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Rules Contents Guild Tokens Pledge Cards Round Tokens. 4 player tokens. 6 cards that tell the players OO eee Sisismins, ther alegance forthe 3 Round @@ Bye erahioney game. These corrispond to tokens Lenders Guilds. the Family names, Family Cards Influence Cards ‘set of 9 flip cards which = § Family Porrat Cerda, ie =| hove an acon at oop ond ttom. Each player gets a set frond backs matching thier Guild Token. Set Up 4. Place a number of Family cards equalto 2+ 3. Give each player a Guild token and then the the number of players randomly in a line. corresponding set of 9 Influence cards. Ensure the side with the portraits facing left are face up. This is known as the Favour |. Shuffle the pledge cards removing any of Track. The left most position is the top of families not in the favour track. Then secretly the track. The family in this position is deal a Pledge card to each player. This currently the heir to the throne. ans which family they want to be crowned tuler. 2. Place the three round tokens to the left of the Favour Track, Pe Ur CRI ARUN Meant a Rg eee Crs CACY aim being to navigate your pledged family to being in the left most position on the Favour track EVR U RU Rm UCR Ue MMU Re ORM REL ele CR Re oR Ce) round is crowned the new ruler. However you dont want to be at the top of the track at the end RUE e- Un eu Rete CEL resume ere eke Re Ra) ee sy Rules Round Order 0. Set up the game as described and randomly select a player to go first or the player to the left of the last winner. 4. The player chooses an Influence card from thier hand and which of the two effects they wish to use. The Influence card is then placed from their hand face down below any Family (A) ensuring the effect they wish to use is at the top. Then place their Guild token in the row beneath the cards (B), 2. Going clockwise each player repeats step 1 Until we get back to the starting player. 3. The starting player then repeats Step 1 except they may NOT place a card below the Family that their guild token is currently on. Once a card has been played elsewhere they then move their token to the new Family and pass to the next player. 4, Continue until each player has placed down 3 Influence cards. 5. Piles of Influence cards are then revealed and resolved (see later) 6. End of round effect now take place. Flip the round token for this round to see the effect. 6.1. The assassin symbol means the Family in the leftmost position is Assassinated (any remaining Guards protect from this). 6.2, The crown symbol means the Family in the leftmost position is crowned and wins the game. 7. All Influence cards played this round are discarded (including any remaining Guards) and placed face up in fron of that player. The next round starts again at step 1, with the player to the left of the one that started the previous round going first. Rules Resolving Influence Cards Each round, once all players have placed three influence cards they are revealed and resolved in the following manner. 4. Always reveal then resolve the pile of influence cards assigned to the furthest RIGHT family, 2. Flip the top card of the pile horizontally to reveal it 2.1. If Subterfuge immediately discard and then rotate the next card in the pile 180 2.2. If Donation/Levy place above family for now (A) 2.3. If Guard place over family card (B) 2.4, If Assassin leave below family for now (C) 2.5. If Pleasantries immediately discard 3. Once all cards have been revealed for a Family resolve them in the following manner. 3.1, For each Assassin, a Guard must be discarded. If no Guard can be discarded instead kill the current family member. Then discard the assassin card. 3.2, Any remaining Guards are left on the family until the end of the round. 3.3, The combined total of all the Donation/Levy (+1/-1) cards is the direction and amount the family moves on the favour track Rules Moving along Favour track Once the total value has been calculated the family can be moved along the Favour Track. A positive value (Green) moves to the left. A negative value (Red) moves to the right. A zero means the family does not move. In the example the family in the furthest right (position2) has two Donation cards and so will move up two spaces to position4, Those families will move to positions 1 and 2 respectively, The Favour track is only ever as long as the number of remaining families. Any excess moves that would take you beyond either of the track ends are ignored. Addtionally any gaps that may ocour, for example if both family members are eliminated and that card is removed, are filled by moving all familes lower on the Favour Track up. When a senior successor (portrait looks left) is killed you may flip the card to the younger successor (portrait looks right) If the second Successor is killed then the family card is removed from the favour Track completely. Any player that is pledged to a family that is removed looses the game. They turn thier pledge card face up and no longer take part.

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