience and evoking this experience
in the reader. The term frequently appears in mod- Pen Name: See Pseudonym
ern criticism in discussions of authors' intended ef- Persona: A Latin term meaning "mask." Personae
fects on the emotional responses of readers. are the characters in a fictional work of literature.
Objectivity: A quality in writing characterized by The persona generally functions as a mask through
the absence of the author's opinion or feeling about which the author tells a story in a voice other than
the subject matter. Objectivity is an important fac- his or her own. A persona is usually either a char-
tor in criticism. acter in a story who acts as a narrator or an "im-
Oedipus Complex: A son's amorous obsession plied author," avoice created by the author to act
with his mother. The phrase is derived from the as the narrator for himself or herself.
story of the ancient Theban hero Oedipus, who un- Personification: A figure of speech that gives hu-
knowingly killed his father and married his mother. man qualities to abstract ideas, animals, and inan-
Omniscience: See Point of View imate objects. Also known as Prosopopoeia.
Onomatopoeia: The use of words whose sounds Picaresque Novel: Episodic fiction depicting the
express or suggest their meaning. In its simplest adventures of a roguish central character ("picaro"
sense, onomatopoeia may be represented by words is Spanish for "rogue"). The picaresque hero is
that mimic the sounds they denote such as "hiss" commonly a low-born but clever individual who
or "meow." At a more subtle level, the pattern and wanders into and out of various affairs of love, dan-
rhythm of sounds and rhymes of a line or poem ger, and farcical intrigue. These involvements may
may be onomatopoeic. take place at all social levels and typically present
Oxymoron: A phrase combining two contradictory a humorous and wide-ranging satire of a given so-
terms. Oxymorons may be intentional or uninten- ciety.
tional. Plagiarism: Claiming another person's written ma-
terial as one's own. Plagiarism can take the form
of direct, word-for-word copying or the theft of the
p substance or idea of the work.
Parable: A story intended to teach a moral lesson Plot: In literary criticism, this term refers to the
or answer an ethical question. pattern of events in a narrative or drama. In its sim-
Paradox: A statement that appears illogical or con- plest sense, the plot guides the author in compos-
tradictory at first, but may actually point to an un- ing the work and helpsthe reader follow the work.
derlying truth. Typically, plots exhibit causality and unity and

Volume 335
Glossary of Literary Terms

have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Sometimes, movement of the 1960s and early '70s. Writers
however, a plot may consist of a series of discon- since that time have adopted a somewhat different
nected events, in which case it is known as an tone in their work, with less emphasis placed on
"episodic plot." the disparity between black and white in the United
Poetic Justice: An outcome in a literary work, not States. In the words of post-aesthetic authors such
necessarily a poem, in which the good are rewarded as Toni Morrison, John Edgar Wideman, and
and the evil are punished, especially in ways that Kristin Hunter, African Americans are portrayed as
particularly fit their virtues or crimes. looking inward for answers to their own questions,
rather than always looking to the outside world.
Poetic License: Distortions of fact and literary con-
Postmodernism: Writing from the 1960s forward
vention made by a writer-not always a poet-for
characterized by experimentation and continuing to
the sake of the effect gained. Poetic license is
apply some of the fundamentals of modernism,
closely related to the concept of "artistic freedom."
which included existentialism and alienation. Post-
Poetics: This term has two closely related mean- modernists have gone a step further in the rejection
ings. It denotes (1) an aesthetic theory in literary of tradition begun with the modernists by also re-
criticism about the essence of poetry or (2) rules jecting traditional forms, preferring the anti-novel
prescribing the proper methods, content, style, or over the novel and the antihero over the hero.
diction of poetry. The term poetics may also refer
Primitivism: The belief that primitive peoples
to theories about literature in general, not just po-
were nobler and less flawed than civilized peoples
because they had not been subjected to the tainting
Point of View: The narrative perspective from influence of society. See also Noble Savage.
which a literary work is presented to the reader. Prologue: An introductory section of a literary
There are four traditional points of view. The "third work. It often contains information establishing the
person omniscient" gives the reader a "godlike" situation of the characters or presents information
perspective, unrestricted by time or place, from about the setting, time period, or action. In drama,
which to see actions and look into the minds of the prologue is spoken by a chorus or by one of the
characters. This allows the author to comment principal characters.
openly on characters and events in the work. The
"third person" point of view presents the events of Prose: A literary medium that attempts to mirror
the story from outside of any single character's per- the language of everyday speech. It is distinguished
ception, much like the omniscient point of view, from poetry by its use of unmetered, unrhymed lan-
but the reader must understand the action as it takes guage consisting of logically related sentences.
place and without any special insight into charac- Prose is usually grouped into paragraphs that form
ters' minds or motivations. The "first person" or a cohesive whole such as an essay or a novel.
"personal" point of view relates events as they are Prosopopoeia: See Personification
perceived by a single character. The main charac- Protagonist: The central character of a story who
ter "tells" the story and may offer opinions about serves as a focus for its themes and incidents and
the action and characters which differ from those as the principal rationale for its development. The
of the author. Much less common than omniscient, protagonist is sometimes referred to in discussions
third person, and first person is the "second per- of modern literature as the hero or antihero.
son" point of view, wherein the author tells the
Protest Fiction: Protest fiction has as its primary
story as if it is happening to the reader.
purpose the protesting of some social injustice,
Polemic: A work in which the author takes a stand such as racism or discrimination.
on a controversial subject, such as abortion or re-
Proverb: A brief, sage saying that expresses a truth
ligion. Such works are often extremely argumenta-
about life in a striking manner.
tive or provocative.
Pseudonym: A name assumed by a writer, most
Pornography: Writing intended to provoke feel- often intended to prevent his or her identification
ings of lust in the reader. Such works are often con- as the author of a work. Two or more authors may
demned by critics and teachers, but those which can work together under one pseudonym, or an author
be shown to have literary value are viewed less may use a different name for each genre he or she
harshly. publishes in. Some publishing companies maintain
Post-Aesthetic Movement: An artistic response "house pseudonyms," under which any number of
made by African Americans to the black aesthetic authors may write installations in a series. Some

