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Programa de Pós-Graduação em Zootecnia

(Tópicos Especiais)


Patofisiologia Professores:
Matheus de Oliveira Costa
Intestinal (University of Minnesota)
Vinicius Cantarelli

1 credito
Theme 1 (10/03 morning): Basic intestinal cell physiology 15 horas
Topics: Overview of digestive physiology and epithelium Tight junctions and the
intestinal barrier

Theme 2 (10/03 afternoon): Physiology of water transport in the intestinal tract

Topics: Pathophysiology of intestinal electrolyte transport Mucosal repair and


Theme 3 (11/03 morning): Intestinal inflammation

Topics: Mechanisms and consequences of intestinal inflammation Physiology of

host-pathogen interactions

Theme 4 (12/03 morning): Microbiome and applications

Topics: Microbiome-host-pathogen crosstalk Student presentations/Clinical cases

Importantly, although this course has a strong basic-science and mechanistic

background, applied problems (e.g. calf diarrhea) will be used as learning material
to integrate real-life situations, and discussion of practical approaches by the
attendants will be encouraged. Students enrolled will be encouraged to
participate in the discussion, be advised. A final assignment on managing
intestinal diseases is required for successful course completion, which will
encompass a short oral presentation by the student.

Maiores informações pelos emails

WhatsApp: (35) 99736-7835 (Vinicius Cantarelli)

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