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Chem Compound colours:

Al, k, na, ca, mg, li, all oxides are white

zinc oxide white when cold nd yellow when hot
iron ii oxide black
iron iii oxide deep red
lead oxide yellow when cold nd orange when hot
copper iv oxide red
copper ii oxide black
from K to Al (as above) all hydroxides are white
copper ii hydroxide blue
iron ii hydroxide green
iron iii hydroxide reddish brown
hydrated copper ii sulfate blue
anhydrous copper ii sulfate white
copper ii nitrate blue
copper ii carbonate green

<<<<colour of iron salts>>>>

hydrated iron sulphate green
anhyrous iron sulphate white
hydrated copper ii chloride green
anhyrous copper ii chloride white
iron iii chloride red

sulfur is yellow
nitrogen dioxide gas reddish brown
potassium per manganate deep violet
potassium dichromate orange
hydrated cobalt chloride pink
anhydrous cobalt chloride blue

AgBr pale yellow

AgI yellow
AgCl white
copper reddish brown
Zn Mg Pb Ag gray /// offwhite

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