336 Novels for Students

Glossary of Literary Terms

authors also choose a pseudonym over their real pression to rational analysis. They considered the
names the way an actor may use a stage name. individual to be at the center of all experience and
Pun: A play on words that have similar sounds but so placed him or her at the center of their art. The
different meanings. Romantics believed that the creative imagination
reveals nobler truths-unique feelings and atti-
tudes-than those that could be discovered by logic
R or by scientific examination. Both the natural world
Realism: A nineteenth-century European literary and the state of childhood were important sources
movement that sought to portray familiar charac- for revelations of "eternal truths." "Romanticism"
ters, situations, and settings in a realistic manner. is also used as a general term to refer to a type of
This was done primarily by using an objective nar- sensibility found in all periods of literary history
rative point of view and through the buildup of ac- and usually considered to be in opposition to the
curate detail. The standard for success of any real- principles of classicism. In this sense, Romanticism
istic work depends on how faithfully it transfers signifies any work or philosophy in which the ex-
common experience into fictional forms. The real- otic or dreamlike figure strongly, or that is devoted
istic method may be altered or extended, as in to individualistic expression, self-analysis, or a pur-
stream of consciousness writing, to record highly suit of a higher realm of knowledge than can be
subjective experience. discovered by human reason.
Repartee: Conversation featuring snappy retorts Romantics: See Romanticism
and witticisms.
Resolution: The portion of a story following the
climax, in which the conflict is resolved. See also
Satire: A work that uses ridicule, humor, and wit
Denouement. to criticize and provoke change in human nature
Rhetoric: In literary criticism, this term denotes and institutions. There are two major types of
the art of ethical persuasion. In its strictest sense, satire: "formal" or "direct" satire speaks directly to
rhetoric adheres to various principles developed the reader or to a character in the work; "indirect"
since classical times for arranging facts and ideas satire relies upon the ridiculous behavior of its char-
in a clear, persuasive, appealing manner. The term acters to make its point. Formal satire is further di-
is also used to refer to effective prose in general vided into two manners: the "Horatian," which
and theories of or methods for composing effective ridicules gently, and the "Juvenalian," which de-
prose. rides its subjects harshly and bitterly.
Rhetorical Question: A question intended to pro- Science Fiction: A type of narrative about or based
voke thought, but not an expressed answer, in the upon real or imagined scientific theories and tech-
reader. It is most commonly used in oratory and nology. Science fiction is often peopled with alien
other persuasive genres. creatures and set on other planets or in different di-
Rising Action: The part of a drama where the plot mensions.
becomes increasingly complicated. Rising action Second Person: See Point of View
leads up to the climax, or turning point, of a drama. Setting: The time, place, and culture in which the
Roman a clef: A French phrase meaning "novel action of a narrative takes place. The elements of
with a key." It refers to a narrative in which real setting may include geographic location, charac-
persons are portrayed under fictitious names. ters' physical and mental environments, prevailing
Romance: A broad term, usually denoting a nar- cultural attitudes, or the historical time in which the
rative with exotic, exaggerated, often idealized action takes place.
characters, scenes, and themes. SimUe: A comparison, usually using "like" or "as",
Romanticism: This term has two widely accepted of two essentially dissimilar things, as in "coffee as
meanings. In historical criticism, it refers to a Eu- cold as ice" or "He sounded like a broken record."
ropean intellectual and artistic movement of the late Slang: A type of informal verbal communication
eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries that that is generally unacceptable for formal writing.
sought greater freedom of personal expression than Slang words and phrases are often colorful exag-
that allowed by the strict rules of literary form and gerations used to emphasize the speaker's point;
logic of the eighteenth-century neoclassicists. The they may also be shortened versions of an often-
Romantics preferred emotional and imaginative ex- used word or phrase.

