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THE KLORAN oF THO WHITE KNIGHTS oF ‘THE KU KLUX KLAN REALM OF MISSISSIPPI xionaw wuwpeJ¢3 xravery wumpRAS-7 PROVINCE NUMBER__/ pismo? numpeR_S___ "NON SILBA SED All THAR" HONOR-=KHARAGTER--DUTY PAGE 1 ‘THE KLAN KREED IN THE BEGINING GOD; ETERNAL, TWPINITE CREATOR AND HIS SON, JESUS GHRIST) OUR GRIWERLON OF ClAnAGTGR, OUR SAVIOUR, IN THIS WE PLACE ALL We know no safe dépository of the ultimate powers of society but the people themselves, and if any think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with wholesome discretion, we believe the remedy is not to take the powers from them, but to inform discretion dy educations We believe theré can be no compromise on the matter of the segre- getion of the Races, We believe that for any single American citizen to survive the final tattle that will be waged by the International Communist C2ns- piracy, america and its Christian Constitutionel form of government must survive. We believe with unqualified feith The Holy Bible, Romens 12:1, "I peseech you therefore brethern, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrafice, Holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service We believe that the Holy Bible and The Constitution Of The United States of America are the Greatest Safeguards of true liberty, Justice and the Dignity of man ever devised. We believe that failure to know the enemy, failure to understend him on all fronts, failure to prepare completely to bettle him to the ultimaté end in defense of this great nation will give him aid end ¢ comfort. To give the enemy aid and comfort according to the Constitu- tion Of The United States Of america is Treason. Ye believe that our future will not redecn our past, We will only arift from one terrible fiasco to another in complete legarthy unlezs we cone to realize that there can be no compromise on the dattlelio-d3 no halfway in the fight for thé preservation of our religion and free= don} it must be all or nothing. We now rest our case to your courege. Our aécusers are persons, not Americo, our objective is freedom, Hot peece. We believe that the croming glory of a Klansman is to serve----- WON SILBA SED AN THAR-~- -HOT FOR SELF, BUT FOR OTHIRS. PAGE 2 TH KLAVERN OFFICERS ‘THE EXALTED CYCLOPS-=- THE KLALIFF-- ---The president or Officer in charge -The vice President or Second officer in charge. ------The Lecturer, Reader and Officer who” administers the oaths to new meubers. THE KLOKARD OR KLEAGLE-- rm The Chaplin or religious officer. TT: ‘The secretary. --The Treesurer ---The Conductor or ceremoniel officer --ss=The Inner Guard, responsible for the © guarding of the inside of the K.avern. ---the outer guard, responsible for the guarding of the’ outside erea of the Klevern, THE KLEXTER--- ‘THE KLOKAN- The investigator. -The board of four investigators which ‘THE KLOKANN-- are private to the [lokan. Avoting delegate responsible for att~ ‘ending the sessions of the Klanbureé~ sses and representating the Klavern. ‘THE KLEPEER The Officer in charge of the new men TE NIGHT HA'K--. while they await to be inducted. --a county officer or voting delegate to git in the Klorvocation end represent the county there. ‘THE SENATOR-=------ PAGE 3 THE STANDING KLAVERN COMMITIESS ALIEN INVESTIGATING COMMITISE----A conmittes of an odd number of Klan— igate aliens for their 2 Kian, Only these igeted who do not 2 rejection when they ended --A conmittes to insure the regular attendance of ail Kiansmen and to study thore Klansmen who have lax sttendance records and’make recommendations to the Ilevern. