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‫استمارة تقييم بحث طلابي‬


‫جامعة بنهـــــا‬ ‫كلية الحاسبات‬

‫الفصل الدراسي الثاني للعام الجامعي ‪2020/2019‬‬ ‫والذكاء االصطناعي‬

‫أولا بيانات الطالب (تملأ بمعرفة الطالب)‬

‫رقم الجلوس‪2219007 :‬‬ ‫اسم الطالب‪ :‬اسالم احمد محمد ابو العينين‬
‫البريد اإللكتروني األكاديمي‪‬‬
‫اسم البرنامج الدراسي‪ /‬القسم‪ :‬امن معلومات واكتشاف االدلة الجنائية الرقمية‬
‫المستوى‪/‬الفرقة‪ :‬الثانية‬
‫ثانيا بيانات البحث (تملأ بمعرفة الطالب)‬
‫اسم المقرر‪System Analysis and Design :‬‬
‫اسم أستاذ المقرر‪ :‬دكتور‪ /‬خالد فؤاد‬
‫عنوان موضوع البحث‪Automated Attendance System :‬‬
‫رقم الموضوع (إن وجد) ‪2 :‬‬
‫ثالثا تقييم البحث بمعرفة لجنة الممتحنين‬
‫□ال‬ ‫□ نعم‬ ‫هل البحث منقول؟‬
‫في حالة ان اإلجابة بنعم ال يتم تقييم البحث ويعتبر تقييم الطالب في البحث لم يجتاز‬
‫غير مقبول‬ ‫مقبول‬ ‫عناصر التقييم‬ ‫م‬
‫‪10‬‬ ‫الشكل العام للرسالة البحثية‬ ‫‪1‬‬
‫‪70‬‬ ‫يحقق المتطلبات العلمية المطلوبة‬ ‫‪2‬‬
‫‪10‬‬ ‫يذكر المصادر والمراجع العلمية‬ ‫‪3‬‬
‫‪10‬‬ ‫الصياغة اللغوية واسلوب الكتابة جيد‬ ‫‪4‬‬
‫رابعا نتيجة التقييم النهائي‬
‫توقيع لجنة التقييم‬ ‫لم يجتاز‬ ‫اجتاز‬
‫‪........................................................... -1‬‬
‫‪........................................................... -2‬‬
‫‪........................................................... -3‬‬
‫** يرجى التأكد من اال تزيد هذه االستمارة بعد استكمال البيانات عن صفحة واحدة فقط‬

Faculty of Computers & Benha University

Artificial Intelligence

Automated Attendance System

A research project submitted
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for passing
the 2nd semester 2020 evaluation

System Analysis and Design

‫( اسالم احمد محمد ابو العينين‬2219007)

Supervised by
Dr / Khaled M. Fouad

June 2020
Faculty of Computers & Artificial Intelligence, Benha University

Table of Contents

2. Project Overview ..................................................................................................................... 1

2.1 Project Description ......................................................................................................... 1
3. Project Start-Up ....................................................................................................................... 2
4. System Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 5
5. System Design ......................................................................................................................... 7
6. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 9
References ..................................................................................................................................... 10

Faculty of Computers & Artificial Intelligence, Benha University

2. Project Overview
The system is a website. It is supposed to be a step in the way of digitalizing a
college work. This step will be done through automating the attendace taking process
by providing digital attendance sheet . Attendance sheets can be save in a central
daratabase to be processed later. We will make the front-end user interface design and
development . AdobeXD will be used to make the use rinterface done , it is not free
but it is a good tool . In the development process of the front end , HTML is used to
structure the website page .But structuring is not enough ,so CSS is used to add style
,colors and animation to the website page. Javascript and its libraries are used to make
the user interface more responsive.Now for the back end development .It is about
handling the server-side matters like database and server connections and requests
.We will use Javascript ,too. NodeJs framework that is based on the javascript is a
good choice for handling the back-end matters.

