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TIPS ON LIVING FROM THE ANCIENTS AGES OF VEDIC ASTROLOGY You believe it or not but these are very
mysterious and Interesting myths but found much true sayings. Many times we had also checked it and found it
more accurate then average. Some of the tips are also mentioned as remedy in many astrological texts. A Navy
Blue car generally has fewer accidents and the average breakdowns are less than other cars. A Green car usually
proves very handy and never breaks down when they are most required. A Red car requires a lot of personal care,
otherwise it is prone to accidents. A person feels like speeding while driving a Red car compare to cars of other
colors. A Gray car, if it run smoothly for 6 months, will be a most loyal vehicle. It will serve you in the best way and
will prove lucky for you. But if it does not suit you, within one month it will make you feel unhealthy and troubled.
Red commercial vehicles are involved in more accidents and breakdowns than vehicles of other colors. A Brown or
Off White vehicle brings accidents or much expenditure. If the Sun in one’s horoscope is weak, it will better to
keep away from vehicles of this color. In a White car, a person feels peaceful but their glasses are brittle or joints
of that car use to get more trouble. A Sky Blue car will never run properly, as it is more decorative than useful. If
your car license Number is 1 or the total comes to 1 or 6, you, more than others, will escape if violating traffic
laws. (Sum up all the numbers and word number then again sum up till they become single digits). If your car
number is 9 or 8 then you may feel more aggressive while driving and find yourself often in violation of the law. To
rectify this, write a small 1 or 2 in the lowest corner of the license plate, so that it cannot be seen. You will
experience a change in your nature. If you are sitting in a car and there is lightning in the sky, remain inside car,
which is the safest place. The car will keep you as safe as a mother keeps a baby in her arms. A car having tires
wider and are coming out of the normal body line of car, surely ensures your caring towards it but such car do not
remain with you, may be due to any reason, for long time or you will not use it as regular part of life. Wearing
clothes for the color of the day is said to be good (such as White on Monday, Red on Tuesday, Green on
Wednesday, etc.). But wearing the same color of clothes as per color of day, on the lower part of body, such jeans,
skirt, etc. gives a malefic impact. Wearing white shoes makes a person walk fast, but there will be fewer injuries
on the legs. Wearing white shoes is not considered good for students, as it destroys the ability to grasp ideas and
reduces concentration while sitting. For people doing research it is best to wear white shoes, but if they have to sit
while working, then black shoes are best. If you are going to see some seriously ill patient, or if at night are going
to a very important meeting, and suddenly a Black Cat cuts across your path from right to left, then surely the
patient will survive against the opinion of all the doctors, and you will get success and your long awaited dream or
wish will come true. If you see a monkey on the path, any decision you make that day will go against you. Offer
some fruit to the monkey, if you wish to gain cosmic favor. If you are going to meet someone for business or to
obtain their favor, try to reach the place between 11:55 AM to 12:10 PM. You will have the favor of the cosmos,
and even if that person is in a bad mood, he or she will cool down while talking to you. Never ignore any elderly
person while going to some auspicious place, and try to go barefoot to all religious places. It shields you from the
malefic impact of Saturn. After eating any food, take a sweet thing, even a little, and drink water after it. It will
bring coolness and peace of mind. You will never lose your reputation easily. Always drink two sips of water and
dry your nose before starting any work. It will make your work successful and bring it to a good end. Direct io n
While Si ttin g Students, while reading, should face North or Northeast. By this the mind gains the ability to
concentrate. An Administrator’s room should be located in the North East corner of an office. By this, he or she
will receive good gain and good results from the employees. Sitting below the beam or joint of the roof can make
one nervous. Keeping a safe in the south part of a house and touching it against the south wall, facing north, will
bring blessings from the Lord or Prosperity (Kuber is said to the keeper of wealth). Never keep litigation files in the