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTRE--. --A committee of Three Klansmen to make sure the Klavérn has a safe and scoret neeting place. BUILDING COMMITTEE-~. ‘A Pive man committee to study books, magazines, ‘bookstores, news fans, newspapers, school bodks, publi literture in general and make necessery recommendations to the Klevern: To obtain good propagenda and reading material and circulate it among the Kiansmens POLITICIAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE: VOTER REGISTERATION COMMITTEE----A committee to study the overall and complete voting records in a comniys to sponsor voter registration dxives of the white people: to study ani watch the negro voting activity. A committee to secure the secret ma proper printing of propaganda for the Klavern. PRINTING COMMITTEE, A Six men committee of Three, Iwo man committees to keep accurate and indexed information on people, places and cars. INTSLLIGENCE COMMITTEE--- The Klavern may elect or the Exelted Cyclops may appoint any committees that may be needed to aid the Klavern in eéconplishing the purposes of the Klan. SPECIAL COMME? TEES-. This conmittee’ should send flowers, get well cards, and look after and nake reports on sick and néedy and Klansnens femilies ir reed. BENEVOLENT COMME TIEE- TI ae Ay I ie cI oy OR KUGRAPP KLABEE coh Ra ~ ~o ca Ovter Den uty med ails ZAE Jou, TABLE £ o> Seater 72 EP ye nee Ae ALIENS EwtER And WAIE iM ThiS ROOM The OffseiAal KIAVERN Form With The SAFONS ANE PostiONS INAICACED. PAGE 4 THE KLAVERN ORDER OF BUSINESS “Call To Order, Prepatetion Of Klavern With Holy Bible, Plags And Dedication Fluid. 1. Qeen=Invocetion Preyer By Kludd 3e---Officer Roll Call, Klansmen Roll Call. 4u---Klokard And Night Hawk Prepare To Start The Ceremony. 5----Recognition Of Visiting Klansmen And Officers. 6. 7 8----Klabees Financial Report. — Recommendation Cf Aliens For Citizenship, Reading And Discusion Of Last Neetings Minutes, 9----Paying Of Dues, Assesments, Etc. 10---Paying Of Bills, Debts, Ete. li---0ld business, Unfinished business, Ete. . 12---Reading Of Communications, Letters, Ete. | 13---Committee Reports, Klansmen In eed, Bte. 14---New and General Business, 15---Induetion Ceremony. . . 16---Announcments Of Klan Ways, Krafts And Projects. 17---Special Committee Reports. 18---Benediction Prayer. 19---Closing Ceremony. This Order Of Business May Be Alteted In a Slight Manner To Suit any Individual Klavern Circunstances. ilo Gréss deviation Should Be From This Order Unless Absolutely Necessary, PAGE 5 OPENING CEREMONY Just prior to the opening of the Klonklave, the Klaliff will pro= cure the mounted flag and stand it at and in front of his stations The Klokard will procure thé altar flag end the unsheathed sword and place same on his station with flag folded compactley; The Kludd will procure the vessel conteining the dedication fluid and the Bible and put same on his station; The Wight Hewk will procure the Fiery cross and stand it at and in front of the station of the Exalted Cyclops. The time having arrived for the opening of the Klonklave, the B.C, (in his ansence © substitute) will ascend to his station, and stand= ing will give one rep with his gevel and say; "ALL PRESENT WHO HAVE NOT ATTAINED CITIZENSHIP IN THE INVISIBLE EMPIRE, KNIGHTS OP MIG KU KLUX KLAN, VILL RETIRE 20 THE OUTER DEN UNDER THE ESCORT OF THE NICHT HAWK! "THE KLEXTER AND THE KLAROGO WILL TAKE THEIR POST AND FAITHFULLY GUARD THE ENGRANCE TO TG KLAVERNY After all the applicants for membership have been