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Dear Valentina, 

Through the multiple project builders that built up to the writing project​,​ I believe that 

each of them served different purposes and taught me new ideas​.​ Starting from our first project 

builder about genres​.​ Before that project builder, the concept of genre was just different 

categories that people put movies and books into​,​ however I know now that it is so much more, 

rather it is when one expresses some repetitive action, almost like an “instinct​.​” Despite the fact 

that the project builders that led up to Writing Project 1 contained very similar topics​, ​genres​, 

each of them helped me learn this more in depth. Likewise​, ​for the project builders that led up to 

writing project 1​,​ went off of the topic of genres and brought me to realize that despite 

contrasting genres they can be translated to one another​,​ like how an academic reading was 

translated into a humorous comic​.​ I also believe that the group discussions helped a lot. I have 

never been comfortable with reading comprehension​,​ however for the group discussions it was 

interesting to see how others interpreted the class readings​,​ and also gave me more confidence 

knowing that I had similar interpretations as my peers​.  

After comparing my current writing to my previous papers​,​ I have noticed a great change. 

The biggest change I have noticed is in the structure within my writings​.​ In previous writing 

pieces the flow was very messy, many of my paragraphs were not placed out correctly​. 

Additionally, through this class I was able to strengthen the way I interpret the prompts​.​ During 

the first writing project I had interpreted the prompt incorrectly by using incorrect sources​, 

however at the end I was able to make use of the two sources by clarifying my genre more with 

more depths​.  

For writing project 1​,​ I did come across many obstacles. At first, after doing the different 

workshops for writing project 1​,​ I thought I had misinterpreted the concept of genre. In the 

beginning I chose my two genres as mathematics and arts and chose my two sources that 

incorporated both these ideas​.​ I soon realized that I was not supposed to find sources that 

contained both these genres​, ​rather I was to find two sources that contained these genres 

separately​.​ After rereading my two sources I was able to find different genres that applied to 

both, mathematical technology and history.​ ​After looking over my writing project 1 process I 

believe that my biggest challenge was understanding the prompt properly​.​ After revising writing 

project 1, a specific issue that I found within my project is the analysis portion of my essay​. 

When I were to refer to the sources with a quote​,​ my analysis would be very simple and concise. 

I made sure that when I was to fix my final draft, I was able to include more analysis and go 

more in depth​.  

For writing project 2​,​ I believe that my biggest obstacle was the translation part. I had to 

make sure that I still carried the idea out within the original piece of writing while still 

containing the humorous part​. ​Thus I decided to focus on the insignificant parts that the audience 

may not have captured while reading the original article​.​ These points were emphasized in the 

comic to create a sort of mocking humour​.​ After reading my peer reviews and your feedback to 

my writing project 2, I believe that my biggest problem was my thesis​.​ It was not clear as to 

what I was to talk about in the following paragraphs making the thesis very unclear​. ​I made sure 

to make a more distinct and clear thesis in my final draft so that the readers had a clear grasp of 

what were to be discussed in the rest of my essay​.​ Additionally, an issue that my peers and I 

spotted within my essay were the introductory sentences for certain paragraphs​.​ Rather than 

introducing the concepts within the paragraph​,​ I just went right into the first concept. In my final 

submission I made sure to go over these concepts in the beginning of the paragraph so the reader 

has a clear idea of what will be discussed​. 

Overall through Writing 2​,​ I believe that the way I interpret different texts have changed 

greatly​.​ Through this class I think the multitudes of class readings were very beneficial. As a 

mathematics major​,​ reading has never been my strong suit. I believe that I excel more in logical 

problems than using creativity​.​ Through this class I was able to work on that and learn different 

techniques in reading whether it is the way I take notes while reading to clarify on points​,​ or to 

point out the significant details of the context​.  

I am very excited to see how the different concepts I have gained from this class will play 

out in my future classes whether it is for a writing report or just reading an academic article.  


Ashley Son 

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