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A cross defendant is actually a defendant When you serve to the defendant personally

among the defendants and he refuses it, you tender the summons
and leave it in his presence because he
The court only acquires jurisdiction the refuses to receive because that sheriff must
moment all these defendants file an answer secure the signature of the defendant if
personal service is necessary/practicable,
For example X sued X and W husband and available, possible. He shall acknowledge
wife. The husband has a cross claim the receipt of summons and copy of the
against his wife. For whatever reason we do complaint
not know but for per weather that cross cling
it would the issuance of service of summons If there is provisional remedy assuming that
no need because it is the jurisdiction of the the complaint was filed praying for a
court the moment the answer or they provisional remedy like attachment
voluntarily submitted to the jurisdiction of
the court. Take note that provisional remedies except
preliminary injunction that application for
Principally you only have to look the preliminary injunction is urgent, which must
principal defendant, iii iv v defendant be heard can be granted ex parte, a writ of
preliminary injunction may be issued ex
The moment these parties are served with parte
summons the court now acquires
jurisdiction over the person Ex parte means without the presence of the
adverse party and the court will hear the
How many modes of service are now application for preliminary attachment
provided in the amended rules insofar as without notice and participation of the
the summons is concerned? defendant

Before we have personal service section 6, If the court grants it and subsequently the
substituted service section 7, electronic requirement because he will be required to
service section 12, service by publication post a bond will subsequently be issued by
14, extraterritorial service 15, and section the court
16 (resident defendant who is temporarily
outside the PH) So together with the summons, complaint,
the order granting the writ, and the writ of
Now, under these amendments there are execution and copy of that they also be
more modes of service of summons: served to the defendant
- sec 5 personal service
- sec 6 substitude service If you're talking about execution of a
- dervice by publication provisional remedy at the very least a
- service by mail contemporaenous service summons and
- electronic the writ
- by facsimile transmission

Service in person/personal service (sec 5)

Unless of course if you're talking of private individual has been duly
unknown defendants or if defendant's commissioned by the court
whereabouts are unknown
What is this commission? It is simply the
By serving personally the summons up on authority issued by the court to a person to
the defending party or if he refuses by serve judicial processes or any act
tendering it to him a copy to him in his authorized by the court
Primarily it is the duty of the sheriff. In
If he resists leaving the premises, will he default of the sheriff, the process server of
incur criminal liability? What is the crime if the court. In default of court personnel, any
you refuse to leave upon the order of the other person who the court may competition
owners of the premises? Trespassing for that purpose. Without that commission
and service was made by anyone who is not
Yung kay president marcos sa hawaii there a court personnel, the service is invalid
was a personal service of summons to him
they were inside of the compound of that Substituted service
house in hawaii (case of manotoc). This is
about the secretary of foreign affairs. Ayaw Substituted service can only be made where
lumabas ng mag-asawa, the caretaker the sheriff had already filed a return
likewise did not entertain the consular
official when he serve the summons. You Why should he file a return because it was
know what the consular did tinapon sa not served personally if you did not file a
bakod yung service of summons. Issue was return he ko summons through substituted
whether or not there was a valid service of service that there are several attempts,
summons. Yes there was a valid service of three attempts in two different occasions.
The decision of the supreme court in the
So there will be a personal service even if case of Miralles is now incorporated under
he refuses to receive. This has to be stated this substituted service together with the
in details by the sheriff in his return doctrine in Salandane.

Do you know what is return? They call this In Miralles, these these were the facts: This
sheriff's return or process service return. It woman was sued and she was a swindler
is actually a report submitted officer who with a pending case. Where she live is a
serves the summons detailing on how subdivision. The sheriff serving the
service of summons was made to up if summons to the address of the defendant of
serve served the reason why it was not the defendant but every time he goes there,
served the security guard at the gate would tell him
"walang tao diyan, may pasabi si ma'am na
Take note that the service of summons can wag kayo patuloyin kasi walang tao diyan".
be affected by a private individual at the Three attempts on different dates when to
instance of the plaintiff provided that this the subdivision with the same answer. Fed
up, the summons to the security guard.
After that, the plaintiff filed motion to declare defendant by giving instruction to refuse the
defendant in default the court granted. sheriff to her residence.
Eventually, the defendant, through his
counsel, was questionning the lack of Sa Salandana, ibang usapan na yan. It was
jurisdiction over this person that there was the refusal of the brother to receive the
an invalid service by way of substituted summons. That brother refused to give the
service of summons cause it was served up address of the defendant so it was served a
on the security guards. The present rule and upon brother and eventually the defendant
under the amendment, substituted service was declared in default. It was this brother
can be effected either in the residence or who received the summons, when his
office of the defendant. If it is in his brother was declared in default, was the one
residence, true a person residing therein of who filed a motion for reconsideration and
age and discretion. If the person who to lift the order of default. First of all he is
receive that summons is a mere visitor, not a real party in interest. But that was not
there is an invalid substituted service. important in so far as the rule on summons
is concerned. What is important is that the
For example, sheriff goes there death of the supreme court that there was a valid
defendant and latter at that time has his substituted because that person is residing
nephew who is a lawyer who is vacationing therein, who even refuses to provide the
from new york. It was this nephew who sheriff the address of the defendant.
entertained the sheriff and examined the
summons. He received it. Valid? It is invalid. Substituted service (sec 6)
He is not a resident therein which is
required by the rules, he is just a visitor. It How many modes of service can summons
did not comply with the rules be made? 4.
a. By leaving copies
Supposed it was the driver who is a high
school graduate. 60 years old. Valid? It
depends never is a stay in driver, then he is
a resident. Or any person in the office who
is of sufficient age and discretion. Primarily
with duties to receive communications.
Otherwise, kung ang tumanggap ay janitor,
ibang usapan yan.

Eventually the case reachef the supreme

court because the motion for
reconsideration which is actually a motion to
lif the order of the court was denied. The
supreme court ruled that the service of
summons with defendant in Miralles case
was valid because the failure to serve the
summons personally was due to the

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