secured, the Klexter and Klarogo will close their respective doors, the Klerogo mking his secure, After this is done no one will be allowed to pass the Klarogo into the Klavern untill the Klonklave is duly opened. All. svbstitute officers shall be appointed at this tite. E.G, will then give three raps with his gavel and take his seat. (The officers go noe assune their stations at this time.) fhe B.C. will then comm and "THE KLADD OF THR KLANY The Kladd will advance to a point about five feet in front of the station of the B.C, and say: "?HE KLADD OF THE KLAN YOUR EXCELLENCY!" E,Cy---"You will ascertain with care if ell present are Klansmen worthy to sit in the Klavern during the deliberations of this Klon- Klavey Kladd---- "I HAVE YOUR ORDERS,SIRY Jee Kiadd will then collect from each Klansman present the Covrt= exsga and password, As he approaches a Klanemen, that Klon whisper the words into the ear of the Kladd and resune his seat inn ediately. If a Klansman should not have the word he will remain sta~ nding. The Kladd will proceed around the Klavern to ell present. Af ter he had finished he will return to the B.C, and report as follows. Kladé---"YOUR EXCELLENCY: I RESPECTFULLY REPORT THAT ALL PRESENT ARE KLANSMEN WORTHY OF THE HONOR OF SITTING DURING THE DELIBERATIONS OF THIS KLONKLAVE." (If any present do not have the words, the Kladd will add to the above:) “EXCEP? THOSE STANDING BEFORE YOU; THEY PRESUME TO BE KLANSMEN, BUT THEY DO NOT HAVE TIE WORDS PAGE 6 kK ding are worthy; e B.C. wi ask of the Kligrepp if the one sten: st sos Re Wtli inetrust thes to, edvance to nis sietion and procure, moras. If t worthy a ny 7 t tee were etehy on are ejreted from, the Klevern, If there be Wigiting : mist bo iavited to the E.C. stetion at this & ed tvoard the sacred alter end introduced to become wor Klensnmen present they then. fre! me, net by bin proguced 2 1 Klan ill arise end give the TSOG, ‘he v: Hanssen Ti return the 1506. ‘Tale done the B.C. will give two reps with his gevel and say: The B.C, sitting in his station will call the roll of officers. an officers neme is c*iled, he will arise end ansvers "“HEPE", r his stotion, stand erect end face the Sacred alter, an officer is absent his substitute will arise and say "SU3S7I- and proceed to nis stetion.) When the renes of the Mlexter and nt Hawk are called the Klarogo will answer for them if they are , tut if either of them or toth of them ere absent, the Klarogo ve the nemes of their substitute end so stete. ther, No one will be allowed to sit on the stetion of an officer unless by consent of the E,Cy The §.C, will then arise; When he arises the Terrors will fece hin and salute; he will return the salute and charge them as follows: YOUR PSLLOW KLAVSMEit HOLD YOU IN HIGH BSTSEM, YOU. 10 PILL AN IKPORTANT PLACE IN THE AFFAIRS OF" IFTS SPT AU SKANPLE [0 ALL KLANSMAN OF PPP sc? OBSELVANCE (AUD DUTIPYL DEVOTION 10 OUR GREAT FRAVERNITY. THEREFORE, , (OU 70 DISCHARGE EVERY DUTY INCUMBENT UPON YOU WITH DISPATCH, ePrcavcy AND DIGNITY. PRESERVE PEACE AND DCOURK IN OUR DELIBERATIONS AR THES TIM, AVD PRESERVE WITH HONOR IN PROMORING AND GUARDING WELL EVERY INTREST OF ME TIVISIBLE ENPIRE, KNIGHTS OF THs KU KLUX KDAN." “BI TERRORS The 2.0, will then give three raps and command: “MY TRRRORS AND KLANSIEN, MAKE READY. 