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University of Quindío

Modern languages program

Valentina Hernandez Castro
March 13th, 2020

Why is pronunciation difficult to learn?

When we talk about pronunciation, we instantly think about these words we
mispronounce. As learners of a second language we have experienced this kind of
situation when facing a word that is “hard” to pronounce or, it is not similar to a
word of our native or mother tongue. At the time we have started comparing a
language with another we are falling into a big mistake that becomes a vicious
circle. We already know that each language has its own set of rules, mostly in
pronunciation (phonetics), so “looking for similarities” between one and other is
useless and disrespectful; as a language is part of a culture we should be worried
about learning it as it should be from the very beginning with all the context, the
history it possess.
First, we need to “unlearn” what we know about our language to start learning a
new one from zero (0). It might sound ridiculous but to improve we should behave
as kids somehow; what do I mean with being like kids? What I mean is that we
need to awake that curiosity and motivation that kids have; kids want to know how
everything works, they are obstinate. On this point of view, we should take them as
an example to follow; they are not afraid of being embarrassed for making
mistakes, they just enjoy the process. To improve our pronunciation we need to
start from phonetics; studying all this new sounds and make our vocal tract use to it
would make a notorious change. How do we do this? By make a fool of yourself,
again be like a kid, we will have to do lots of expressions and exaggeratedly
gesticulate. The best way of learning is to imitate the person, in this case should be
a professor or a native, until we finally get a similar sound.
Second, we have to be open minded, see a language from its nature, its speech,
its signs, its words, its expression, and so on. Showing purely interest on learning
and knowing that language is the key to successful pronunciation. We have to be
dedicate, to be passionate in order to get better results; in that way when we feel
like failing we will not give up, we will try harder because we really want to know
the language. That is the point of all, make the language ours. When I said “open
minded” I referred to enjoy the process in our brain when learning a new language;
we are opening a new door full of opportunities, a world waiting to be discover.
Now, our brain is working different to make a good pronunciation; since we send a
signal inside to produce a message and finally it goes out; now we are consciously
pronouncing because we do learn about that language.
Third, we must trust ourselves in order to make a good performance.
Researchers have noted that most of language students are good at grammar,
reading and writing, and listening, but when talking about speaking (pronunciation)
there is a lack of performing. It shows us that we know the language, and we
understand it, yet we are not “capable” of speaking it. Let us say that we have done
all of the things we have already mentioned; that should guarantee us a good
pronunciation, right? But if we do not feel comfortable with the language, for
obvious reasons we will not speak in a good way as the insecurity would be notice
in our tone, and others prosodic. Other key is that one, to have confidence in
ourselves, in our brain, and in our knowledge. Thus, our competence and
performance should not be affected and they would concordance.
To conclude, learning a new language is a valuable opportunity, and we should
take it in that way. Appreciate its origin by making an effort on pronouncing
correctly; if we avoid comparing languages that process would be easier,
eventually we will note that change and continuing in our pronunciation
improvement. It is not an easy path, but it worth. After all, if we are learning this is
because of a matter of passion, of a desire to prove ourselves that we can do it.
We have all the tools to improve, now it is just up to us.

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