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Analyze conflict, peace and development in Nepal.

Conflict arises due to various reasons. According to Malthus, reduced supply of the

means of subsistence is the root cause of conflict. According to him, conflict is caused

by the increase of population in geometrical progression and the food supply in

arithmetical progression. Conflict may be defined as a struggle or contest

between people with opposing needs, ideas, beliefs, values, or goals. Individual

difference, cultural difference, clashes of interests, social change etc. are the major

causes of conflict. Structural conflict, values conflicts, resources conflicts, ego

conflicts, personal history conflicts personality conflict, conflict over facts etc. are

some kind of conflicts that we face or observe every day. But the severe kind of

conflict is war conflict, that can either be within the country or between two or more

conflict. Kurdish Turkish Conflict, Somali Civil War, Insurgency in the Maghreb, Libyan

Crisis etc. are the example of conflict in world scenario taking place these days.

Nepal is often classified as a poor country working through the legacy of its decade

long internal armed conflict from 1996-2006. Opposing ideologies, Conflict of

interests, Insensitive and irresponsible government, Lack of political rights and social

justice Inequality, exploitation and discriminations, Unequal distribution of national

income, means and resources, Mass poverty and backwardness, Lack of

understanding, cooperation and tolerance, Sense of revenge etc. are the several

causes of conflict in Nepal. The armed conflict claimed the lives of 17,000 people,

1300 are missing and displaced an estimated 100,000 more. The conflict was ended

in 2006 when the democratic political parties and the Maoist’s brought about the end

of a 240-year old monarchy and established a republic in Nepal. After the decade

long political instability, the armed conflict ended with the signing in Comprehensive

Peace Agreement of 2006. It created the base for the permanent peace and a

transition towards democratic politics. Madhesh movement is another conflict in the

country. The political movement launched by the Madhes based political parties is
the Madhesh Movement. It as first erupted in 2007, the second in 2008 and the third

in 2015. When the Interim Constitution 2007 was announced, the most desired

political agenda of Madhesis and other marginalized communities were ignored. That

is the main region why madhesh moment was started. India imposed undeclared

blocked during the third madhesh movement which made the life really very difficult.

Need of peace in Nepal is very important. Peace process of Nepal shouldn’t be

stopped. End of the arm conflict in 2006 was the major step-in peace-making process

in Nepal. It created the base for the permanent peace and a transition towards

democratic politics. The first constitutional assembly election in 2008 bought the

fighting force in the government which is taken as the lesson by the world in peace

making process. The United Nations Missions in Nepal (UNMIN) is one of many

political missions authorized by the UNSC Resolution 1740, to support peace process

in Nepal. UNMIN was deployed in our country since Jan.23, 2007 at the request of

the Government of Nepal. Constitution of Nepal 2015 is the greatest achievement of

Nepal which is the first constitution written by the public elected constitutional

assembly. This has been established as the milestone in the peace-making process

since it has ensured inclusive participation of all people including Dalits, madhesis,

ethnic groups, women and other down trodden people. I am hopeful that this will

fulfill the increased expectations of Nepali people and take Nepal in the mainstream

of sustainable peace and development.

Peace and development are two sides of the same coin. One cannot be achieved

without another. There can be no peace without sustainable development and no

sustainable development without peace. A meaningful life can be attained only

through mutual cooperation and understanding. Communal harmony and peaceful

life are crucial for the prosperity of a nation. A peaceful society is the basis of a

vibrant, happy and prosperous nation. Hence peace is a sine qua non for the overall

development of the people and the country. Nepal now has the opportunity to build
effective, accountable, inclusive institutions. Effective national level planning,

assessment of resources, development of advocacy, more open to discussion,

prioritization of national goals and recognition and implementation of anti-corruption

methods can help in building accountable and inclusive institutions.

Submitted By:

Sudarshan Gautam

Roll No.: 26

M.A. Economics, 1st Semester

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