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610 RECORDING SCRIPT & WHAT DO THE INITIALS PWR STAND FOR? HOW MANY PWRS ARE THERE ON THREE- MILE ISLAND? WHAT DOES THE LECTURER SAY ABOUT THE PWRS DURING THE ACCIDENT? WHAT ERRORS DID THE OPERATORS MAKE? ‘THE PROFESSOR EXPLAINS A SERIES OF EVENTS. PUT THE EVENTS IN THE ORDER IN WHICH THEY OCCURRED. SB 8 SHORT DIALOGUES (Paper and Computer) ‘TOEFL EXERCISE |, page 30 1. (woman) How soon will you be leaving? (man) mon my way now. (narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? 2. (man) Was Steve able to get into the house? woman) lef the door unlocked for him. (narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN ASSUME STEVE DID? 3. (man) The dinner special i roast turkey with mashed potatoes and grayy, and apple Pie for dessert. (woman) That doesn’t sound good to me (narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? 4. (women) Could you help me with my physics homework tonight? I'm really having trouble with it (man) Sorry, I'm busy tonight (narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN IMPLY? 5. (man) What did you think of Professor Mar- tin’s lecture on the migratory habits of whales? (woman) I couldn't keep my eyes open. (narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? 6. (woman) Have this month's bill been paid, or is that something we need to take care of now? (man) paid the phone and eleewiciy, but not the credit cards. (narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? 7 (mpm) Wil yrs he ale tn get ark fram ene ning all your errands by four o'clock? (oman) _T'lbe back as quickly as I can. (narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN SAY ‘THAT SHE'LL DO? 8. (man) Have you sen Tim? I really need t9 talk with him about the phone bill (woman) Well. he was here just a minute ago. (narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN SAY ABOUT TIM? . (man) There's car parkea sn my spot even though the sign says that this space is reserved, (woman) 1 guess we'll have to park somewhere ce (narrator) WHT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? 10. (woman) Do we have enough food for all the guests who are attending the recep- tion this evening? (man) The refrigerator's about to burst. (narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? ‘TOEFL EXERCISE 2, page 32 1. (woman) What did you think of the final exam in algebra? (man) Teas too easy! (narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? 2. (woman) — How are you feeling today? (man) Tm really feeling rather sick (narrator) HOW IS THE MAN FEELING? 8. (man) Hae your family been in business for quite some time? (woman) No, the family business was just estab- lished last year. (narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN SAY ABOUT THE FAMILY BUSINESS? 4. (oman) Did you have to wait atthe airport for along time? (man) No, the plane landed right on sched- ule, (narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? 5. (man) Do you want to join me in the pool? (woman) Oh, PU just run and put my suit on (narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN IMPLY? 6. (man) Last night's fire burned the entire hillside. (woman) Atleast the homes were saved. (narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? 7. (man) Should I add more salt and pepper to the soup? (woman) No, T think there’s enough. (narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? 8. (woman) How are you able to pay your college fees? (man) Twas fortunate to get a scholarship. (narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? 9. (man) How successful was the corporation last year? (woman) Iemade quite a big profit. (narrator) WHAL DUES LEE WOMAN SAY ABOUT THE CORPORATION? 10, (woman) Chuck ison his way to the bank now, isn’t he? (man) Yes, he is. He thinks his bank account is overdrawn, (narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? TOEFL EXERCISE 3, page 34 1. (man) How long until you'll be ready to eave? (woman) First, [need to water the grass. (narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? 2 (man) Do you think I should buy this sweater? (woman) But it doesn’t really seem to fit right. (narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? 3. (woman) Is Walter’sjob near here? 10, ‘TOEFL EXERCISE (Skil L (man) (narrator) (woman) (man) (narrator) (man) (woman) (narrator) (woman) (man) (narrator) (woman) (man) (narrate) (woman) (man) (narrator) (woman) (man) (narrator) (woman) (man) (narrator) (voman) (nnn) (narrator) (man) (woman) (narrator) (man) (woman) (narrator) (woman) (man) (narrator) (man) Walter's been commuting to Boston on a regular basis. WHAT DOES THE MAN SAY ABOUT WALTER? Did Bob memorize every detail in the chapter? He wasn’t able to master the lesson. WHAT DOES THE MAN SAY ABOUT BOB? It’s so sad what happened to the ani- mals, Yes, itis. Whenever there's a forest fire, many animals die. WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? Do you want to take a look in this store? You bet. The shoes are on sale for twenty dollars a pair! WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? Why didn’t Tom come with us this afternoon? He was attending a required biology lab. WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? ‘Why are you waiting here by the front door? ‘The mail should arrive at noon, and I'm expecting something important. WHYIS THE MAN WAITING? Do you think itl rain today? Theard on the news thata bad storm is heading in. WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? Is there any way I could help you with dinner? ‘Would you mind chopping vegetables for salad? WHAT DOES THE MAN ASK THE WOMAN? 1-3),page 35 Let's stop and get something to drink, Some eaffor wand he nice WHAT DOES ‘THE MAN MEAN? Let's go for a walkin the park. No, not today, It's too cloudy and cold. WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? Ihave trouble sleeping at night. You could try counting sheep. WHAT DOES THE WOMAN SUG- GEST TO THE MAN? Have you heard that the department is changing the graduation require- ments for our major? Yes, and I just can’t believe it! WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? think we're going to be here for a while 10. (woman) (narrate) (woman) (man) (narrator) (woman) (man) (narrator) (man) (woman) (narrator) (woman) (man) (narrator) (man) (woman) (narrator) RECORDING SCRIPT 611 But we've been standing in line for almost an hour! WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? ‘The conductor is coming down the aisle. Yes, he is collecting the train fare from the passengers. WHAT IS HAPPENING? Have you heard about the new man- agement taining program? cil start later this week. WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? oes anyone know where the fire got seated? Ttmust have started in the atic. WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? Aren’t you going to tell me exactly ‘what happened? assumed that you already knew the ruth, WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? Have you seen any of the sketches Dave did for his art professor? I've seen some of them, and they were fantastic! WHAT DOES THE WOMAN SAY ABOUT DAVE? ‘TOEFL EXERCISE 4, page 38 1 (woman) (man) (narrator) (man) (woman) (narrator (woman) (man) (narrator) (man) (woman) (narrator) (woman (man) (narrator) (woman) (man) I didn’t bring my laboratory manual today. You can share mine. Today we're con- ducting the experiment on photosyn- thesis, and we can work together. WHERE DOES THIS CONVERSA- ‘TION PROBABLY TAKE PLACE? ‘This is Hight 707 requesting permis sion to land. ight 707, you are cleared for land- ing. WHO IS THE MAN? Do you want to do the dishes now or later? Fd rather put them off as long as pos- sible. WHAT WILL THE MAN PROBABLY Do? How much of a tip should T leave? ‘Oh, a dollar's plenty: The service was. n’tvery good. WHERE DOES THIS CONVERSA- TION PROBABLY TAKE PLACE? ‘Can I pick up my shoes on Luesaay 1 need them fora party that night. ‘They should be fixed by then. WHO IS THE MAN? Did you get pictures of the lions? Yes, and now let's go to the other of the park. Iwant to see the exotic birds.

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