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Sentence count

Posted 31 March 2009 - 10:31 PM

Hi everyone-my first question on dreamincode

i had to create a program that asks user to input sentences and then displays the
number of sentences.

Example: user input: i like clouds. i hate rocks.

output: the no. of sentences are 2

so i worked on the program and this is what the main part of my code looks like:
c = new Console ();

c.println ("Please enter the sentences");

String userInput;
userInput=c.readLine ();

String word;
int punctuation=userInput.length;

for (int counter=0; counter<=1; counter++)


if(userInput.equals ("?") && userInput.equals ("!") && userInput.equals ("."))

c.println ("the number of sentences are");
c.println ((counter+userInput.length ()));

the problem: after running it and entering a sentence the code stops.
i need help with correcting the part in my for loop.
i will appreciate any help
Thanks alot! 

Word count


public class WordCount{

private static void linecount(String fName, BufferedReader in) throws IOException{

long numChar = 0;

long numLine=0;

long numWords = 0;

String line;


line = in.readLine();

if (line != null){

numChar += line.length();

numWords += wordcount(line);


}while(line != null);

System.out.println("File Name: " + fName);

System.out.println("Number of characters: " + numChar);

System.out.println("Number of words: " + numWords);

System.out.println("Number of Lines: " + numLine);

private static void linecount(String fileName){

BufferedReader in = null;


FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(fileName);

in = new BufferedReader(fileReader);


catch(IOException e){


private static long wordcount(String line){

long numWords = 0;

int index = 0;

boolean prevWhiteSpace = true;

while(index < line.length()){

char c = line.charAt(index++);

boolean currWhiteSpace = Character.isWhitespace(c);

if(prevWhiteSpace && !currWhiteSpace){


prevWhiteSpace = currWhiteSpace;

return numWords;

public static void main(String[] args){

long numChar = 0;

long numLine=0;

String line;


if (args.length == 0)

BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new


line = in.readLine();

numChar = line.length();

if (numChar != 0){


System.out.println("Number of characters: " + numChar);

System.out.println("Number of words: " + wordcount(line));

System.out.println("Number of lines: " + numLine);


for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++){


catch(IOException e){



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