2.1 Project Description

In this project, we seek to make a website to handle and automate the work of
the faculty administration stuff, to enroll student courses or even to make the
attendance of students in each classroom easier than conventional forms in a way that
allows stuff to make their jobs quicker and easier than before. The issue was that,
after introducing a better online platform for college courses available to students
from other places in the world to learn from home or for distance students. So it will
be very difficult in this case to handle classrooms and course registrations and
attendance by students in every classroom. In this situation the computerized way is
the perfect one. This web application will provide tools to help the stuff follow up on
course registration and attendance by generating application form with a checkbox in
front of the name of each student to check if present. So, all of this feature will help
the stuff to handle the whole issue and save all the data in a centralized database to
make it easy to retrieve it in a worthwhile form of information.

2.2 Project Scope

Project Includes
Providing an easy way for students to enroll in courses.

Providing an admin dashboard.

Admin will login using username and password.

Admin will be able to check specific student’s attendance .

Admin will be able to check specific course attendance.

Faculty of Computers & Artificial Intelligence, Benha University

Project Excludes
In an on-demand-video form the website can support more online.

More student data can be stored like marks on quizzes.

Stuff and students will be able to get a full report to show full information about a specific student.

2.2 Assumptions
Using HTML , CSS, JavaScript to implement the website's frontend.
We'll use NodeJs framework (javaScript) for the back-end matters.
MySQL database is good, as it is easy.
It will take from 40 to 50 .
It will take about 10 : 13 developers to get it done in time.
2.4 Constraints
Finishing before the specified time frame: 40 to 50 days, by the start of the next
The scope of the project will be initially about people who speak the same language.
Initially the scope of the project will be about people speaking the same language.

3. Project Start-Up
3.1 Project Life-Cycle

3.1.1 System analysis and requirements gathering

As a result to the repetitive interviews with the clients , college stuff and a
number of the expexted users (college’s students) , as they will be the real users of
the website system ,their opinions and recommendations for the system as they
will be the real users of the system and system performance and efficient will be
measured by them . After collecting all data and requirements needed ,System’s
big image has appeared .System will be used by both student’s and college’s stuff
like adminstrators from the information technology sector or the teachers and the
students .Students will be able to enroll in courses and apply for it .Stuff members
will be able to check students list that enrolled in specific course and check
attendance of a specific course or a specific student by name.

3.1.2 System Design

Here we are performing system design matters from designing software which is
done by the software engineers and the user interface which is User Interface
designers job .Also database scheme design is one of the elements that is done
here in this phase .UI designers take cares of website pages to make it more fitting

Faculty of Computers & Artificial Intelligence, Benha University

to the college community and be easy to interact with by the users ( students that
will come to the site to enroll to courses) and adminstrators that will follow up
with students’ attendance and newcomers enrollments.

3.1.3 Implementaion
We will be using some of the coding tools such as HTML5 to structure and make the
website pages basic layout. CSS is for adding polish styles to the basic layout, to
polish it, to make the website’s colors.We will use JQuery that is implementation of
the javaScript. And we will use JavaScript for the back-end . We will use the NodeJs
framework to help make our work faster and easier on the server side.

3.1.4 Testing

There’re a number of testing techniques to do in order to make sure that the

website is working well with no bugs that may stop the functionality of the system .
Our developers will go through number of testing strategies to check different parts of
the website system . Testing the website through the different browsers to make sure
it is working for all users that are using different browsers .The website may has
troubles in the user interface because of html code line in working in different
browsers , so it is an important issue to consider. Then , testing the functionalities and
the back-end matters like checking the internal and the outgoing links . Checking the
database connections is also included in this functionality testing and checking the
submitted forms is very important. Also checking the ease of using the website by the
users who are the students in this case is very important to establish a good website.
Checking the appearance satisfaction and ease of navigation is two of the activities
that is done in this testing type. And the most important testing is testing the
performance , so we can get a reliable website. Checking website loading : the
number of users can access the web site in the same time. And the security testing as
this website will has information about the stuff and the college , so if it was hacked ,
it will be very dangerous.

3.2 Methods,Tools and Techniques

We will use AdobeXD as tool for User Interface designs, it will be sufficient to design
screens. And it will be enough for coding using COMODO Editor for HTML , CSS,
JS work. Spider is a very good solution to edit python code. As a MySql database is
also good as a DBMS.