Volume 337
Glossary of Literary Terms

Slave Narrative: Autobiographical accounts of Surrealism: A term introduced to cnncism by

American slave life as told by escaped slaves. Guillaume Apollinaire and later adopted by Andre
These works first appeared during the abolition Breton. It refers to a French literary and artistic
movement of the 1830s through the 1850s. movement founded in the I920s. The Surrealists
Socialist Realism: The Socialist Realism school of sought to express unconscious thoughts and feel-
literary theory was proposed by Maxim Gorky and ings in their works. The best-known technique used
established as a dogma by the first Soviet Congress for achieving this aim was automatic writing-tran-
of Writers. It demanded adherence to a communist scriptions of spontaneous outpourings from the un-
worldview in works of literature. Its doctrines re- conscious. The Surrealists proposed to unify the
quired an objective viewpoint comprehensible to contrary levels of conscious and unconscious,
the working classes and themes of social struggle dream and reality, objectivity and subjectivity into
featuring strong proletarian heroes. Also known as a new level of "super-realism."
Social Realism. Suspense: A literary device in which the author
Stereotype: A stereotype was originally the name maintains the audience's attention through the
for a duplication made during the printing process; buildup of events, the outcome of which will soon
this led to its modern definition as a person or thing be revealed.
that is (or is assumed to be) the same as all others Symbol: Something that suggests or stands for
of its type. something else without losing its original identity.
Stream of Consciousness: A narrative technique In literature, symbols combine their literal mean-
for rendering the inward experience of a charac- ing with the suggestion of an abstract concept. Lit-
ter. This technique is designed to give the impres- erary symbols are of two types: those that carry
sion of an ever-changing series of thoughts, emo- complex associations of meaning no matter what
tions, images, and memories in the spontaneous their contexts, and those that derive their sugges-
and seemingly illogical order that they occur in tive meaning from their functions in specific liter-
life. ary works.
Symbolism: This term has two widely accepted
Structure: The form taken by a piece of literature.
The structure may be made obvious for ease of un- meanings. In historical criticism, it denotes an early
modernist literary movement initiated in France
derstanding, as in nonfiction works, or may ob-
during the nineteenth century that reacted against
scured for artistic purposes, as in some poetry or
seemingly "unstructured" prose. the prevailing standards of realism. Writers in this
movement aimed to evoke, indirectly and symbol-
Sturm und Drang: A German term meaning ically, an order of being beyond the material world
"storm and stress." It refers to a German literary of the five senses. Poetic expression of personal
movement of the 1770s and 1780s that reacted emotion figured strongly in the movement, typi-
against the order and rationalism of the enlighten- cally by means of a private set of symbols uniquely
ment, focusing instead on the intense experience of identifiable with the individual poet. The principal
extraordinary individuals. aim of the Symbolists was to express in words the
Style: A writer's distinctive manner of arranging highly complex feelings that grew out of everyday
words to suit his or her ideas and purpose in writ- contact with the world. In a broader sense, the term
ing. The unique imprint of the author's personality "symbolism" refers to the use of one object to rep-
upon his or her writing, style is the product of an resent another.
author's way of arranging ideas and his or her use
of diction, different sentence structures, rhythm,
figures of speech, rhetorical principles, and other T
elements of composition. Tall Tale: A humorous tale told in a straightfor-
Subjectivity: Writing that expresses the author's ward, credible tone but relating absolutely impos-
personal feelings about his subject, and which may sible events or feats of the characters. Such tales
or may not include factual information about the were commonly told of frontier adventures during
subject. the settlement of the west in the United States.
Subplot: A secondary story in a narrative. A sub- Theme: The main point of a work of literature. The
plot may serve as a motivating or complicating term is used interchangeably with thesis.
force for the main plot of the work, or it may pro- Thesis: A thesis is both an essay and the point ar-
vide emphasis for, or relief from, the main plot. gued in the essay. Thesis novels and thesis plays

338 Novels for Students

Glossary of Literary Terms

share the quality of containing a thesis which is

supported through the action of the story.
Verisimilitude: Literally, the appearance of truth.
Third Person: See Point of View In literary criticism, the term refers to aspects of a
Tone: The author's attitude toward his or her au- work of literature that seem true to the reader.
dience may be deduced from the tone of the work. Victorian: Refers broadly to the reign of Queen
A formal tone may create distance or convey po- Victoria of England (1837-1901) and to anything
liteness, while an informal tone may encourage a with qualities typical of that era. For example, the
friendly, intimate, or intrusive feeling in the reader. qualities of smug narrowmindedness, bourgeois
The author's attitude toward his or her subject mat- materialism, faith in social progress, and priggish
ter may also be deduced from the tone of the words morality are often considered Victorian. This
he or she uses in discussing it. stereotype is contradicted by such dramatic intel-
lectual developments as the theories of Charles
Transcendentalism: An American philosophical
Darwin, Karl Marx, and Sigmund Freud (which
and religious movement, based in New England
stirred strong debates in England) and the critical
from around 1835 until the Civil War. Transcen-
attitudes of serious Victorian writers like Charles
dentalism was a form of American romanticism
Dickens and George Eliot. In literature, the Victo-
that had its roots abroad in the works of Thomas
rian Period was the great age of the English novel,
Carlyle, Samuel Coleridge, and Johann Wolfgang
and the latter part of the era saw the rise of move-
von Goethe. The Transcendentalists stressed the
ments such as decadence and symbolism. Also
importance of intuition and subjective experience
known as Victorian Age and Victorian Period.
in communication with God. They rejected reli-
gious dogma and texts in favor of mysticism and
scientific naturalism. They pursued truths that lie
beyond the "colorless" realms perceived by reason
Weltanschauullg: A German term referring to a
and the senses and were active social reformers in
person's worldview or philosophy.
public education, women's rights, and the abolition
of slavery. Weltschmen: A German term meaning "world
pain." It describes a sense of anguish about the na-
ture of existence, usually associated with a melan-
u choly, pessimistic attitude.
Urban Realism: A branch of realist writing that
attempts to accurately reflect the often harsh facts
of modem urban existence. '
Zeitgeist: A German term meaning "spirit of the
Utopia: A fictional perfect place, such as "par- time." It refers to the moral and intellectual trends
adise" or "heaven." of a given era.

