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Evidence: Wisdom comes with experience

This little story begins in Samaná Caldas, a town that lies between two mountains
and its climate is temperate. I went on vacation to get to know, I really love getting
to know new places. I was with my family and my cousins; we were still little and I
loved hearing stories ...

My great-grandmother, who was 93 years old at the time, also came to visit, and
we listened attentively to her anecdotes and experiences in the field, she told us
that to eat, one had to work, and that "they don't give that much good", we She
taught knitting that day (because despite her age and that she no longer needed to
work because they gave her everything she needed, she still continued to make
her quilts and sold them to the family), clearly, everyone was dying to have one of
her quilts, but for obvious reasons she took a long time weaving them.

At that time I was still too young to understand why she continued working,
however nowadays I understand that most grandparents do it because of their
need to feel useful, and that perhaps all that desire to produce and energy to learn
makes us we young people are missing; that although we have many comforts, we
lack the drive and the "berraquera" (as we Colombians say) to undertake our

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