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‫استمارة تقييم بحث طلابي‬


‫جامعة بنهـــــا‬ ‫كلية الحاسبات‬

‫الفصل الدراسي الثاني للعام الجامعي ‪2020/2019‬‬ ‫والذكاء االصطناعي‬

‫أولا بيانات الطالب (تملأ بمعرفة الطالب)‬

‫رقم الجلوس‪2219007 :‬‬ ‫اسم الطالب‪ :‬اسالم احمد محمد ابو العينين‬
‫البريد اإللكتروني األكاديمي‪ :‬‬
‫اسم البرنامج الدراسي‪ /‬القسم‪ :‬امن معلومات واكتشاف االدلة الجنائية الرقمية‬
‫المستوى‪/‬الفرقة‪ :‬المستوي الثاني‬
‫ثانيا بيانات البحث (تملأ بمعرفة الطالب)‬
‫اسم المقرر‪computer architecture :‬‬
‫اسم أستاذ المقرر‪ :‬الدكتور ‪ /‬عالء الدين عبدللا‬
‫عنوان موضوع البحث‪computer architecture today :‬‬
‫رقم الموضوع (إن وجد) ‪2 :‬‬
‫ثالثا تقييم البحث بمعرفة لجنة الممتحنين‬
‫□ ال‬ ‫□ نعم‬ ‫هل البحث منقول؟‬
‫في حالة ان اإلجابة بنعم ال يتم تقييم البحث ويعتبر تقييم الطالب في البحث لم يجتاز‬
‫غير مقبول‬ ‫مقبول‬ ‫عناصر التقييم‬ ‫م‬
‫‪10‬‬ ‫الشكل العام للرسالة البحثية‬ ‫‪1‬‬
‫‪70‬‬ ‫يحقق المتطلبات العلمية المطلوبة‬ ‫‪2‬‬
‫‪10‬‬ ‫يذكر المصادر والمراجع العلمية‬ ‫‪3‬‬
‫‪10‬‬ ‫الصياغة اللغوية واسلوب الكتابة جيد‬ ‫‪4‬‬
‫رابعا نتيجة التقييم النهائي‬
‫توقيع لجنة التقييم‬ ‫لم يجتاز‬ ‫اجتاز‬
‫‪........................................................... -1‬‬
‫‪........................................................... -2‬‬
‫‪........................................................... -3‬‬
‫** يرجى التأكد من اال تزيد هذه االستمارة بعد استكمال البيانات عن صفحة واحدة فقط‬

Faculty of Computers & Benha University

Artificial Intelligence

computer architectureToday
A research project submitted
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for passing
the 2nd semester 2020 evaluation

Computer Architecture

‫( اسالم احمد محمد ابو العينين‬2219007)

Supervised by
Dr Alaa eldin Abdallah

June 2020
Faculty of Computers & Artificial Intelligence, Benha University

Table of Contents

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1
2. Content .................................................................................................................................... 1
2.1 what is about computer architecture ............................................................................... 1
2.2 Instruction Set Architecture(ISA) .................................................................................... 2
2.3 Microarchitecture ............................................................................................................ 3
2.4 Why we need arch in university ....................................................................................... 4
2.5 CPU industry ................................................................................................................... 6
3. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 7
References ....................................................................................................................................... 8

Faculty of Computers & Artificial Intelligence, Benha University

1. Introduction

Computer architecture is a specification that details how a set of standards in

software and hardware technology interact to form a computer system or platform. In short,
computer architecture refers to how and what technologies a computer system is designed
with. It is a vital area for study so we're going to be discussing it in our research.

2. Content
2.1 what is about computer architecture

Computer architecture is a set of principles and rules that describe computer

system functionality, organisation, and implementation. Some architecture definitions
define it as describing a computer's capabilities and programming model, but not a specific
implementation. In other meanings, computer architecture includes instruction set
architecture design, micro architecture design, logic design , and implementation.[1]
Although the term computer architecture sounds very complex and difficult, it is
easier to define than one might imagine. Computer architecture is a science or a set of rules
that state how computer software and hardware are combined and interact to make a
computer work together. It determines not only how the computer works but also which
computer technologies are capable of. Computers remain a major part of our lives and
computer architects keep going to develop innovative technologies and programs.[2]
Computer architecture is a specification which describes how hardware and
software technologies interact to create a platform or system of computers. When we think
of the word architecture, we think about the construction of a house or a building. Keeping
this same principle in mind, computer architecture involves the construction of a computer
and everything that goes into a computer system. Computer architecture is made up of two
key categories.[3]
➢ Instruction set architecture (ISA) – This includes the functions and capabilities of
the CPU, programming language of the CPU, data formats, types of processor