Volume 339
Author/Title Index
A G o
Of Mice and Men (Steinbeck): VI
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Garcfa Marquez, Gabriel
(Twain): VI Love in the Time of Cholera: VI Ordinary People (Guest): VI
Austen, Jane Guest, Judith
Pride and Prejudice: VI Ordinary People: VI
Plath, Sylvia
The Bell Jar: VI
B H Pride and Prejudice (Austen): VI
The Bell Jar (plath): VI Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Block Boy (Wright): VI The Scarlet Letter: VI
The Bluest Eye (Morrlson): VI
Bradbury, Ray
Heller, Joseph
Catch-22: VI
Salinger, J. D.
Fahrenheit 451: VI Hemingway. Ernest The Catcher in the Rye: VI
A Farewell to Arms: VI The Scarlet Letter (Hawthorne): VI
Shelley, Mary

c J
Frankenstein: VI
Steinbeck, John
Of Mice and Men: VI
Catch-22 (Helier): VI
The Catcher in the Rye The Joy Luck Club (Tan): VI
(Salinger): VI
Clemens, Samuel T
The Adventures of Huckleberry Tan. Amy
Finn: VI L The Joy Luck Club: VI
Love in the Time of Cholera (Garcia Twain, Mark
Marquez): VI The Adventures of Huckleberry
Finn: VI
Fahrenheit 451 (Bradbury): VI
A Farewell to Arms M w
(Hemingway): VI Morrison, Toni Wright, Richard
Frankenstein (Shelley): VI The Bluest Eye: VI Black Boy: VI

Volume 1 34 1
Nationality/Ethnicity Index
HelIer. Joseph
African American Catch-22: VI Asian American
Morrison, Toni Hemingway. Ernest Tan. Amy
The Bluest Eye: Vl A Farewell to Arms: Vl The Joy Luck Club: VI
Wright, Richard Morrison. Toni
Black Boy: V1 The Bluest Eye: VI
Plath. Sylvia
The Bell Jar: VI British
Salinger, J. D.
American The Catcher in the Rye: VI
Austen, Jane
Pride and Prejudice: VI
Bradbury, Ray Steinbeck, John
Fahrenheit 451: VI Shelley. Mary
Of Mice and Men: VI
Clemens, Mark Frankenstein: VI
Tan. Amy
The Adventures of Huckleberry The Joy Luck Club: VI
Finn: VI Twain. Mark
Guest. Judith The Adventures of Huckleberry
Ordinary People: VI Finn: VI Colombian
Hawthorne, Nathaniel Wright. Richard Garcfa M4rquez. Gabriel
The Scarlet Letter: VI Black Boy: VI Love in the Time of Cholera: VI

Volume 1 J4J
Subject/Theme Index
·BoIdface denotes discussion in Fahrenheit 451: 144 Ordinary People: 265-66,
Themes section. Franlcenstein: 188 270-71
OfMice and Men: 246 Apathy and Passivity
Ordinary People: 270 Fahrenheit 451: 144
A Allegory
Of Mice and Men: 261
Appearances and ReaHty
Frankenstein: 189
The Scarlet Letter: 306,314, Arctic
The Bluest Eye: 84
319-21 Franlcenstein: 182. 190, 193
The Joy Luck Club: 204. 206
Amblplty Asia
Of Mice and Men: 248
The Scarlet Letter: 313 The Joy Luck Club: 203, 205-06,
Ambition 211-12,216-17,219-21
Catch-22: 89-90. 98-101.
The Bell Jar: 22, 30-32, 34 Atonement
American Midwest The Catcher in the Rye: 135-36
The Adventures of Huckleberry The Scarlet Letter: 320, 322-25,
The Catcher in the Rye: 116. 118.
Finn: 4 327
123. 125, 127
The Joy Luck Club: 211 American Northeast Atonement and Forpvene118
The Bell Jar: 31 Ordinary People: 270
Catch-22: 90 Authoritarianism
The Scarlet Letter: 306-Q7. 312.
The Catcher in the Rye: 117-18, Fahrenheit 451: 150, 153
318-19, 321
124.127 Autobiography
The Scarlet Letter: 308, 313-15, Black Boy: 59-60
The Bluest Eye: 68, 73, 75, 77
The Catcher in the Rye: 119, 317
124-25. 134-35 American South
Adventure and Exploration Black Boy: 43-46. 55
American Southwest
The Adventures of Huckkberry Beauty
Finn: 3, 15-17 Of Mice and Men: 253-55 The Bluest Eye: 72-77, 79
Frankenstein: 190, 193 American West
Aging and Decay The Adventures of Huckleberry
The Bell Jar: 37-39
Love in the Time of Cholera: 228 Finn: 2 The Bluest Eye: 73-74
Alienation The Joy Luck Club: 213
The Catcher in the Rye: 123-24 Of Mice and Men: 240-42, 249,
Fahrenheit 451: 140, 144
A Farewell to Arms: 165-67 Anger
Of Mice and Men: 247 The Catcher in the Rye: 118, Capitalism
Ordinary People: 263, 272 123-24 The Catcher in the Rye: 130
Alienation and Lonel__ Anger Censorship
The Catcher in the Rye: 123 The Bell Jar: 29-30, 33 Black Boy: 55-56

