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I totally agree with my colleague’s interpretation.

Today, most people are subject to rules imposed by a

society in charge of managing everything. Due to these rules, most people cannot be free. Free in the
sense of finding oneself, of coming into contact with nature and being able to understand how
important it is to have few things, for example the simplicity of which Thoreau speaks, without caring
about material things. It is essential as a human being, even if we fight all our lives to obtain luxurious
things, to be able to adapt to the lifestyle in nature and understand that it is necessary to come into
contact with nature, with what it offers us, in order to develop ourselves.

I think that the quoute “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the
essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die,
discover that I had not lived” that Ana has chosen is very representative for what Henry David Thoreau
wants to criticize. Over time, generations have been giving less and less importance to the values that
really matter; they have turned their attention to the materialistic things that society has been offering
them and have completely forgotten about the power of nature. People because of all those rules that
they try to follow have forgotten to be happy, they have forgotten what it is to come contact with
nature and you appreciate the things that are really important to human beings. And most importantly,
they have lost faith in God just for the sake of running after things that only persist few moments.

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