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-what is it about looking for nemo?

Nemo, a small fish, much loved and protected by his father, is lost outside the great barrier of the
Australian reef, after being caught by this reef, Nemo will end up in a fishbowl in Sydney. His
father, a clownfish, starts his quest and embarks on a dangerous adventure with Dory, a fish with
very little memory. At the same time, Nemo and his new friends are already planning a plan to
escape the fishbowl.

-Relevant information about searching for nemo.

It is a 3D computer animation film, made and distributed by Disney-Pixar, in 2003. Looking for
Nemo (original title Finding Nemo) is a digital animation film from the company Pixar Animation
Studios of 2003, winner of a Oscar award among many other awards.

The creator of the movie was Andrew Staton

-Which are the main characters?

Main characters:

Nemo: it is a orange and white clownfish fish. It is over protected by his father. On the occasion
that the barracuda ate Coral and her children, her egg hit the ground and only her fin was injured.

Marlin: husband of Coral, overprotective father of Nemo.

Gill: It is a fish of the species Zanclus cornutus, head of the crazy group of the fish tank. He is rough
and has a fatherly character with Nemo. Like Nemo, he is from the ocean and has a damaged fin
because he fell on the dentist's sharp tools in an attempt to escape.

Dory: It's a very funny Paracanthurus hepatus surgeon fish. Suffer from anterograde amnesia.
Accompany Marlin in the search for her son. She is optimistic, funny and has her free spirit.

-What are the secondary characters?

Secondary characters:

Bruce: is a Carcharodon carcharias or white shark that congenies with Marlin and Dory and takes
them to their meeting of vegetarian sharks in a sunken submarine.

Nigel: It is a Pelecanus occidentalis or pelican. He became friends with Los Locos de la Pecera. He
rescues Marlin and Dory from the seagulls and helps them in their search for "Nemo."

Peach: is the starfish that is always aware of what happens outside the fishbowl, does not like
when Darla hits the fishbowl with her finger, is very optimistic and has a motherly character with

Balloon: it is a Tetraodontidae, puffer fish that inflates when it is discussed or scared and has to
ask for help to deflate it.
Gluglu: is a Gramma loreto obsessed with hygiene and germs. Upon learning that Nemo is from
the ocean, he orders Jacques to clean him.

Give it: it is the dentist's niece, that every fish they give her, shakes it and kills them and the
dentist has to throw it down the drain of the toilet.

Jacques: It's a common shrimp with black from the cleaning shrimp, who worries about keeping
the fish tank clean when it gets dirty.

Bubbles: A fish with little lack of memory, very passionate about bubbles. When he sees something
escaping, many bubbles come out to claim.

Crush: is the 150-year-old sea turtle that helps Marlin and Dory go to Sydney through the Eastern
Australian Current CAO). It is also he who rescues them from jellyfish.

Chiqui: is Crush's little son, who tells Marlin and Dory how to get out of the stream, is very naughty
and playful.

Deb: it is a white and blue fish that lives in the fishbowl. She thought she had a twin sister named
Flo, but, it's just her reflection in the glass. Because of this, everyone in the fish tank thinks her

Coral: is Marlin's couple. He dies trying to defend his eggs against a barracuda.

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