Volume 1 345
Changll and Transformation

Fahrenheit 451: 138, 147-49 The Scarlet Letter: 306, 322

Change and Translonnation D England
Fahrenheit 451: 145 Death Frankenstein: 192-93
Pride and Prejudice: 292 Love in the Time of Cholera: Pride and Prejudice: 283-84,
223-25,227-30,232-36 294-96
The Scarlet Letter: 313
Death Europe
The Bell Jar: 22, 25-26, 30-31 Catch-22: 89-93,99-103,
Black Boy: 56 The Bluest Eye: 69, 73-74 112-13
The Catcher in the Rye: 134, 136 Catch-22: 92-93, 101 Fahrenheit 451: 146-47
China The Catcher in the Rye: 129 A Farewell to Arms: 158-61,
The Joy Luck Club: 203-04, 206, Fahrenheit 451: 154-55 167-70
211-12,216-17,219-21 A Farewell to Arms: 158, Frankenstein: 180, 182-83, lOO,
Cboices and Consequences 160-61, 165-67, 169-70 192-93
The Joy Luck Club: 210 Frankenstein: 182-84, 191, Pride and Prejudice: 283-84,
Christianity 195-99
The Scarlet Letter: 324-26 The Joy Luck Club: 204-05,214
The Scarlet Letter: 313, 316-17
City Life
Of Mice and Men: 242-43, Evil
247-48, 256-58
The Bell Jar: 37-38 The Adventures of Huckleberry
Ordinary People: 263, 265-66,
Ci vil Rights Finn: 20
270-71, 274-76
The Adventures of Huckleberry Catch-22: 93,99-100
The Scarlet Letter: 309-10,
Finn: 13 The Catcher in the Rye: 130, 136
The Bluest Eye: 72, 75, 77-78 Frankenstein: 181, 183-84, 191,
Catch-22: 101-02, 104 The Scarlet Letter: 320-21
The Scarlet Letter: 308, 314, 316,
Class ConOid Depression and Melancholy
The Bell Jar: 22, 24-25, 31, 33
318,320, 322, 324
Of Mice and Men: 247 Exile
Cold War Fahrenheit 451: 154-55
Ordinary People: 277-78 Catch-22: 112
Black Boy: 53 Fahrenheit 451: 153, 155
Catch-22: 103-04
A Farewell to Arms: 176, 178
Fahrenhei: 451: 138, 147
Love in the Time of Cholera:
Frankenstein: 198-99
222-23, 229-30 A Farewell to Arms: 160, 166-67 Failure
Coming of Age Love in the Time of Cholera: The Catcher in the Rye: 123
The Bluest Eye: 73 224-25, 228-30, 232 Family Life
Drama The Bell Jar: 30, 33
The Scarlet Letter: 322-23 Frankenstein: 189-90
Black Boy: 47
Dreams and Visions The Joy Luck Club: 205,210-12
Catch-22: 104
Frankenstein: 194, 196-98 Pride and Prejudice: 282, 293
Of Mice and Men: 251-52
The Joy Luck Club: 203, 205, Farce
Conformity The Adventures of Huckleberry
Fahrenheit 451: 138, 145-46, Finn: 10
Of Mice and Men: 241, 243,
149-50, 152-53 246-49, 254-61 Farm and Rural Life
Conscience Duty and ResponsibUity Of Mice and Men: 241, 243-44,
The Adventures of Huckleberry Frankenstein: 181, 190 246-55
Finn: 8 Duty and Responsibility Fate and Chance
Courage The Scarlet Letter: 318 A Farewell to Arms: 166-67
The Catcher in the Rye: 124 The Joy Luck Club: 203, 209,
Courage 211,214, 218-20
Pride and Prejudice: 304 E OfMice and Men: 259-60
The Scarlet Letter: 318 Emotions The Scarlet Letter: 308
The Bell Jar: 25, 30, 36 Fear and Terror
Crime and Criminals
Black Boy: 55, 60-63 The Adventures of Huckleberry
Catch-22: 91-92, 104
The Bluest Eye: 73, 76 Finn: 20
A Farewell to Arms: 168-69
Fahrenheit 451: 155 Catch-22: 109-11
Frankenstein: 190 Fahrenheit 451: 140, 148-49
A Farewell to Arms: 167, 176-77
Of Mice and Men: 243, 248 Frankenstein: 182-83, 191
Frankenstein: ISO, 188, 199
Cnlture Clasb OfMice and Men: 243-44, 248
Love in the Time of Cholera:
The Bell Jar: 29 228,235 Ordinary People: 280
The Joy Luck Club: 211 Of Mice and Men: 246 Film
Cynicism Ordinary People: 263, 265-66, The Bluest Eye: 72, 76, 78
The Catcher in the Rye: 129 272,274-80 Fahrenheit 451: 147-49

