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Kevin Giovanny Lopez Harvard Bussiness Review / 17-05-2020/ 18-05-2020

Cod: 20172015161

The Case for M&A in a Downturn 17-05-2020

At this time, companies must be evaluating how to face the economic environment that they will face, after overcoming the
Covid-19 crisis. It is something that must be done, for if or if, to float in the following years. To which your action plan must
be very fast and efficient. Since we take as an example what happened in the economic crisis of 2008. Explaining how the
behavior of the economy was in the following years and how it was that certain companies, thanks to an acquisition of
capital during the period following the crisis, allowed them to stronger liquidity and that same generated a trust where
shareholders continued to be linked to the company and likewise new shareholders. As evidenced the recovery after this
took between 5 and 10 years. History therefore suggests that there will be a relatively short merger and acquisition window
opening as the Covid-19 crisis ends, during which negotiations will be the ones that will have the liquidity and risk tolerance
to move. quickly, and they have done their homework in advance. For this, great challenges must be faced, from the
liquidity and confidence necessary to generate value very quickly and in the shortest possible time where possible. It is
generating mergers and acquisitions, which is affected by the social distancing, security and confidence that employees
must have so that they do not leave their positions and, above all, the resilience of all sectors of the economy.


Pensar en un retorno de la vida normal tal y como se conoce puede que no sea tan sencillo como se piensa. Afrontar la
crisis y cada una de las grandes problemáticas que se van a presentar a lo largo de los años es lo que se debe estar
pensando y no solo los grandes empresarios, si no mas bien cada persona. Algo que muchas veces hace falta por entender,
es los sistemas bajo los cuales funciona la sociedad y mas aun a que sistema pertenece cada sujeto y como se puede ver
afectado. Pero ahora la verdad es que cada uno de los sistemas esta lesionado por la crisis actual. Y de manera similar al
efecto domino que provoco esta recesión económica, será de efecto domino como cada sector de la sociedad se recuperará
de esto. Ahora bien, cada persona, cada ente, cada organización debe tener muy bien pensado cuál será su plan de acción
para superar en los años siguientes. Incluyendo como actor fundamental al gobierno, quien será quien disponga de
directrices que fomenten de manera sana la recuperación larga y prolongada de la economía y así mismo del ritmo de vida
que se traía antes de la crisis.

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