411 will arise end put on roves but leave their hoods off, and re= nain ctanding. (Robing may be edmitted if there b waiting, at the discretion of the B.C.) He will then says ettes 12 ue the vessel touching the flag, and then takes As he leaves the Sacred Alter, ee the Kludd will advance to the sacred PAGE 7 altar with the Holy Bible and vessel of dedication fluta; standing at ‘the point of the sword, he will place the Bible, opened to the 12th chapter of-Romans, on and near the corner of the Sacred Alter to his left and next to him, and the vessel of fluid on end near the corner Of sacred alter to his right and oppesite side from hin, and takes position Number 2 and faces the Sacred Alter, AS he ledves the Sacred Alter the Night Hawk (in his absence, the Kladd) will advance to the Sacred Alter with the Firey Cross and place it at ond ageinst’center of Sacred Alter on side toward the E.C.'s stetion, light it, and teke position lumber 4 facing the Sacred Alter. The Klokard from his position) carefully surveys the Sacred Alter to make sure it‘is properly prepared, corrects any imperfection$ in its preparation, if any; from his position he faces the EeCe (the other three errors wilt do ikewise) and address’ the De + a8 followm: Klokard=---"YOUR EXCELLENCET, THE SACRED ALTAR OF THE KLAN IS PREPARED, THE FIREY CROSS ILLUMINATES THE KLAVERN." "FAITHFUL KLOKARD, WHY THE FIREY CROSS?" Klokard----"SIR, IT IS THE EMBLEM OF THAT SINCERE, UNSELFISH DEVOTED= NESS OF ALL KLANSMEN 10 THE SACRED PURPOSE AND PRINCIPLES WE HAVE NOW ESPOUSED," E.C,---"MY TERRORS AND KLANSMEN, WHAT MEANS THE PIREY CROSS)" All---="WE SERVE AND SACRIFICE FOR THE RIGHT," E.C,ee-="KLANSMEN ALL: YOU VILL GATHER FOR OUR OPENING DEVOTIONS." E.Cye When he says this he will arise and and advance to and occupy the position umber 2 occupied by The Kluddy as he approaches the Kludd ‘that Terror will advenée to the Sacred Alter and take position near the point of the sword, all Klensmen will form on the quadrate, form- ing straight lines between these four positions; thesé four positions occupied by Terrors, form the corners of the quadrate, The Terrors, in taking these positions should step out far enough to accouodete the mendérs between then, about an equal number on each side of the quade rate, The distanée between the Klansmen in this quedrate should be about three feet, If there be more than enough to form one line, the others will form back of the first line and go on untill all are in position, Great care must be exercised to forn the quadrate correctly and symmétrically with the Sacred Alter in as near the exact center as possible, When the formation is complete all will join in the singing of the following Klode: wy Country, ‘tis of Thee, Sweet Land Of Liberty, Of The I Sing, Land where my fathers died, Land of the Pilgrims Pride, From Every Meuntian Side, Let Freedom Ring, Our Fathers God! to thee, snthor of Liberty, To Thee We Sings Long may our land be bright, With Freedoms Holy Light, Protect us by thy might, Great God Our King £ After singing, The Kludd at the Sacred Alter lesds in the following prayer. (All must stand with bowed Heads.) PAGE 8 "QH GOD OUR HEAVENLY GUIDE, AS FINITE CREATURES OF TIME AND AS DEPENRINT CRIATURES OF THINK, WE ACKNOJLiDGH THE AS OUR SOVANIGN LORD. PLRNIT FREEDOM AND THE JOYS THPREOF 10 FORSVIR REIGN THROUGICUT Ov LAND. WAY VE AS KEANCMEN POREVR HAVE THE COURAGS OF OUR TIONS 20 ENJOY aND BUTED: AitD STRONG, WERNITY EVER BE OURS z RIT WHICH WILL KEEP US UNIP EMGENDER TTRIN VS THe WisDOM KINDRED TO ik GOPGY WORK, BY THE POWER OF THY INFINITE sv VIRQWEF 5 WYER RESP BARB US_C j OF HiGHTROUERESS, BLESS US Nou Ll THIS ASesMLY teat ae MAY Ho IN ALL THINGS, WE PRAY IN THE NAME OF CARIST OUR BLESSED SAVIO’ “AMEN? “ALL Klarsmen say Amen." After the prayer all, facing the Sacred Alter, will give