south side of a room, nor under lock, otherwise much money and time will be wasted on the case, and it will be
prolonged like a never ending rope. While eating one should sit facing either North or West, which ensures the
best impact of food to the body. After eating, passing urine reduces the chance of a stone problem. If a death
occurs in a family the eldest person should eat food facing South. By this he receives the blessing of the departed
soul. Pro te cti ons Fr om t he Evil E ffec ts of Vario us Thin gs. If one person after another in a house is becoming
unhealthy, then by donating a Full Hollow Yellow Pumpkin at any religious place, the whole family becomes free
of the illness. Donate the pumpkin in the daytime. The effect will be felt within three days. If there is good earning
but most of it gets wasted without any reason, donating sweet biscuits to birds in the morning will shield from this
malefic effect. Whenever passing through the border of a place where bodies are buried or burned, drop a few
copper coins when leaving. If you do not have copper coins, drop another metal coin on the ground or floor. The
departed souls will never hurt you and your luck will never depart from you. If you feel tired and pressured in your
mind or have a headache, then before sleeping put a glass of water on some table or stool near your head. Do not
drink the water, but in the morning pour it at the base of some tree. Most of your troubles will vanish. If you feel
fear from unknown things, wear a stainless steal bangle on your right arm. It will strengthen your will. If someone
in a family has suicidal tendencies and much depression, puncturing their nose with a silver wire will keeps away
such feelings. If someone always feels loneliness, taking a dip in a river or a bath in the rain or becoming wet with
rain water is the best way to keep from such feelings. If all work comes to a dead end and nothing seems to be
working, consulting some very moody astrologer is best. If a sudden downfall has come in life, using the bed sheet
of the father is best for cooling the mind. Donating the first bread of one’s own food to a black dog keeps evil
away from one’s family. If one feels that a departed person is looking upon you, speaking the truth will make the
thing go away. Touching the feet of the parents in the morning and saying goodbye when leaving for work brings
success in life. If all family members feel irritation while eating together or at home, keeping a black dog will bring
prosperity and harmony into home. Making the sign of two fish above the main entrance of a house and seeing it
before knocking on the door, ensures the safety of members in the home. A single fish must be avoided. When
going out, seeing the two fish turns the day in one’s favor. Seeing a single fish gives loss. When going out, seeing a
vessel filled with water ensures the success of one’s first thought. Thinking of a water vessel and two fish before
driving gives security from accidents. Keeping solid Silver in the home is auspicious and raises the mental peace of
the family members. Never fill any well with stones and soil, otherwise the luck of the next three generations is
lost. Placements According to One’s Astrological Chart. If a person has Mercury in the 8th house, wearing Black or
Navy Blue Jeans, Skirt, or inner garment below the waist will bring success in life. Otherwise there will be
continual bad times. If the Sun is placed in a good position, wearing brown or light brown shoes or socks can bring
bad times, due to which one will lose many good opportunities. If Jupiter is in the 7th house, donating old clothes
invites bad times. Similar effects are seen if one possesses the statue of an elephant, or an elephant faced idol, or
a statue of Lord Ganesa. If Mercury is in 7th house and one speaks the truth, even if it causes a loss, the person
will have prosperity in life. Otherwise, more then three operations on the stomach are destined. If the Moon is in
the 6th or 7th house, donating water by means of providing water as charity to public for drinking to satisfy their
thirst, keeps away the person himself from luck. If a person has Jupiter in the 12th house, wearing any necklace
around the neck, even if it is a religious one, blocks good from coming to the person. If anyone hurts such a
person, that person too will experiences hard times for one year. If a person has Venus in the 5th, 6th or 9th
house, it is best to keep away from the opposite sex. Any relation with the opposite sex other than traditional
marriage will bring bad luck and separation. Especially, in cases of 5th and 6th placed Venus, the person must get
married in the traditional way, and to someone of the same caste or religion, otherwise separation and bad luck is
