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Broke and Depressed: The Cost of Mental Health for Millennials 

As a mental health professional, a question that I am often asked is if millennials (the term used to 
refer to those born between 1982 and 1996 - a generation I belong to as well), are worse off from a 
mental health point of view than any generation ever before. The answer to that, at least in my 
opinion is ‘Yes’. But it’s not that simple.  
For something to be considered an illness, the minimum qualifying criteria is that the experience 
should not be ‘normal’. This means that it cannot be considered the norm for an overwhelming 
majority of the given cohort being considered. However, talk to a millennial around you and ask them 
the last time they felt happy and fulfilled, well-rested and calm, and hopeful about their futures. You 
will see that a pervasive sense of fatigue, gloom, and worry are not exceptional but normative 
experiences for most millennials today.  
The Vicious Cycle of Mental Health 
The World Health Organization in 1948 defined well-being as “a state of complete physical, mental 
and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. At the time, the world we 
lived in one was a simpler one, and the health-related challenges faced were mostly acute 
life-threatening conditions. Fast-forward to today, and the health-related challenges most adults of 
working age are chronic illnesses - be they physical or mental.  
Maintaining good health as the WHO definition suggests, while holding down a full-time job in one of 
India’s metros can seem like a Sisyphean task for many young Indians. Working with clients for whom 
mental health presents the biggest stumbling block to professional success constitutes a majority of 
the work I do in my practice as a mental health professional.  
The catch-22, however, is that one needs a full-time job to be able to afford regular therapy. Life, for 
most working young adults with mental health challenges, is a never-ending struggle between finding 
a full-time job that helps them afford regular mental healthcare and staying mentally healthy enough 
to hold down a full-time job. 
The Vicious Cycle of Poor Mental Health and Poor Work Performance 
The Cost of Mental Health for Millennials 
The acute shortage of mental health professionals in India (almost 1 for 1 lac people), means that 
most people needing regular mental healthcare need to access private mental health professionals. 
This comes at a heavy cost. The average cost of a counseling session/psychiatric consult in any Indian 
metro is around Rs. 1500/-, with some professionals charging as high as Rs.2000-4000/- per one-hour 
Say you need a weekly therapy appointment (Rs. 1500*4), a monthly psychiatric consult (Rs. 1500*1) 
and daily medicines (~Rs.500). That itself is a monthly expense of Rs. 8000/- on average (not including 
the loss-of-pay due to late-coming and days missed due to mental health).  
Persons with mental illness are not only likely to find it difficult to get employed full-time, but they are 
also likely to get lesser pay-packages and fare lower on their performance appraisals as compared to 
those who live without mental illness. Ultimately, they may also be asked to leave on grounds of poor 
What that leaves one with is a situation where one needs to bear significant financial expenses just to 
stay mentally healthy, but with little or no guarantee of financial security. 
The Commodification of ‘Self-Care’ 
Putting aside money to buy a house of one’s own is a distant, unattainable dream for most young 
professionals today. Therapy is an expensive, long-term project. The space in the middle is now being 
exploited by the ‘Self-Care’ Industry. 
It is not uncommon for me to see clients spend their last rupee on a weekend ‘wellness retreat’, a 
piece of pop-culture nostalgia, expensive hobby classes, luxurious electronics, and automobiles. This 
does not come from a place of pragmatism but solely for the emotional succor, these purchases offer. 
While ‘impulsive’ purchases like these earn millennials a bad rap for being ‘financially irresponsible’ 
one cannot also be blamed for grasping at straws in desperate times.  
Making Therapy Accessible and Affordable 
While the questions are many - one answer is to make mental healthcare affordable and accessible. 
Individuals who stay in therapy regularly can negotiate personal and professional challenges better, 
without having to resort to expensive ‘self-care’ distractions. 
Often one may be willing to access therapy but find it financially prohibitive. On other occasions, the 
unavailability of a therapist means that even someone willing to pay for therapy cannot access it. 
Online therapy solves part of this problem by making therapy accessible to a wider audience 
geographically. From an economic point-of-view, as well, online practice is far more operationally 
sustainable. However, that still leaves out a large chunk of people who may be able to afford to pay 
some, but not the entire amount charged by therapists. Sliding scales, such as Pay-What-You-Want 
options help address these concerns by ensuring that those needing therapy continue to do so 
without therapy becoming a source of financial strain in itself.  
While the problem at hand is one that has come into being and sustained due to the collapse of 
multiple systemic factors, this perhaps is one of the ways forward. 
Paras Sharma is a Bengaluru-based Counselling Psychologist and can be reached at​.  

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