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In general we can say that any sport will help us to improve

concentration, because it distracts us and will help us then focus

on improving the task to be performed. In addition to making
memories more sticky, exercise can help you focus and stay
focused on the task.
And if all that sounds like hard work, you may not have to run out
of breath to reap the effects of exercise. Only 10 minutes of
playful coordination skills, such as bouncing two balls at the same
time, improved attention

for example
 The United States analyzed the effects of daily sports classes after
school during a school year. The children got fit and became more
skilled to ignore distractions, perform multiple tasks and maintain
and manipulate information in their minds.

how to do it
Classes interspersed with 20-minute aerobic exercise improved
the attention span of students in the schools
 You can also do different routines such as:
Run for 30-45 minutes at a smooth pace.
Swim 10-20 minutes, in different styles, even diving (diving
increases the feeling of tranquility and helps you relax).
Cycle 40-60 minutes at a smooth pace, enjoying the scenery.
Try activities like Yoga or Pilates.

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