destined for both persons. If any of your opponents have Mars in the 7th house, it is best to patch up any
differences, as any hard word from him or her will surely become true and will work like a curse on you. If any of
your friends or children or anyone known to you has an 11th placed Jupiter, try to get the person’s blessings. The
blessings of such people are more auspicious than any saint, as the ability has been with them since their past
birth. If you have an 11th placed Jupiter, keep yourself away from Saints, as it will bring poverty and hard times
into your life. If you have an 11th placed Jupiter, take the guidance of your father and be with your father. You
will escape harm from all enemies, even the Devil About Natur e In Ancient civilizations Indian, Roman, Egyptian
and Chinese many text in respect of signs related to animals Birds and other things were counted as the the
keeper of time or knowing about the future and it is also said that they always tells human about the result he will
get in his or her current deed or what is going to happen in near future. Accordingly persons and priests use to tell
other about the destiny of their current work. Peoples were having a lot of faith on these things and we have also
found it correct may time. When Alexander The Great Invaded the India, he returned immediately from India,
without reaching inside. The reason was that he saw the Shadow of Eagle has touched his holy Mark which was
made on a silver Plate. Yavan aa ch ar yy a was one of the Scholar whose Ancestor accompanied Alexander and he
remained in India, by observing the depth of knowledge which was in its Zenith at that time. Yavanacharyya was
the Great Grand Son of High Priest of Alexander the Grate, and in the text book of Yavanacharyya Gave a lot of
Nature's Sign, which he collected from the treasure of his great grand Father, and Indian Vedic Books. Sage Varah
Mihir and many Scholars of that time also mentioned similar text which was made available to Gurukuls We are
trying to give what ever we understood, with our little intellect, and will give more as the text will get understood
and translated for you. We hope you will get much benefit from it. Here we would like to mention that Dog, Cat
and Crow were the animals/ birds who identified as they understand and can see the Yam (lord of Death) and as
they desire to tell the same to human, he punished them to remain in earth. Swan, White Pigeon, Elephant, Dear
cow are the animal/ birds who are getting signals from heaven. The Dolphin was counted as evil in Roman
civilization but in Egyptian civilization it is recognized as savor of human life. It is also said When the lord of Death
do not want to give early death to any human being, then he send Dolphin to save him. These text we like to share
with you and pray to god that you all may get a lot of benefit from it NA TUR E Sign A sweeper comes in your path
If bee make their hive in home Desc rip ti on You will surely get success Very long living problem is coming If blue
bee suddenly enters in hairs Problem related to life. If wild pigeon sits in some home It is not a good sign for male
members of home and tries to make mating or due to their behave female will suffer If wild pigeon sits on some
one chair If you see ants taking their eggs up to some tree It is complete silent and birds are making noise That
person may loose his work or will get transfer and punishment Big rain will be there soon and it can be flash flood
You will get depression and may also get injured before reaching there. You feels that some one is You will get
success and also meet some beloved following you one. You feels that you lost some thing You better go home
and take water and 5 min break and restart for work. You see junk metal on right side You better go home and
change your cloths then restart for work. You see some junk metal lying on You post pone your programme for
one day left hand side You see some white animal or bird You will get success very easily. You wear left hand foot
wear first It is a bad day for you, you better do not even think about that work today. You will get all out success
in your work It is better for you to postpone your present desire You will get partial success just now and three
days you will get whole. Air is flowing from back to front. Air is flowing from front to back Air is flowing from right
to left If air is moving down to up side in You will win and your enemy will become your front of you friend
forever. CRO W Crow speaks normal voice It is normal, no help or no hurdle you will get in this work. If it attacks
on flag or cloth on your Some mishappening may be there, on head of roof family. Keep fast for 4 Saturdays FE
MALE HORO SCO PES According to Sage Prashar all the effects which have been described in astrology and for
