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Journal 1


Today, I started my day in drinking water and annoying my cousins. I actually

woke up earlier than the previous days. Because I have my two cousins in the house, I
didn’t have to do all the chores alone. We take turns in washing the plates, sweeping
and even feeding our dog named Yuhan. Again for today, my mother and cousins
teased me to eat with them even though it is not time for me to eat. I am currently doing
the Intermittent fasting. I am trying to lose weight.
My older cousin, Vanissa always exercises in the morning while I do mine in the
afternoon. For the rest of the day we either eat or watch Netflix in the television. If not
watching the television, we are either busy with the laptop or in our own cellphones. And
in the evening I am doing my requirements for my subjects at school.

Journal 1

Today I woke up later than usual. My cousin already cooked rice so in the
morning I have to wash the plate. Our viand for the morning is adobo that is chicken and
pork. I was really full after that breakfast. Before washing the plates I played a song
using my phone. For the past weeks I’ve been into kpop music especially EXO and Red
Velvet songs. Having music while doing the chores really makes it less exhausting.
Later that morning, while lounging in my study table with my requirements pilling
up. My mom made burgers for us. It was really delicious. Most of the day was just me
doing my school works and struggling to understand it. And then in the afternoon, I do
my exercise which is really tiring. I am doing my exercises everyday with only a day of
break either Sunday or Saturday.

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