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Communication Unit Project

The Plan

Rebecca J. Freeman, June 2, 2020

Podcast summary

Our thoughts have the power to help or hinder us in all we do, but when changing our thoughts
can seem like an overwhelming (if not impossible) undertaking, we may opt for the easier paths.
This podcast attempts to break down the power of thoughts into manageable pieces, one
technique at a time, using personal stories, mixed with bits of amateur science and humor.

Title of podcast

The Thought that Counts

Podcast topic

In this episode, Becca introduces the concept of cognitive reframing, its significance,
and how it can be used.

Podcast Genre

Health & Lifestyle


Host Biography / description

Becca Freeman is an aspiring thought expert. After some troubling life circumstances,
she turned to the power of her mind to help her handle her emotions and came out the
other side a vastly improved version of herself. Those improvements have not ceased,
as she continues to learn more and apply that learning to her daily life. As a supervisor
in her current profession, she has found she’s a natural leader and feels coaching her
team to be the most rewarding aspect of her job.

Estimated Length of Episodes

If this were to be an actual podcast, I would probably shoot for around 20-30 minutes.
The idea would be that each episode introduces one new concept about the mind. It
would not need that much time, but I would like to explore it thoroughly. A few of my
favorite solo host podcasts are between 10-40 minutes and each educational in their
own right. Two of the 3 get kind of chatty and unscripted with listeners, while still being
informative, which is one of my favorite styles.

Proposed Frequency of Show

I feel weekly is best. For me, most shows that happen less frequently lose my interest
as I forget about them. Also, the personal nature of the podcast, I feel, lends itself to
more a of a relationship with listeners which would be better maintained with more
frequent check-ins.

Podcast Format Structure

1. Quote with question to lead into overall podcast and episode

2. Greeting and intro music
3. Term topic introduction
4. Definition of term
5. How it can specifically relate to science
6. Personal anecdote to demonstrate term
7. Encouragement to practice
8. Outro
9. Brief plan and invite for future episodes.

It’s meant to be free-flowing conversation with listeners, with a somewhat loose

structure. Each episode would theoretically evoke interest about how self-
improvement can look and what could be gained. Introducing one term or
concept at a time, giving listeners one tool for the purpose of self-improvement,
what it can apply to, and how it can be used. The purpose would be to make
learning about and incorporating these concepts more manageable for those who
don’t have the time or interest to read about them in depth.

Script vs Outline

Mostly it would be non-scripted and probably solo. I would want to incorporate guests to
talk about their own experiences also, but less as an interview and more conversational.
I would pull from books and other credible material for certain topics. Also, the way it
would go in my head, is that there would eventually be a listener question portion where
I or a guest host would answer. The overall design would allow for more of a connection
with those listening, so that it feels more like life-coaching than just interesting

Cover Image

The mind has been likened to a labyrinth, but they are also used for meditation, as they
aid focused intention. That is what I would want this podcast to be. An aid for one to
focus on their own mind and intentionally select thoughts that aid them.

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