horoscopes all are applied to females also. The physical appearance of lady should be determined from the
Ascendant just similar to males but fortune and longevity of husband must be analyzed 7th and 8th house
therefore in case of Manglik lady a lot of care has to be taken. It is the reason that grand parent disorder generally
never comes to female and it usually get transferred to male child as Mars in the horoscope of a lady usually act as
impacting planet to the males related to her. We are not aware how much weight medicine gives it but in Vedic
Text females has been blessed with a cosmic shield against the malefic impact of malefic planet which can impact
a male but not a female. Genetic disorders or health problem are usually part of it. it is also seen that if some
malefic impact is there then it can go up to 3 generations. Similarly widowhood, genial problem etc also
propagates like wise. And those effects which are impossible to be characterized to the female, must be declared
to be applicable to her husband. In Brihat Jataka of Sage Varha Mihir it is said that the effects which had been
described for male horoscopes, if all those that are found in female horoscopes, suitable to females should be
declared as applicable to them alone, and the rest should be ascribed to their husbands. The problem and
longevity of the husband is to be deduced through the 8th place, from the Ascendant or the Moon whichever is
stronger. Matters relating to her appearance, beauty etc. should be determined from the Ascendant and the sign
occupied by the Moon. From the 7th place, from the Ascendant or the Moon which ever is stronger, her welfare or
happiness and the nature of the husband should be established. Similarly Sage Mantrewara's Phaldeepika it is
mentioned that the effects, which are declared for men, they entirely applicable to women too. The woman's
prosperity and happiness have to be decide from the 8th place and children should be declared from the 9th
house and matters relating to her appearance, beauty etc., should be determined from the Ascendant. From the
7th place that her welfare, power of influencing her husband and the nature of the husband should be
determined. Good planets in these houses produce good results but other planets and certain combination tells
about stress in her life which can be of the much aggressive nature then the impact seen in normal horoscope. It is
one of the most important as well as sensitive segment of Vedic astrology to which we wish to like to share with
the visitor of Vedalink's family site. In Vedic astrology, whatever effects may accrue from the horoscopes of
females that are applicable only to men, and most of them are impacting husband or family life only. The good
and other impact must be calculated from the Moon or the Ascendant whichever of them is stronger. Stronger
means comparing them in 16 charts, and which ever getting more time better house or friend house or exalted
house is known as stronger. From the present package, which is giving you the free horoscope and 21 charts, you
can easily identify it, for your help the comparison chart is also provided in the package. From the 7th house from
the Ascendant or the Moon one can identify the happiness and the 8th house from it can identify the most hurting
event in a female life. All this should be well analyzed and duly by the strength or weakness of the planets, benefic
and malefic, before an announcement is made, of the Ascendant and the Moon, find which is stronger. Many
astrologers has opinion that the well being or the reverses of the husband can be determined from the 9th Bhava.
Some holds that the widowhood is found out through, the 8th Bhava; and the placement of lord of 8th house in
7th house or vice verse are the major component makes such disasters in lady's life. One of the very famous
astrologer of modern age namely Shri V. subrahmanya Sastry, from the southern part of India described it in more
specific manner by dividing the views in three parts. These parts are (1) Impacts which are to be applied to
women. (2) Impacts which are concerning to men alone (3) Impacts which are applied to both. Suppose for
instance that there is Adhi Yoga found in ladies horoscope and is not in husband horoscope then Adhi yoga losses
its impact on ladies life. As it is related to family hence contribution of male planets impacts it more. So in the
transit of time of 6 years when stars of both get mixed with each other then the husband use to get the impact of
the yoga of wife's horoscope. Same is applicable to friends of opposite sex, it is much related to moon and moon
is more related to sense of security or caring duly felt by the person. We think that as now social status has been
