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1. Are term programming and software engineering similar?

Ans. The term programming and software engineering are different.
Programming is about writing a code. Programming is a personal activity, mostly done as an
individual whereas Software engineering is about building the complete system. Software
engineering involves team activity.

2. Highlight the importance of SDLC and feasibility study.

Ans. The importance of SDLC are:-

 It offers a basis for project planning, scheduling, and estimating.

 It provides a framework for a standard set of activities and deliverables.
 It increased and enhance the development speed.
 It is a mechanism for project tackling and control.
 Improved the client relation.

The importance of feasibility study are:-

 It helps to define the goals.

 It helps to develop the plan.
 It shows how realistic the proposal is.
 It helps to execute the plan properly.

3. Suppose are a software engineer of your software development team. What would you
recommend if you were to recommend the methodology for following nature of projectswith

i. First project is a news portal site that requires a member registration. He is pretty much sure
of the designs and has clear cut idea of all design formats. The requirements have been
mostly finalized and needs it prepared in a month. Once the user becomes the member, he is
allowed to read the articles and make comments.
Ans. For this type of project, I would recommend Waterfall model because the user is pretty
much sure of the design and has clear cut idea of all the design and format. Also , this project
did not need any ambiguous requirements and the project is also short.

ii. Another project is an e-learning system that is very much different that other existing e-
learning systems in Nepal. The client has necessary scripts of all the course contents but is
reluctant whether the delivery of contents be it in an animated form or live video teaching
form. There are other numerous details that he must consider but cannot think of it right
now. All he knows is he is determined to own an e-learning system.

Ans. For this type of project, I would recommend Prototyping model. In this projects, the
requirements are not well defined and clear. This model will help the client to understand the
system so that he/she can give feedback to the developers at the same time when the project is
in the state of development. It reduces a risk failure , as potential risks can be identified early and
mitigation steps can be taken.

4. Highlight on incremental and iterative approach…They are often seen being used at once. Are they

Ans. Incremental and iterative approach are different.

Incremental approach is a method of software development where the model are designed,
implemented and tested incrementally until the product is finished. It uses a set number of steps
and development goes from start to finish in linear path of progression. The Waterfall model is a
traditional incremental development approach.

Iterative design is a design methodology based on cyclic process of prototyping, testing, analyzing,
and refining a product or process. It has no set numbers of steps, rather development is done in
cycles. Agile model is a typical iterative approach.
5. Discuss how agile practices welcome changes in overall.

Ans. Agile model is the combination of iterative and incremental process model. It was developed to
overcome the drawbacks of waterfall model. Agile model helps to facilitate quick project
completion. In the agile model, the requirements are decomposed into small parts that can be
incrementall developed. Agile model establish a close contact with users so that there will be easy in
developing the software with the users need. It also reduces the total development time of the
project. So, agile practices welcome changes in overall.

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