Faculty of Computers & Artificial Intelligence, Benha University

registers, and instructions that computer programmers have used. This part is the
software, such as Windows or Photoshop or similar programs, that makes it run.
➢ Micro architecture-This defines the element or data paths for data processing and
storage and how they should be implemented in the architecture of the instruction
set. These might include devices for DVD storage, or similar devices.
• Computer Architecture = organization of the ISA+ computers.
• Instruction The computer does set architecture (ISA) (logical view).
• The ISA is implemented Computer Organization (Uarch) (physical view).
Computer Architecture (ISA) and Micro Architecture is the study of internal
computer system work, structuring, and implementation. Computer system architecture,
the same as anywhere else, refers to the system's externally visual attributes. Externally
visual attributes, here in computer science, mean how the logic of programs (not the
human eyes!) views a system. Micro architecture is the method of practical
implementation which results in the realization of a computer system 's architectural
specifications. In a more general language, computer system architecture can be
considered as a catalog of tools available to any operator using the system, whereas
organization will be the way the system is structured so that all those cataloged tools can
be used in an efficient manner.[4]

2.2 Instruction Set Architecture(ISA)

An architecture of an instruction set (ISA) is an abstract computer model. It is

also known as computer architecture or architecture. Implementation is called an ISA
realization, such as a central processing unit ( CPU).
Overall, an ISA defines the data types supported, the registers, the hardware support
for managing key memory basic features (such as memory consistency, addressing modes,
virtual memory), and the input / output model of an ISA implementation family.
An ISA specifies the behavior of machine code running on that ISA
implementations in a fashion that does not depend on the features of that implementation,
providing binary compatibility between implementations. This provides large
implementations of an ISA that differ (among other things) in performance , physical size,
and cost but are able to run the same computer programs, so that a lesser-performance,
cheap machine can be replaced with a expensive, higher-performance machine without

Faculty of Computers & Artificial Intelligence, Benha University

replacing software. It also allows the evolution of the micro architectures of that ISA's
implementations, so a newer, higher-performance implementation of an ISA can run
software running on previous generations of implementations.
If an operating system retains a standard and consistent binary interface application
(ABI) for a given ISA, machine language for that ISA and operating system can run on
successful implementation of that ISA and modern versions of that operating system.
However, if an ISA endorses trying to run various operating systems, it does not ensure
that machine code for one operating system will run on another operating system unless it
is supported by the first operating system running machine code built for the other.
An ISA can be extended by adding instructions or other capabilities, or by adding
support for larger addresses and data values; it will still be possible to execute machine
code for ISA versions without those extensions. Machine language would only operate on
implementations that sustain those plugins.
The binary compatibility they provide makes ISAs one of the most essential
computational abstractions.
Instruction Set Architecture Critical interface between hardware and software,
Standardizing instructions, Bit patterns for machine language, etc.
One instruction set, for example, is the x86 instruction set, which is common to
find on computers today. Intel Pentium and AMD Athlon processors both use almost
same set of x86 instructions.
Various computer processors can use nearly the same set of instructions but still
have very various different design.
Advantage of ISA: different architectural implementations.
ISA disadvantage: Sometimes prevents new innovations from being used.

2.3 Microarchitecture

Also known as computer organization and sometimes abbreviated as μarch or

uarch, this is the manner in which a given instruction set architecture (ISA) is implemented
in a given processor. With various sub architectures, a given ISA may be implemented;
implementation may vary depending on different design objectives or new tech shifts.[5]

Faculty of Computers & Artificial Intelligence, Benha University

Deals with structural relationships not visible to the programmer (such as clock
frequency, or physical memory size). All computer technologies physical condition, e.g.
circuit design, control signals, memory types.[6]
Organization: how are characteristics implemented, Control signals, interfaces,
memory innovation (How does a computer work?)e.g., and is the hardware multiplying
unit or is it repeatedly added?.[7]
A microarchitecture is an ISA (Instruction Set Architecture) hardware
implementation. An ISA is a structure in which software uses commands and operations
to communicate with hardware. The hardware circuitry that implements one particular
ISA is a micro architecture.[8]
For example, x86-64 is the ISA used by most modern laptop computers and
desktops. Different micro-architectures, including those designed by Intel and AMD,
implement this. On any micro architecture designed to use the x86-64 instruction set,
software compiled for the x86-64 ISA may run.[9]
Multiple models of CPUs may be designed for a specific microarchitecture. For
this reason, sometimes a microarchitecture is referred to as a CPU "family," or
"generation." For example, Intel Kaby Lake (7th generation) and Coffee Lake (8th
generation) are separate microarchitectures, with compatible CPUs each having their own
Real examples in ISA and Uarch are the same basic architecture in all the intel x86
family. The IBM systems/370 family share the same basic architecture. Different versions
differ in organization.