changed but certain impacts still standing as it is, and we have seen that such impacts acts and many ladies gets
lessor result in life compare to their stars. We admit that in present scenario the females has taken up various
kinds of occupation and holding high positions and posts of responsibility. They are also occupying high political
positions. Such women are not dependent on their husbands or parents. But as far as the sensing the glimpse of
Venus and Moon is concern it still same. More over it is also seen that if a female has very high or king kind of
yoga in her chart then it use to give her fame out side as well as in home dominating impact. Due to the same
reason she use to get a person whose planets are much weaker to her and such person can not absorb the glitter
of her planets. Usually such persons are almost isolated of very cool in nature. According to one yoga, if a lady is
born in day time and her ascendant and moon are in at Odd sign then she is recognized as a blessed lady with a lot
of potential and also get the blessing of domestic harmony. But such ladies are masculine in form and bearing also
hence they are much short tempered and use to have much control on others. Similarly if the birth is in night and
her Ascendant and Moon are in even signs, then such lady use to get blessing of a lot of excellent qualities, be of
loyal character, beautiful and physically fit. If between Ascendant or the Moon, one is in even sign and the other is
in odd sign then such woman concerned are usually have the tough determination and also have much habits like
males. .. .M an an ac ha ry a IMP ACT OF TR IM AS A Trimasa is the Chart related to misries and happiness, which
are much concerned to ladies as Navamsha is considered for general public. It is holding key of getting knowledge
about the female horoscope and without reading or knowing Trimasa chart it is not possible to understand the
fate of a lady. The impact of Trimasa, which has been described by Sage of Vedic astrology, in brief the analysis is
as under (we can not give the exact translation as Sage has used much clear words and same is not advised to say
in open). If a la dy is bo rn: - When the Ascendant or the Moon (whichever is stronger) is in a sign of Aries or
Scorpio and:a. Trimsamsa is of either, Aries or Scorpio is there, then she use to have, very free life before
marriage. b. Trimsamsa of Taurus or Libra or the Zodiac in which Venus is placed in Rashi Chart then she enjoys
much pleasure before marriage. c. Trimsamsa of Gemini or Virgo is rising, then she will be full of cunning and
adept in enchantment. d. Trimsamsa of Sagittarius or Pisces is rising then she will be worthy and virtuous. e.
Trimsamsa of Capricorn or Aquarius is rising then, she will be modest or restricted. When the Ascendant or the
Moon, is in Gemini or Virgo and she is born when:a. Trimsamsa of Aries or Scorpio, she will be very moderate and
a hard worker. b. Trimsamsa of Taurus or Libra is rising then she must be having good qualities. c. Trimsamsa of
Gemini or Virgo, she will be very cold in making love but found of talking. d. Trimsamsa of Sagittarius or Pisces,
she will be owner of pure soul. e. Trimsamsa of Capricorn or Aquarius, she will be a very much hiding lady. When
the Ascendant or the Moon, is in Taurus or Libra and she is born when:a. Trimsamsa of Aries or Scorpio is rising
then, she would have enjoyed a lot of freedom before marriage. b. Trimsamsa of Taurus or Libra then she is very
nice and possesses excellent qualities. c. Trimsamsa of Gemini or Virgo, then she will be skilled in all the arts. d.
Trimasa of Sagittarius or Pisces, she will be endowed with all good qualities. e. Trimasa of Capricorn or Aquarius
gives chances of more then one marriage. When the Ascendant or the Moon is in Cancer and she is born when:a.
Trimsamsa of Scorpio then she will be self-willed and uncontrolled. b. Trimsamsa of Taurus then she will be self-
skilled in arts and handwork. c. Trimsamsa of Virgo, she will be gifted with all excellent technical work, d.
Trimsamsa of Jupiter, she will be owner of a saint qualities. e. Trimsamsa of Saturn, she may get separation or
more then one marriage. When the Ascendant or the Moon is in Leo, and she is born when:a. Trimsamsa of Aries
then she will be very talkative, b. Trimsamsa of Gemini then she will be virtuous features c. Trimsamsa of Jupiter
then she will be pure and virtuous d. Trimsamsa of Saturn then she must have enjoyed a lot of freedom before
marriage. When the Ascendant or Moon is in Sagittarius or in Pisces and she is born when:a. Trimsamsa of Aries or
Scorpio then will be endowed with many good qualities. b. Trimsamsa of Taurus or Libra, she will be holy. c.
