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Yarmouk University

Hijjawi Faculty for Engineering Technology

Computer Engineering Department
CPE 150: Introduction to Programming
Task 07: Functions II
Project Creation:
Create a C++ empty Project that has one header file (header.h) and two source files
(implementation.cpp and main.cpp).

User Defined Functions:

Define the following functions. Write the function prototypes in header.h and the function
definitions in implementation.cpp

1- Area: This function calculates and returns the area of a triangle or a circle based on the
number of arguments passed when calling the function.
Hint: Two overloaded versions of the function should be written. The first version
should take two double arguments (base and height), and return the area of triangle as
double. The second version should take one double argument (radius), and return the
area of circle as double.

2- Cylinder: This function calculates and returns the volume of a cylinder. The function
should take two double arguments (radius, height), and return the volume as double. If
the radius and/or height is not passed, the function should consider them 1 and 2
Hint: Set a default argument of 1 for the radius, and 2 for the height.

3- Calculator: This function calculates and returns the sum, difference, product, and
quotient of two double numbers.
Hint: Use the concept of “call by reference” to return the four values from the function.

Main Function:
Write a menu driven program in main.cpp that repeatedly displays the above menu to the
user (call printMenu) and prompt the user to enter his/her choice until the Exit choice is
Main Menu
1- Area of triangle.
2- Area of circle.
3- Volume of cylinder.
4- Calculator.
5- Exit.

Extra Exercise
Implement and test the following functions:
 sumOfNaturalNum : this function displays the sum of natural
numbers to number N, the function should take one argument N.
(Recursive Implementation)
e.g: if N=3, the displayed value is 6
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Spring 2019

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