together 3S0G and holding same will say, "FOR MY COUMmRY, TUB KLAN, MY FSLLOW KLANSMEN ALD MY HOWE." Then ali will give the NcH, to the’flag. The E.C, thet immediately returns to his station; a8 he vacates position Number 2, the Kiudd will advance from the Sacred Alter and occupy the position Number 2. As the EC, steps into his station, faces the ass- embly, and gives one rap with his gavel, at this each Klansman will face him and give TSOTF=C, then 1S0C-1, then raise TSOS, and then TSOK-C as he responds with ®SOK-C they will recover. He holds %S0K=C and says: WTurn US TENT “MY TERRORS AND KLANSMEN; IN THE SACRED CAUSE WE HAVE ENTERED, BE THOU FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH; BE PATRIOTIC TOWARD OUR COUNTRY; BE KLANISH TOWARD KLANSMEN; BE DEVOTED 10 OUR GREAT FRATERNITY. He then recovers TSOK-C, end says: "MY TERRORS AND KLAUSMEN: WHAT IS THE SVORN DUTY OF A KLANSHMAN Il KLONKLAVE ASSEMBLED?" ALL answer together----"20 MALITAIN PEACE AND HARMONY IN ALL THE DELIBERATIONS OF THE KLAN IN KLONKLAVE ASSEMBLED, AND TAKE HEED TO TS TRUCTIONS GIVEN." The B.C, will then give two raps with his gavel, All will be seat- ed and he will sey: "I NOW OFFICIALLY PROCLAIN THAT THIS KLONKLAVE OF, KLAYERN NUMBER_____RUALM OF MISSISSIPPI OF ThS ThVisi5= KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN, DULY OPEWED FOR THE DISPATCH OF BUSIi\ E.C.---UPAITHFUL KLAROGO: YOU MAY NOW ADMIT ALL QUALIFIED KDAISY BU? GUARD WELL THB PORTAL TO THIS KLAVERN, THE WIGHT HAWK (in nis abecuce the Kladd) WILL EXTINGUISH THE FIREY CROSS te gives one rap with his gavel and takes his seat and proceeds with the regular order of business, HHH ECE SHES INE IEICE SHOEI AIEEE AER IEE I IE IEEE IE IEE IIE IIE EE CIEE RII OE PAGE 9 CLOSING CEREMONY The order of business having becn firisied, the B.C. will arise and give one rap with his gevel and say: “FAITHPUL KLALIFF: WHAT IS THE FOURFOLD DUTY OF A KLAISUAN?™ The Kieliff will arise and say: "TO WORSHIP GOD: BD PATRIOTIC TOWARD OUR COUNIRY: BE DEVOTED 4YD LOYAL 70 DAN AND 73 OFFICERS AND 10 PRACTICE KLAVISHIESS TO%AnD HIS FELLOW KLANSMEI," (and remains standing.) E.C.++--"FAITIFUL KLUDD: HO SPEAKETA THE ORACLES OF OUR GOD?" The Wludd will arise and say: "QHOU SHALT WORSHIP THE LORD THY GOD. RENDER UNTO THE STATE THE THINGS WHICH ARE THE STATE'S, LOVE THE BROTHERAOOD: HOWOR THE KiNG. BraR YR ONE ANOTHERS BURDENS, AND SO FULFILL THE Law OF CHRIST.” (aad vhe Mludd remains standing, ) -"PAITHFUL KLOKARD: WHAT DOES A KLANSMAN VALUE MORE THaN LIFE?" ‘The Klokara will arise and say: "HONOR 10 A KLANSMAN IS MORE THAN LIFZ."(And remains standing.) —"FAITHFUL KLADD: HOW IS A KLANSMAN TO PRESERVE HIS HONOR?" The Kledd will arise and say: "BY THE DISCHARGE OF DUTY IN THE FAITHFUL KEEPING OP HIS OATH. (and remains stending. ) E,C,----"WHAT SAY YOU IT TERRORS?” All the other officers will arise and say together: " YOUR EXCELLENCY: THE TMMACULATE TRUTH HAS BEEN SPOKEN." Cand remain standing.) WHAT SAY YOU HY FOLLOW KLAWSHEN?" B.C. All members will arise and say together:"AMEN" (and remain standing) “WY TERRORS AND KLANSMEW: YOU KNOW WELL THE DUTY OF A KLan- BE THOU NOT RECREANT 10 DUTYS DEMAND AS WE GO HENCE FROM 20 ENER THE STRESSFUL STRUGGLE OF THE ALIEN WORLD. PROTECT HONOR BY KEEPING INVOILATE YOUR SACRED OATH." The E.C, then gives one rap with his gavel, and gives the SOK-C which is answered by all. All will recover the SOK-C together. B.C. Yo PAGE 1¢ B.C,---UTHE CROWNING GLORY OF A KLAISMAN IS 1G SERVE, "NON SILBA SED ANTHAR." (All will sey: "Not for self but for others.") "LET US BE