Trimsamsa of Gemini or Virgo, she will be well versed in many sciences. d. Trimsamsa of Sagittarius or Pisces, she
will be endowed with all good qualities. e. Trimsamsa of Capricorn or Aquarius, she will be very cold or will be
highly free. When the Ascendant or Moon is in Capricorn or Aquarius and she is born when:a. Trimsamsa of Mars
then she will be a working lady but will be very proud. b. Trimsamsa of Venus then she will be learned but
fruitless. c. Trimsamsa of Mercury then she will be cruel and immoral. d. Trimsamsa of Jupiter then she will be
devoted to her husband. e. Trimsamsa of Saturn, she will be very free and will have relations with servants. TIP
FOR CO MI C HELPS & ANC IEN T F AI TH For Lad ies: Dear Visitor, in Vedic astrology there are many remedies
which was made as a part of life by many ladies in ancient time. Now the pattern of life has been changed, and
generally no one has that much time to keep the lengthy chanting or remembering parents etc etc. nor every one
is able to live with parents as for earning many has to go far from them. We wish to revive some very potent and
very small acts which are now called or known as Myths but in fact they are remedial measures which usually
saves from the hard ship of disturbing planets. These remedies are much related to Venus, Rahu and Mars. We
have tested them and found them very much effective. We hope you will be able to get much relief by these acts
or deeds. We also pray to god that your life may get filled with peace, and anger and hot exchange may never
come in your family. Spraying or dropping water on the hot plate of cooking material (specially bread made of
flour) before making food, and then just wiping it by dry cloth, keeps health problem away from home. Drinking
water, about one or half hour earlier to food, makes the stomach very active in digesting food and develops the
hunger more. Giving little sweet thing after day food and water after it to husband, makes his nature very cool and
anger never come near to him. One the birth day of yours as well as husband and on wedding anniversary, do not
take bath from plain water, it will be best if you pour two tea spoon of raw milk in the bathing tub. It will dissolve
all kind of difference between you and both uses to get attracted toward each other. Whenever you feel that hot
exchanges are taking place, without any proper reason, or on very small thing, never hesitate to adopt above
mentioned deed. If you or your husband are born just after sun set or within two hour of sun set, never give milk
after sun set, it increases cough problem. If you think that your husband is giving less attention on you, then serve
him milk made items in morning time, your complaint will get satisfied. If you feel that warmth is reducing in your
relations, then try to go out of home during rain, your problem will go away for one year. If you feel that your
husband is ignoring you just touch the right side of his neck with wet hand, malefic impact of Venus will go away
from him. If you feel that your husband is taking too much drink, use more tomato and Salad in food, his habit of
too much drinking will get checked. If you feel that some other lady is trying to attract your husband, then in early
in the morning when you come face to face first time then just touch your forehead by middle finger and take
your husband name in heart. It will shred away the impact of other lady from his thinking. Never bring or keep
plucked flower, either for decoration or show or due to any other reason, except for prayer, in home or in working
place, it reduces the willpower and soul power (Aatm Shakti), of family members for temporary time. If you are
expecting some guest or visitor in office, then use plucked flower as bucket in table, but do not go in to the
meeting room prior to visitor, any one who enters first dying flower always takes the will power of that person for
prolonging their life. If he enters in room, you will surely get benefit in meeting. If you wear any flower on hairs or
as part of beautifying your self, then take the name of the person in while fixing flower in hairs, flowers will give
complete impact on that person and he will remain attracted toward you. Never use plastic flower for decoration
in middle of room, it increases disturbance in home. If you feel that your husband's expanses are becoming
uncontrolled and he is also unable to understand why it is happening, just throw few sweet biscuits for birds in an
open area in daytime. If some big tree is there near to your home, and its shadow is falling on your home, during
daytime, even for small time, then pour one glass of water on the routs of that tree, prosperity will always remain
in your home. If northern and southern walls are having windows, then never open both the windows at a time. It
brings evil impact in home. If air is coming direct in to your home from the main entrance, then never open the
door fully, it gives poverty or covers the luck for 6 months. If you feel much bored and same is felt by others,
without any proper reason, make a visit near to some river or natural pound and pass whole day in it. If you or
your husband get any chance never hesitate to take a dip in it. It will wash away all malefic impact of Rahu from
your as well as your family's head. If there is any old widow in your relation or living near to your home, never
hate her, but never allow her to enter into your home during early morning or sun setting time. If she desires any
thing then provide her and deliver that thing into her home. In festivals specially during the starting week of
month of Libra sun sign, gift some crockery or cloths to her, but remember that after purchasing it, before
reaching home deliver it to her, do not bring that gift in your home first. If you are chased by haunted dreams for
more then two days continuously, then keep some iron plate or knife below to your bed sheet or bed foam.
