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Aprendiendo en casa

Lecciones 46-47-48-49

Read and replace the nouns in bold by pronouns.

Original sentence Sentence with pronouns

1. Carlos bought a gift to her wife. He bought a gift to her.
2. Luis was arguing with Lorena.
he was arguing with her
3. The children were doing their homework.
they were doing homework
4. I am playing with my dogs.
I am playing with them
5. Tomas and I were eating a hot dog.
we were eating
6. The computer broke down.
it's decomposed
7. The cat is sleeping on the bed.
it is sleeping in bed
8. Tomas was talking with Elizabeth on the
phone. they were on the phone
9. Mateo is cooking rice and chicken.
he is cooking chicken rice
10. Carlos was talking with the teachers.
he was talking to his teachers
11. My parents are grounding my sister and me.
They punished us

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