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1. Coliform bacteria will not likely cause illness.

However, their presence in drinking water

indicates that disease-causing organisms (pathogens) could be in the water system. Most
pathogens that can contaminate water supplies come from the feces of humans or animals.
2. Coliform bacteria originate as organisms in soil or vege- tation and in the intestinal tract of
warm-blooded animals (fecal coli). This group of bacteria has long been an indi- cator of water
contamination and possible presence of intestinal parasites and pathogens.
3. If you’re trying to remove coliform bacteria from only a small bit of water, you can simply boil it.
Boiling water will eliminate all traces of the potentially harmful bacteria. However, if you’re
trying to remove coliform bacteria from your entire water supply, the most effective way is to
use some form of chlorination. Chlorine can be injected into your water supply with the use of a
water conditioning system, eliminating all forms of coliform bacteria, and making your water
safe to drink.

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