FAITHFUL IN SERVING OUR GOD, OUR COUN@RY, OUR EMPEROR AND OUR FELLOW KLANSMAK." The B.C. will then give one rap with his gavel and says “MY FAITHFUL KLANSMEN; AS PEACE DYELLS AMONG US YOU WILL ASSEM- BLE FOR OUR PARTING DEVOTIONS," AL] will assemble in the qua@rate formed as in the opening cere~ nony (the Kieroge and Klexter making secure their respective doors) the Kiudd stands at the Secred Altar, All will stand facing the Sacw red Altar and come to the SOMn0 ars resting palms cn back of each other, this paralleling the ARS, and will joir in singing the follow. ing Klode. (tune-2less pe The Tie ‘that Binds.) “BLEST BE THE KLANSMANS TIE, OF REAL FRATERNAL LOVE, THAT BINDS US IN A RBAL FELLOWSHIP, AKIN 10 THAT ABOVE." Bach will then stend with left hend over the heart and the right resting on the left shoulder of the Klansman to the right. Bey "KLANSMEN: UNITED IN THE SACRED BOND OF KLANISH FIDELITY WE STAND, BUT DIVIDED BY SBLFISHIESS AND STRIFE WE FALL: SHALL WS STAND OR SHALL VE FALL ?' ALL will answer: "WE WILL STAND: FOR OUR BLOOD IS NOT SHED IN VAIN." Each Klansman will then join in singing the following Kloxology: (TunewAmerica) "GOD OF ETERNITY, GUARD, GUIDE OUR GREAT COUNTRY, OUR HOMES AND STORE, KEEP OUR GREAT STATE 10 ‘THEE, I2'S PEOPLE RIGHT AD PREE, IN US THY GLORY BE, FOREVERUORE." After the singing all will look to the mounted flag and will give GINA and then stand with bowed heads; The Kludd standing at the Sacred Altar will pronounce the Benediction: “OUR HEAVUNLY PATHIR WE INVOKE THY DIVINE BENEDICTION UPON US. KEEP US UNPETTHRED FROM THe WORLD IAT WE NIGHT FIGHT? THE GOOD FIGHT, RUN A TRUS COURSE AND BE WORTHY TO CLAIM THE PRIZE. MAY WE AS BRET HERN AND KLANSMEN BE STEADFAST AND UNREMOVABLE, ALWAYS ABOUNDING IN TEE WORK OF OUR LORD KNOWING THAT OUR LABCR Is N07 Il VAIN, THROUGH JESUS CHRIST WE PRAY, AMEN. (All will say, “ANEN") The benediction’having been said, the B.C, will inmediately ret- urn to his station, give one rap with his gavel and sey: "I NOW OFFICIALLY PROCLAIM THAT THIS KLONKLAVE_OF, KLAVERN NUMBER. REALM OF MISSISSIPPI OF THE INVISIABLE =SNPIRE, ‘THE WHITS KNIGHTS OF TH2 KU KLUX KLAN, DULY CLOSED, WE WILL GATIER AGAIN on, . He will then Says “KLANSMAN ONE AND ALL" SAYING this he will LTSO$ end all will . PAGE 11 do likewise. All will then give end hold 1S0G, end the B.C. will say: "TO YOU, FAITHUL KLAMSit i, GOOD #IGIT." Then all will sey: "SOUR EXSELLENCY, GOOD NIGHT," He and they will recover 150G together, The 5.0. gives one rap aid aniowices; "THE KLADD AND WIGHT HAWK WILL GATOR AND MAKE SECURE THE PROPER= Tes OF TE KLAE." gi KLAN IS DISMISSED, FAITHSUL KLAROGO: YOU WILL OPEN THE PORTAL SO THAT ALL KLAVSMEN MAY PASS 10 [cf OUTER WORLD.“ Before going out each yleisman will see that the robe worn by him dg securely cared for and well hidden if saze is to carried tome ty im, soe Roe ee naam ata NATURALIZATION CZRENOWY oF THE WHITE KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAW REALM OF MISSISSIPPI When the cerenony of naturslization shell heve been reached in the reguler ‘order of buciness, the Klarogo will signal by ALL to tae Klexter, who will repeat the signal to the Hight Hevkin the Outer Den with the cendidates, Prior to the signal the right Havk will have sented a blenk petition fer citizenship to cach crydicate, requesting him to read and eign same, (Said petition to be witnessed by the iizat Hawk.) He will collect from each condidete the Klectoon, if sane has not been previously paid. On hearing the signal the

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