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#REST_ART_TOGETHER OURISTORIES FOR YOUR WTTT 7 N COMA / 77 a rey NUMBER 3 | ioth aprit 2020 Cuanou r= hes? & CIAO! In questo periodo grigio chi meglio dell’arte pus regalare un po’ di colore a tutti noi? Questo é il nostro regalo per dire “ci siamo”: una collana di ebook settimanali con i piu begli artwork fatti dai nostri 40.000 artisti in 130 Nazioni per portare un messaggio di positivitaa tutti noi. Perché solo l’arte pud farlo e permetterci di CIAO! In this gray period, who better than art can give a little color to all of us? This is our gift to say "here we are": a weekly ebook series with the most beautiful artwork made by our 40,000 artists in 130 Nations to bring a message of positivity to all of us. Because only art can do it and allow us to @ crrnawae berawalp Will be over in june. fares_draw "Il cuore vive finché ha qualcosa da amare come il fuoco finché ha qualcosa da bruciare."... FARES_ DRAW Italy ==» creative_articulation = ee ae ef cd ys sd co | F creative_articulation Work on your craft. CREATIVE_ARTICULATION South Africa Lk & ramanbello 7, ramanbello Drip lord o2 © @drip_daddyzim RAMANBELLO Nigeria & gege.mbakudi gege.mbakudi Black Energyyyyyyyy @ b> @officialmekhilucky_... GEGE.MBAKUDI Angola f ) ‘G a nima.angel.jackson rH nima.angel.jackson My little brothers and lockdown j@ #ArtinTheTimeOfCOVID19 .... NIMA.ANGEL.JACKSON India @e aillia.naqvi aillia.naqvi @& AILLIA.NAQVI Pakistan POPPYART27 Italy ab_illustrations ab_illustrations Let's stay home, protect our loved ones from this pandemic.... AB_ILLUSTRATIONS Italy pallidaidea_illustration A chi é da solo in casa, A chi ha la famiglia dall'altra parte del paese.... dybotmane ART WORK [@ STAYSAFE @... DYBOTMANE Morocco luna_hal Notte stellata a Bergamo OTN TaN Italy @ syeefanazariths syeefanazariths PricelessSoul + 20:09 SYEEFANAZARITHS Malaysia @ samzart_facepainting samzart_facepainting We all go little mad sometimes... so Wonder and Scream ...... .... SAMZART_FACEPAINTING Saudi Arabia & @RIDAS_ARTIVITY a \ Stay home ~ \\ Stay Sate \ \\ ridas_artivity #StayHome #StaySafe @ #Sketch #Pastels #Painting #Henna #Art #ArtCraft #Craft #... RIDAS_ARTIVITY Pakistan v yellow emnme YELLOW_EMME Italy A DAY WITHOUT LAUGHTER Charlie Chaplin

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