2.4 Why we need arch in university

To study the basic architecture and organization of digital computers (CPU,

memory, I/O, software). Digital logic and micro-programming will also be discussed.
Such knowledge leads to a better understanding and use of digital computers, and can be
used as a basis for more advanced computer-related studies in the design and application
of computer systems.[10]

Faculty of Computers & Artificial Intelligence, Benha University

Because we use it every day, because we are likely to use it for the rest of your life,
because computer science is being studied by the CS major.
Because computer architecture is perhaps the most basic topic of computer
science. The field of computer science doesn't exist without computers.
Knowing what's inside and how it works will help you design, develop and
implement applications better , faster, cheaper, more efficient and easier to use because
you'll be able to make informed decisions instead of being guestimated and assumed.[11]
Learn contemporary state of the art in computer hardware, including the internal
functioning of nano-scale microprocessors to large-scale data center infrastructures and
how to program multi-core machines as well as a cluster of virtual / physical machines
powering data centers that, in turn, enable cloud computation.[12]
• Makes it possible to write faster, smaller and less error-prone computer
• Enables programmers to appreciate relative operating costs and the effects
of programming choices.
• Helps debug programmers
• To learn the basic computer structure and operations.
• To learn the unit of arithmetic and logic, and to implement the arithmetic
unit of fixed-point and floating point.
• Learning the basics of execution in pipeline.
• To understand multicore processors and parallelism.
• Cache memories and virtual memories to understand the hierarchies of the
• To learn about the different ways I/O devices communicate.
There is a fundamental relationship between the hardware in computer systems as
well as the many elements of programming and software components. It is very important
to know the computer system as a whole, to write better software. Hardware
understanding can help you explain the mysterious errors that are sometimes creeping
into our programs, such as the infamous segmentation error or the bus error. The level of
knowledge that a high-level programmer needs to have about computer organization and

Faculty of Computers & Artificial Intelligence, Benha University

computer architecture depends on the task the high-level programmer is trying to

Computer architecture primarily addresses how the system components (e.g., sub
- systems or mechanisms or objects) are structured and how they interface / interact with
each other and with exterior world (especially the HCI). The purpose of architectural
design is to divide the system's functions / actions so as to minimize the need for
communication — which is a significant potential point of (design) failure and usually
serves as a constraint on future upgrade designs.
Normally (exclusively) the computer architecture addresses the hardware aspects
of the joint hardware / software system architecture.

2.5 CPU industry

x86 is an Intel CPU architecture, which originated in 1978 with the 16-bit 8086
8086: Developed by Intel and introduced on 8 June 1978, the 8086 was a code-
named microprocessor, P1. It used a 16-bit architecture, had 29,000 transistors, ran from
5 MHz to 10 MHz at clock speeds, and could have access to one megabyte of memory.
The term "x86" is generally used today to refer to any 32-bit processor which is
compatible with the x86 instruction set.
For example, x86-64 is the ISA used by most modern laptop computers and
desktops. Various micro-architectures, including those designed by Intel and AMD,
implement this.
On any micro design enabled to use the x86-64 integrated circuit, software
compiled for the x86-64 ISA may run.
For a particular micro architecture various CPU models may be designed. A
micro-architecture is sometimes referred to as a CPU "family" or "generation," for this
Micro-architecture, also called computer organization, is used in computer

Faculty of Computers & Artificial Intelligence, Benha University

Various processors can support the same ISA, but they may have different micro
architecture. For example, Intel and AMD both use different microarchitectures to
implement x86 ISA.

3. Conclusion

Computer Architecture is the science and art of designing, selecting and

interconnecting hardware components and designing the software / hardware interface to
create a computing system that meets functional, performance, energy consumption, cost
and other specific objectives. Studying computer architecture is therefore important, so that
we can understand all aspects of computers and CPUs.

Faculty of Computers & Artificial Intelligence, Benha University


[1] "Computer Structure". " wikipedia". Retrieved May 17, 2005,

from "”.
[2-3] "Definition". " comptersciencedegreehub". Retrieved Aug 5, 2010,
From "
[4] "Structure". " wikiversity". Retrieved Sep 10, 2012, from
[5] "Computer ". " wikipedia". Retrieved May 20, 2000, from
[6-9] "Structure Science". "Computerhope". Retrieved Oct 25, 2015,
from "”.
[10-13] " computer science". " love4computerscience". Retrieved Nov 16, 2011,
from "

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