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Punteros: que es puntero, y como definirlo en C y C#

ejemplo de puntero

Listas Enlazadas: que son y ejemplo.

Por si acaso ver algoritmos como:

                Como encontrar el elementomas pequeño.

               Como encontrar el penultimo elemento.

                Como encontrar un elemento en una pasada.

Arboles: que son y ejemplo.

                Arboles binaries: ejemplo

Redes: capas del modelo OSI

Tablas: que es y  ejemplo

Indices: que son y ej.

Vistas: que son y ej.

 Arquitetura de SW:  diseñar el notepad 

Cual es el ciclo de vida de una pagina en asp, q es postBack que es y como se usa el viewState.

Maneras de transferir información entre páginas, sessions, query string, etc

Question Score Comments

.NET experience 4

ASP.NET experience 3

OOP principal (P, I, I, aggregation/composition) 4

Abstract classes 4

What is difference between “string” and “String”? Nothing. String is an alias of String (System.String)

What is difference between public/protected/internal/private/sealed? The main difference among them is the
accessibility they have from another code:
Public: free access for any code
Private: visible only to code in the same class
Protected: accessible code within the own class
and the derived class
Internal: accessible/ visible from the same
Sealed: modifies a class to cannot be inherited by
any class

What is difference between interface/class/struct? Class is reference type Struct is value type and an
interface is a kind of contract who specifies what
methods and attributes have to have any class
who implements the interface

Describe project lifecycle in your organization. Did you use source

control, unit tests, CI?



What does delegate/event mean? Delegate: function pointer, it’s associated to a

method name
Event: a kind of delegate (delegate is the base of
event) which notifies to another () that something
of interest occurs

What is difference between value and reference types? Value types are stored values in the memory.
Reference type are pointers to something , they
have the address of the object, class, etc.

What does term “boxing/unboxing” mean? Boxing: converting a value type to a object (ex: int
to object). Unboxing: getting the value type from
the Object

What does “using” mean? It’s a key word who allows a correct use of
interface IDisposable, the objective to this is to
assure that IDisposable.Dispose is called

What is difference between string and StringBuilder? String: immutable

Stringbuilder: mutable
That means if we update an string, a new string
object is created in the memory, stringbuilder
updates the string in the same memory location

What does string intern mean? ---

What is application structure? What did you use? Describe n-tier It’s the organizational design, I have using client-
architecture. server architecture
n-tier architecture: in few words the presentation,
business logic and data are separated

What is ThreadPool? --

What is Reflection? --

What is GAC? --

What is LINQ? Lambda? Language integrated query is a MS technology

(feature) to allows easy queries in c# (or VS)
syntax. Lambda expressions are anonymous
functions used in linq queries


What is SOA? Service oriented architecture, is a flexible

architecture (set of components) which provides
services (publish) and allows to others consume

Web Services, WCF 3

What are JIT and NGEN? --

What is (non)deterministic finalization? How Garbage Collector works? --

What is attributes? Did you use any? When? --

What design patterns do you know? What patterns did you use? MVC, observer, strategy, singleton
Classic GoF, Enterprise.

Describe singleton pattern (double check) Singleton pattern is used to make sure it creates
not more than one instance; the same class is
responsible to instantiate itself. So the same
instance will be used everywhere

What is marshaling? .Net Remoting? AppDomain? --

Platform Invoke, COM objects --

Describe Exception Handling --

Describe GUI operations in multithread applications --

WPF experience --

Refactoring, Unit Testing 3

3 Party controls, Enterprise Library, frameworks --


What is decoupling? What is IoC? Dependency Injection Decoupling is the degree of independence or
autonomy among the components into an
loC: it’s a programming technique to separate
what-to-do part from when-to-do part.

What is APM (Asynchronous Programming Model)? Did you develop Not relevant multithread applications, basic
multithread applications? thread handling

Describe SDLC/Methodologies Xp, scrum


Database experience 4

What is database normalization? It’s a “practice” of data bases in order to avoid

dependencies, redundancies. Mainly dividing a
large table into a smaller

Describe difference between “left” and “right”, “inner” and “outer” Inner join shows the common records to both
join tables
Outer join shows all the records of both tables, it
doesn’t matter if there are no common records
Left join shows all the records of the first table
(left) in addition to common records and fills with
null values the non-present-second-table records
Right join: the opposite. shows all records of the
second table and the common records

SELECT * FROM T1, T2 The comma represents an inner join

Did you use any ORM (NHibernate, EntityFramework)? Just entityframework

What is difference between optimistic and pessimistic lock? Optimistic lock is designed to not-many collision
expected apps, in this we expect that anything will
change while we are using a record. It just take
note of the version or original status of the record
if it have been changed at moment to save the
record we need to rollback our changes
Pessimistic lock : it locks the record for exclusive
use until the work has finished

How do you handle multiuser operations? Using concurrency-handle strategies

Stored procedures experience 3.5

Command Parameters (SQL Injection) 4.5

Reports 2.5 SSRS, crystalReports


What would you do if you’re given a new task which you don’t know First I need to research about that. If the problems
how to do? persist I have to inform about them to my
immediate higher as soon as possible

English score 4

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