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Name : San Socheata

Group:1 year 2


1. We use steam blanch-air cool on peas. How many % of ascorbi acid will loss?

A. 29.1% b. 25.0% c.24.2% d. 14.0%

2. What’s maker anzymes of banching?

A. Lipoxygenase b. Peroxidase c. Alkaline phoshatase

3. Which one is the adventage of steam blanchers?

A. Better anergy effciency b. Use less floorspace c. More difficultto clean

4. The limitation of steam blanchers is

A. Some loss of mass in the food b. Better retians product colour, flavour and texture c.
More uniform product heating

5. How many equipment of blanching?

A. One b. Two c. Three

6. Which one method of blanching method that will make broccoli loss less acorbic acid?

A.water blanch –air cool b. Steam blach- air cool c. Steam blanch-water cool

7.typecal time/temperature combination vary from 1-5 min at

A. 50-70oc b.65-80oc b.70-100%

8. Which one of following factors affect blanching condition

A. The size and shape of the pices of food b. The variety of the food and its maturity c.
Method of blanching and cooling

9.the advantage of hot water blancher

A. Better anergy efficiency b. Risk of contamination of food by thermophilic bacteria c.

Lower capital cost than steam blancher

10. Choice the right answer that is limitation og hot water blancher

A. Limited cleaning og food so washer are also required b. Use less floorsopace c. Risk of
contamination og food by thermopholic bacteria

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