Always try to see your both the palm just after waking up, even while you are lying on bed, then get up and
remember GOD, it will keep many evil impact away from your life. If your husband left some food half eaten then
never throw it in dustbin, but just take a taste of it then if you desire throw it in bin. It will save your husband
from the curse of mother earth. Never give the left milk of your children to cat, home pet by doing this they will
never be able to enjoy milk and will start hating it. It will be the best if you mix some water in it then give it to pet.
If some brittle cup or plate or dish got broken, or some line of crack comes in it, never use it, but keep it near to
wall of your house for one day, then throw it in bin. By this poverty will never come in your home. If without any
reason, some cup or plate or dish fells in floor then do not keep it in home, immediately keep that cup or plate
near to some tree out side the boundary of your home or warp it in some plastic bag and keep it outside home. It
is a sign of some coming problem related to evil cosmic air, by keeping it out side, no evil mystic power will be
able to disturb your family. Never throw the waste or plucked hair which use to come out by combing, in toilet
pot, otherwise it can give you some serious stomach or nervous problem. While combing if the comb get fell form
your hand, then before using it again blow some air from your mouth on it. The best is, if you put it below tap
water then use it. Never oil your hair and comb after sun set, if due to some reason you have to wash your hair or
comb it for some party, then first close all the windows then do it. Never go out of home with wet hairs in open
during your periods, it can bring a lot of occult problem in family. Always put left feet first in home, when you are
entering in home, and enter in home with lowing your head, by this holy souls blesses you and your family from
heaven, and family member in home always remains in high spirit. STUD Y OF 7TH HOUSE AND NA VAM SHA 7th
house is much related to happiness, joy and otherwise impact on husband, in female horoscope, this house and
Navamsha contributes a lot while deciding the general harmony in married life. We wish to give certain conditions
related to 7th house and Navamsha, which can make you understand or know about the impact of it. Of course
under a proper guidance of a teacher one can really understand the impact in total, but we are trying our best to
provide you all this knowledge and the yoga which are found generally much near to accurate. Of course the
partial aspect of good planet reduces the malefic impact and sleeping planet or owner of house gives less negative
or positive result. In female horoscope if the 7th house be vacant or no planet is there, such situation known as
strength less position and if it is without benefic aspect then it makes the female her self a coward and proves a
disregard hooligan for her husband. When the 7th house is a moveable sign, then it indicates that either her
husband will remain always be on move or in journey or will live away from home. If Mercury and Saturn are
placed in the 7th house, then it gives her a great shock as her husband may have some deficiency in making
relations. If the Sun (alone) occupies the 7th house, then it gives health trouble to husband or separation or she
use to abandoned her husband or by her husband. If Mars is in the 7th house then it is always better for the
female to take special care of matching horoscope before marriage as it can give her widowhood. But if husband
also have such placement then they use to have tense relation but blessing of marriage always remains with her.
If Saturn is in the 7th house, she lives to an old age either remaining unmarried or gets much late marriage. In such
cases out of cast early marriage are much seen and such marriages always ends in separation. If a benefic planet is
occupying the 7th house then the female will enjoy marital happiness and will be chaste. If the Mars is placed in
the Navamsha of Venus and Venus is in the Navamsha of Mars and both are together in Main Horoscope, then
such female use to remain uncontrolled and bring much shock to whole family (due to her involvement with
others). If in this yoga the Moon be in the 7th the female concerned enters into wrong connections due to her
husband. If the 7th house or the Navamsha both are having Aries or Scorpio sign, then the husband use to have
other women in his life and also use to have ill-tempered nature. If she is born in Virgo or Gemini Navamsha of
Mercury, her husband will be very learned and clever. If she is born in Navamsha of Sagittarius or Pisces, her
husband will be of great merit and will have all possessions under his control. If she is born in Navamsha of Taurus
or Libra, her husband will be fortunate, very good looking and will be liked by women. If she is born in Navamsha
of Capricorn or Aquarius, her husband will be like old man. If she is born in Navamsha of Leo, her husband will be
exceedingly soft in his disposition and will be very hard working.

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