Faculty of Computers & Artificial Intelligence, Benha University

3.3 Estimation Methods and Estrimates

Estimation Methods and Estimates

Description Most Likely
Effort in person-months or per month.

Schedule in calendar months Each cycle in the predefined SDLC is estimated to

take 4 weeks.
Budget in dollars 20,000 $
Level of Uncertainty MID

3.4 Schedule Allocation

Figure 1. Gantt chart for the tasks of the website development

Figure 2. Network diagram

3.5 Resources Allocation

Resource Total Skill Set Requirements Timeframe

UI designers 1 AdobeXD 1 week
Front-End 3 HTML,CSS3,JS,JQuery , reactJS 3 weeks

Faculty of Computers & Artificial Intelligence, Benha University

Back-End 2 JS , NodeJs , HTML,CSS 4 weeks

Software 1 Experince in similar projects , 8 weeks
Engineer Designs the software and the
database .

3.6 Budget Allocation

Key Budget Budget Amount Time Period

Web Hosting $33 – $50 USD per month ALWAYS

Domain name 7.99 $ ONCE per year

UI designer 1500 USD ONCE for the

system UI .
Front-End developers 122 $ per hour 1 month
Back-End developers 90 $ per hour 1 month
Software engineer 78 $ per hour 2 months

3.7 Risk Management

Team have to consider the possible failures and faults such as software failure
due to bad performance. Avoiding risks happens through number of steps like
identifying the risk area , reduce this risk , reduce the similar expected risks and the
most important one is risk monitoring to make sure that efforts are in the right place.
Risks expected in this project are somethings like server failure . In case that the
number of the visitors has increased in a not expected way, it may cause the server to
fall . We can avoid this risk by providing new hosting plans and analyze the system
well to easily expect the number of the users to be using the system . In development ,
there are some expected risks like the disability of a member of the team to do his
work .This type of risks must be considered and good software engineer would
prepare some alternatives in order to save his project from falling down and be able to
deliver in time.

4. System Analysis

4.1 Determining system requirements

Faculty of Computers & Artificial Intelligence, Benha University

Gathering requirements has many ways to do. Team can collect requirements
to determine system specifications through interviewing individuals or the
expected users of the system like students and adminstrators. Interviews gives the
team some notes and observations to consider while definining the system
requirements and specifications later. Our team will make an open-ended
conversational meetings .Team will use JAD (joint application design) is a
facilitated, team-based way to define the requirements for new or modifing
information systems. The main thing behind JAD is to bring together the key
users, managers, and system analysts involved in the analysis of a current system.
The primary purpose of using JAD in the analysis phase is to collect systems
requirements simultaneously from the key people involved with the
system.Having all the main characters all in the same time ,makes it easy for the
analyst to know the specifications of the system which no one disagree.The
participants in a JAD are: JAD session leader, end users, business managers,
sponsor, system analysts, IS staff, scribe, etc. The JAD team is a group of from six
to sixteen individual who all have a stake in designing a high quality.

4.2 Structuring System Requirement

4.2.1 Process Modeling

Figure 3. context diagram of the website system

Faculty of Computers & Artificial Intelligence, Benha University

Figure 4

4.2.2 Data Modeling

5. System Design

Figure 5. Home page of the website

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Figure 6. admin dashboard

Figure 7. attendance sheet form

Figure 8. courses available in the college

Faculty of Computers & Artificial Intelligence, Benha University

Figure 9. Courses from the admin prespective

Figure 10. Course Enrollment form for students

6. Conclusion
We have established all the necessary information to start planning to work on this
system through the process of collecting requirements. In the implementation software,
servers, hosting and domain name all the tools will be needed. Defined all the necessary
resources, engineers, developers and designers. Even talked about hosting services and
servers. Estimated some of the budget and payments will be required as wages for the team
members or paid for the purchase of necessary services to help implement and launch this
system. And finally , defined risk management strategy and how the team will act toward
each issue .

Faculty of Computers & Artificial Intelligence, Benha University


[1] Web Application Testing Complete Guide (How To Test A Website). (2020).
Retrieved 5 June 2020, from
[2] Requirements Determination and Requirements Structuring. (2020). Retrieved 5
June 2020, from


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