346 NOVllls for StudllntiJ

Killf!rs and Killing

Forgiveness The Joy Luck Club: 203, 209-11, Identity

Ordintlry People: 266, 270-71, 217,220 The Bluest Eye: 85-87
274,280 Pride and Prejudice: 299, 301, The Catcher in the Rye: 125, 129
The Scarlet Letter: 309-10, 314 303-04 Imagery and Symbolism
France Hatred The Bluest Eye: 76, 79, 82-83
Frankenstein: 183, 191-92 The Adventures of Huckleberry A Farewell to Arms: 174-78
Pride and Prejudice: 294 Finn: 20 Of Mice and Men: 248-49, 259
The Scarlet Letter: 316-17 The Bluest Eye: 67-69, 73-77, The Scarlet Letter: 312-14, 316,
Freedom 79 318-19, 321, 324-25
The Adventures of Huekleberry Catch-22: 105 Imagination
Finn: 8 Fahrenheit 451: 156-57 Black Boy: 62, 64
French Revolution A Farewell to Arms: 165-66 Immigrants and Immigration
Frankenstein: 191-92 The Scarlet Letter: 308, 319 The Joy Luck Club: 203-04,
Pride and Prejudice: 294-95 Heritage and Ancestry 210-11,213,219,221
Friendship The Joy Luck Club: 203, 206, Incest
Of Mice and Men: 248 211-12,214 The Bluest Eye: 66, 69, 73, 76
Pride and Prejudice: 283 The Individual and Society
Heroes and Heroism Catch-22: 112-13
The Scarlet Letter: 312-13
G Catch-22: 99
Heroism Individual vs, Society
Gender Roles Catch-22: 98
Black Boy: 61-63
The Bell Jar: 32-33 The Scarlet Letter: 312
The Bluest Eye: 85
A Farewell to Arms: 170-71 Individualism
Catch-22: 112-14
Ghost Black Boy: 51
The Catcher in the Rye: 134, 136
Frankenstein: 197-98 A Farewell to Arms: 165
Of Mice and Men: 248, 253
The Joy Luck Club: 206 Insanity
Pride and Prejudice: 302-04
Love in the Time of Cholera: The Bluest Eye: 66, 69, 72-73.
The Scarlet Letter: 324, 326
237-38 76-77
God Catch-22: 89-91,99, 101,
The Bluest Eye: 75
Catch-22: III 106-07
Fahrenheit 451: 140, 145-46
Frankenstein: 197-99 The Catcher in the Rye: 136
Love in the Time of Cholera:
The Scarlet Letter: 308, 315, Irony
326-27 The Adventures of Huckleberry
Pride and Prejudice: 294,
Gothicism Finn: 16-17
302-03, 305
Frankenstein: 191, 194, 196-97 The Bluest Eye: 82-83
Great Depression Catch-22: 101
The Bluest Eye: 76
Of Mice and Men: 246-47
A Farewell to Arms: 166-67
Of Mice and Men: 240, 247-49, Of Mice and Men: 246, 249
The Bell Jar: 30
253 Pride and Prejudice: 284,
Grief and Sorrow 292-94, 302, 304-05
Fahrenheit 451: 144-46, 149
Frankenstein: 182, 184, 189 The Scarlet Letter: 320-21
The Joy Luck Club: 203, 211
Ordintlry People: 263-67, 270 Italy
The Scarlet Letter: 310, 312,
Of Mice and Men: 241, 247-49, Catch-22: 89-93,99-103, 112
323-24 A Farewell to Arms: 158-61,
Pride and Prejudice: 286-87
Guilt 168-69
The Catcher in the Rye: 132-33
Catch-22: 89-90, 101, 106,
Frankenstein: 182, 190
Ordintlry People: 263, 265-66,
A Farewell to Arms: 167 J
Love in the Time of Cholera: Justice vs. InJustw.e
The Scarlet Letter: 309, 313-14, Frankenstein: 190
GuUt and Innocence
The Catcher in the Rye: 123
The Scarlet Letter: 314 I
Killers and Killing
Idealism The Adventures of Huckleberry
Ordinary People: 268 Finn: 20
H Idealism vs. Reality The Bluest Eye: 68, 76-77
Happiness and Gaiety Of Mice and Men: 246 Catch-22: 106
The Bell Jar: 30-31 Identity A Farewell to Arms: 160, 166
Fahrenheit 451: 140, 144, A Farewell to Arms: 165 Frankenstein: 182-83, 192
154-55 The Joy Luck Club: 210-11 Love in the Time of Cholera:
Frankenstein: 183 Ordinary People: 270 235-36

Volumf! 1 34 7

Of Mice and Men: 243-44, Lower Class Mystery and Intrigue

248-49, 256-58 Of Mice and Men: 241,243,251, The Scarlet Letter: 308-09,
Kindness 253-55 313-15,318
The Catcher in the Rye: 135 Loyalty Myths and Legends
Knowledge Of Mice and Men: 247-48 The Adventures of Huckleberry
Fahrenheit 451: 141 Loyalty Finn: 20
Frankenstein: 183, 189, 191 Pride and Prejudice: 300-01 Fahrenheit 451: 145-46, 149
Frankenstein: 181, 188, 191, 195
The Scarlet Letter: 322-23

Landscape Magic N
The Adventures of Huckleberry The Joy Luck Club: 217-18 Nationalism and Patriotism
Finn: 15-16 Love in the Time of Cholera: A Farewell to Arms: 165-66
A Farewell to Arms: 171, 173-78 Nature
Frankenstein: 182, 184, 189-90 Catch-22: III
Love in the Time of Cholera: A Farewell to Arms: 166, 174
The Bell Jar: 30-31, 34
235-36 FranJcenstein: 181, 189-91, 198
Frankenstein: 183, 191, 196
Of Mice and Men: 240, 242, 244, Love in the Time of Cholera: 236
The Joy Luck Club: 205-06, 210
249, 259 Of Mice and Men: 242, 259
Love in the Time of Cholera:
The Scarlet Letter: 314-15 Ordinary People: 277, 279
224, 227-28, 232
LaDauIe and MeanInI Pride and Prejudice: 284-87, Nature vs. Nurture
Catch-22: 100 Frankenstein: 189
292-93, 299-301, 303-04
Law and Order Nazi Germany
MeanInI or Life
The Adventures of Huckleberry Catch-22: 101-02
Block Boy: 51
Finn: 12 Fahrenheit 451: 146-47
Mental DlsabDlty
Block Boy: 50, 53, 55 19205
The Bluest Eye: 68, 78
Of Mice and Men: 248
A Farewell to Arms: 169-70
Catch-22: 104
Mental Instability
The Bell Jar: 33
A Farewell to Arms: 168-69 Of Mice and Men: 240, 247-49,
Frankenstein: 183, 190-91, 193 The Bluest Eye: 69 251-53
Of Mice and Men: 248-49, Misogyny 19405
251-52 A Farewell to Arms: 171 The Bluest Eye: 66, 72, 75-78
The Scarlet Letter: 308, 314-19 Money and Economics 19505
Loneliness Block Boy: 50, 53-54 The Bell Jar: 22, 29-34
Block Boy: 58 Catch-22: 101-02, 105 Catch-22: 103-04
The Catcher in the Rye: 118, 124 The Catcher in the Rye: 125, 130 The Catcher in the Rye: 116, 125,
Fahrenheit 451: 154 A Farewell to Arms: 168-70 127
Of Mice and Men: 241, 243, Frankenstein: 192-93 Fahrenheit 451: 146-49
246-47,257-58 Of Mice and Men: 246, 248-52 19605
Love Pride and Prejudice: 284-85, The Bluest Eye: 72,77-78
Love in the Time of Cholera: 227 295 Catch-22: 90, 102, 104
Love and Passion Morals and Morality 19705
The Adventures of Huckleberry The Adventures of Huckleberry Ordinary People: 263, 265, 272
Finn: 19-20 Finn: 8-9, 19-20 Nomadic Life
The Bluest Eye: 66, 68-69, Catch-22: 99, 105-08 Of Mice and Men: 243, 246, 250,
72-76,79 The Catcher in the Rye: 128, 130, 253-55
The Catcher in the Rye: 136 135 North America
A Farewell to Arms: 158, 160, Frankenstein: lSO-82, 190-91, A Farewell to Arms: 168
166, 173-76, 178 193-94, 199-201
Frankenstein: 182, 189, 191,
195-96, 198-99
Ordinary People: 272
The Scarlet Letter: 312-15,
317-18, 320-27
Old Age
The Joy Luck Club: 205-06, 216
Love in the Time of Cholera: Murder Love in the Time of Cholera:
222-29, 232-38 Black Boy: 45, 50 224-25, 227-29, 233, 235
Of Mice and Men: 257-58 Fahrenheit 451: 141
Ordinary People: 263, 266, Music<
271-72,274 The Adventures of Huckleberry P
Pride and Prejudice: 285, 287, Finn: 1I, 13-14 Patriotism
293,299-304 The Catcher in the Rye: 124, 126 A Farewell to Arms: 166
The Scarlet Letter: 306, 308-10, A Farewell to Arms: 169 Perception
314, 318, 322, 324-26 The Joy Luck Club: 220 The Catcher in the Rye: 131, 133

348 Novt!/s for Studt!nts

Storm, and Weather Condition,

Persecution Race and Racism Search for Self

The Scarlet Letter: 306, 308-10 The Adventures of Huckleberry The Bell Jar: 30
Philosophical Ideas Fmn:9 Self-Confidence
A Farewell to Arms: 169-70 B/Qck Boy: 50 The Adventures of Huckleberry
Of Mice and Men: 261 The Bluest Eye: 74 Finn: 19-20
The Scarlet Letter: 317 Of Mice and Men: 247 Self-Image
Poetry Racism and Prejudice The Bluest Eye: 82-84
The Bell Jar: 23-24, 34, 36-37 The Adventure, of Huckleberry Sentimentality
Fahrenheit 451: 141 Fmn: 1,9-10, 12-14 Love in the Time of Cholera:
Frankensrem: 183, 188, 191, 193 B/Qck Boy: 43, 46-47, 50-53, 232-34
Politicians 55-56,58 Of Mice and Men: 252-53
The Scarlet Letter: 308, 314 The Bluest Eye: 72, 74-75, 78 Sex and Sexuality
Politics Catch-22: 102 The Bell Jar: 24-25, 29-30, 34
The Adventures of Huckleberry The Joy Luck Club: 213-14 The Bluest Eye: 68-69, 73-74,
Fmn: 11 Pride and Prejudice: 285, 79
Black: Boy: 53-54 292-93 Catch-22: 99
The Bluest Eye: 77-78 Realism The Catcher m the Rye: 123,
Cateh-22: 101-<l4 The Adventure, of Huckleberry 129-30
Fahrenheit451: 146-50, 153-55 Fisn: 10 Love in the Time of Cholera:
A Farewell to Arms: 167-70 Love in the Time of Cholera: 233 222,224-25,227-29,232
Frankenstein: 183, 192-93 Ordmary People: 273-74 Sex Roles
Love in the Time of Cholera: Pride and Prejudice: 283, The Bell Jar: 29
229-31 296-97 Sexual Abuse
Of Mice and Men: 252-53 Recreation The Bluest Eye: 66, 68-69, 73,
Pride and Prejudice: 294-95, Fahrenheit 451: 145 76
302-04 Religion and ReligiousThought Sexuality
The Scarlet Letter: 309, 313 Black Boy: 45-46, 50-51, 57 The Catcher m the Rye: 123
Postwar Society The Catcher m the Rye: 125 Sickness
The Catcher m the Rye: 125, 127 The Joy Luck Club: 205
A Farewell to Arms: 160
Poverty The Scarlet Letter: 308, 312,
B/Qck Boy: 45 315-17, 322, 324-26
The Scarlet Letter: 306-09,
Prejudice and Tolel'lUKle Remorse and Regret
312-14,317-18, 320-22,
Black Boy: 50 The Scarlet Letter: 325, 327
Pride and Prejudice: 292 Revenge
Pride Frankenstein: 183-84
Catch-22: 90, 98-100, 104,
Pride and Prejudice: 284-85, The Scarlet Letter: 308-09
291-93 Romanticism
The Catcher m the Rye: 131,
Prostitution Frankenstein: 189-91, 194
Catch-22: 92, 100
Frankenstem: 183, 194-96, 198
The Scarlet Letter: 308, 317
Psychology and the Human Mind s The Adventures of Huckleberry
Fmn: 4, 8-14, 16
The Bell Jar: 23, 25, 29-31, Saints
33-34 The Catcher in the Rye: 134, 136 Love in the Time of Cholera:
The Bluest Eye: 85 Sanity and Insanity 230-31
The Catcher in the Rye: 116, 127, Catch-22: 99 The Scarlet Letter: 315-16
129-30 Satire Social Order
A Farewell to Arms: 169 The Adventures of Huckleberry Of Mice and Men: 247
Frankenstein: 189, 191, 194, 196 Finn: 16-17 Solitude
Ordinary People: 263, 265, Catch-22: 89-90, 101, 103-04 A Farewell to Arms: 173-74
272-76 Science and Technology Of Mice and Men: 247
The Bell Jar: 37 South America
The Catcher m the Rye: 125 Love in the Time of Cholera:
Fahrenheit 451: 140-41, 144-53, 222-23,229-30
R 156 Spiritual Leaders
Race Frankenstein: 180-82, 189, A Farewell to Arms: 174-78
The Adventures of Huckleberry 192-93 The Scarlet Letter: 306, 308-09,
Finn: 9 Sea and Sea Adventures 314, 318
Black Boy: 43, 46-47, 50-55, 61 Frankenstem: 184, 190, 193 Spirituality
The Bluest Eye: 66, 68, 72-75, Search for Knowledge The Scarlet Letter: 324-25, 327
77-79 The Bluest Eye: 82-84 Storms and Weather Conditions
Catch-22: 102, 104 Frankenstein: 184, 188, 193 A Farewell to Arms: 174-78

Volume 1 349

The Bell Jar: 22-23, 25-26, u
Catch-22: 89-93,98-103,
res-or, 109-13
30-34 The Catcher in the Rye: 125
Love in the Time of Cholera: The Scarlet Letter: 307, 313-15, Fahrenheit 451: 139-41, 145-48
223, 229, 232-34 318 A Farewell to Arms: 158-60,
Understanding 162-68, 170-77
Ordinary People: 263, 265-66,
Ordinary People: 278 The Joy Luck Club: 211-13
Upper Class Pride and Prejudice: 285,
Pride and Prejudice: 299 Pride and Prejudice: 295-96 294-96
Supernatural Utopianism Wealth
The Scarlet Letter: 308 The Scarlet Letter: 320 The Catcher in the Rye: 118, 125,
Switzerland 127
Frankenstein: 180, 182-83, 190 Wisdom

v Ordinary People: 276-79

The Scarlet Letter: 323-24
Vietnam War World War I
The Bluest Eye: 77-78 A Farewell to Arms: 158-59,
T Catch-22: 102-05 162-63, 165, 167-70,
172-76, 178
Time and Change World War II
Fahrenheit 451: 138, 144-~
Love in the Time of Cholera: 231
Black Boy: 52-53
The Bluest Eye: 78
Catch-22: 89,91,98-103,
Of Mice and Men: 256, 258 A Farewell to Arms: 166 105-06
Transcendentalism War, the Military, and Soldier Life Fahrenheit 451: 146-47
The Scarlet Letter: 315 Black Boy: 45, 53-54 The Joy Luck Club: 204,211,
The Bluest Eye: 77-78 213-14

350 Novels for Students

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